The Warren Commission (Complete Edition). President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy - U.S. Government
at the bank, or else he would not have executed it.
Mr. Dulles. Could I ask the source of these funds, if you know?
Mr. McKenzie. I do not know them, sir. But Marina Oswald has told me that she felt that the funds came from contributions made to herself and her children, from various sources, of which I know nothing.
Mr. Jenner. Excuse me, Mr. McKenzie.
Did you use the word "felt." She told you she felt?
Mr. McKenzie. Yes, I did.
Mr. Jenner. That is the extent of your personal knowledge?
Mr. McKenzie. Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner. Mr. Oswald, do you have any personal knowledge, apart from or in addition to that of Mr. McKenzie, with respect to the source of the funds?
Mr. Oswald. I would say this was monies received through the mails, and delivered in person to Mr. Thorne or perhaps Mr. Martin by various people who wanted to contribute to Marina's welfare and her children's welfare.
Mr. Jenner. Upon what is your statement based? Conversations?
Mr. Oswald. Conversations, and also being——
Mr. Jenner. With whom, sir?
Mr. Oswald. Marina N. Oswald.
Mr. Jenner. She related this to you?
Mr. Oswald. Yes.
Mr. Jenner. All right.
Anybody else? What about Mr. Thorne and Mr. Martin? Had you had conversations with them as to the source of these funds?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir. I would say that would be correct, too.
Mr. Jenner. Did these conversations take place in the presence of Mrs. Marina Oswald? Your conversations with Mr. Thorne and Mr. Martin?
Mr. Oswald. Not that I recall, sir. I am thinking perhaps, when I was aware at first that the $25,000 was to be placed in the trust fund at the First National Bank of Fort Worth, I learned this through a conversation on the telephone.
Mr. Jenner. With whom?
Mr. Oswald. With Mr. Jim Martin.
Mr. Jenner. Are you familiar with Mr. Martin's voice?
Mr. Oswald. Yes.
Mr. Jenner. Did you call him or did he call you?
Mr. Oswald. I do not recall, sir.
Mr. Jenner. When did this take place?
Mr. Oswald. Approximately a week prior to the actual deposit and setting up of the trust fund at the First National Bank in Fort Worth.
Representative Ford. Mr. Jenner, I suggest we get a copy of the deposit slip or some other validation of the actual amount.
Mr. Jenner. Thank you, sir. We will undertake to do that. These documents, as I have indicated, were produced for us during the recess. We don't have the full information.
Perhaps, Mr. McKenzie—you have been quite helpful. You might be further helpful to us—you might have the deposit—evidence of the deposit.
Mr. McKenzie. Mr. Jenner, I wish I did have it. However, I know that the First National Bank of Fort Worth would gladly duplicate that for you. And I contemplate that I will be in the process of obtaining a copy from either Mr. Thorne or Mr. Martin in the very near future, because I have asked both of those gentlemen, on behalf of Marina Oswald and her children, for a full and complete accounting as of February 18, 1964, and I will likewise say that she has informed me up until February 18, 1964, she has had no accounting from either of those gentlemen.
Mr. Jenner. Is there another exhibit?
Mr. McKenzie. Yes, sir.
The next exhibit, Mr. Jenner, is Commission Exhibit No. 279, which is a Xerox copy of a power of attorney granted to the firm of Thorne and Leach, attorneys and counselors at law, bearing the date of December 5, 1963, in which it has three—I presume these are omissions from the exhibit—commencing on line 4, following the words "trust funds", there is an omission, and then the word "bequests", and then there is another omission, and on line 5, at the beginning of that line, there is an omission.
Mr. Dulles. What is the nature of the omissions?
Mr. McKenzie. Mr. Dulles, I have been told that the word "gifts" was omitted. The word "gift" was originally in it. But I have been told the word "gift" was omitted, or struck out.
Mr. Jenner. Mr. Dulles, I had intended to question the witness about that.
Mr. McKenzie. This contract provides that Marina N. Oswald, "bargain, transfer, sell and assign an undivided 10 percent of all such sums when collected or paid to my account," referring to the fund in the preceding paragraph. The agreement is signed by Marina N. Oswald, witnessed by James H. Martin, and accepted by John M. Thorne.
I am familiar with Marina N. Oswald's signature, and this is a copy of her signature, or is her signature. I am not familiar with Mr. Martin's signature or Mr. Thorne's signature.
Mr. Jenner. Directing your attention to that document, Mr. Oswald, are you familiar with any of the signatures it bears?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir; I am.
Mr. Jenner. Would you identify each signature and indicate those with which you are familiar?
Mr. Oswald. As they appear in order, the first signature is Mrs. Marina N. Oswald. I am familiar with this signature.
The second signature is Mr. James H. Martin. I am familiar with his signature.
Mr. Jenner. It is his signature?
Mr. Oswald. I would say yes, it is.
Mr. Jenner. All right.
Mr. Dulles. Is that under "Accepted"—is that first word there "John"?
Mr. Oswald. Yes, sir. And the last signature as appears on this Exhibit 279 is the signature of John M. Thorne.
Mr. Jenner. Do you know the day upon which that document was executed? It bears a date of December 5, which is a Thursday.
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I do not.
Pardon me—the 5th day of December is the date purported—that this document was executed at. I am not familiar that it was executed on that date.
Mr. Jenner. Are you familiar with the date when it was in fact executed?
Mr. Oswald. No, sir; I am not. I might further state I was not present when this document was signed, and I was not aware of this document until Thursday, February 13th.
Mr. Jenner. 19——
Mr. Oswald. 1964.
Mr. Jenner. May I inquire of you, Mr. McKenzie, whether you have seen the original of the document of which this purports to be a Xerox copy?
Mr. McKenzie. I have not, sir. But I have seen a duplicate copy, an original copy.
Mr. Jenner. A duplicate executed copy?
Mr. McKenzie. Yes, sir.
Mr. Jenner. That was furnished to you by whom?
Mr. McKenzie. By Marina N. Oswald.
Mr. Jenner. And this is a photostatic copy of what, with respect to an original, carbon copy or otherwise?
Mr. McKenzie. It is a photocopy of a carbon copy.
Mr. Jenner. And have you personally seen the carbon copy of which this is a photo?
Mr. McKenzie. Yes, sir; I have.
Mr. Jenner. And is the document now identified as Commission Exhibit No. 279 in the same condition now as it was when you first saw it?
Mr. McKenzie. Exactly.
Mr. Jenner. And to the best of your recollection, is it a duplicate of the original?