Shadow Lane Volume 7: How Cute Is That? A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love. Eve Howard
He seemed a good deal more animated and real towards the end.”
“Yes, especially when he was discussing his examining room,” said Patricia. “I’d love to see it.”
“What you saw was him getting more and more flustered at me between the cuts,” Laura admitted.
“He’s cute,” said Patricia.
“I don’t want to play with him,” said Laura.
“Just have dinner with him and let him spank you,” said Patricia.
“No!” said Laura heatedly.
“Don’t you want to keep our richest client happy?” Patricia pressed her friend. “After all, he came all the way to Random Point to meet us.”
“If you like him so much, you go play with him,” Laura advised.
“But he preferred you.”
“Patricia, when we started this business nothing was said about playing with the clients,” Laura reasoned, “and furthermore, doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose of what we are trying to do?”
“Ordinarily I wouldn’t suggest it, but he’s so handsome and rich. How could you resist?” Patricia continued to tease Laura. Then Laura arose with a dangerous look and went for the phone to dial a number she had memorized.
“Hello, Connie? Would you please ring Dr. Honeywell’s suite?” said Laura to the Innkeeper of the Bone and Feather. “You brought this on yourself,” said Laura softly to Patricia, with her hand over the receiver. “Oh, Dr. Honeywell? This is Laura Random. How are you? May I tell you why I’m calling? Thank you! You see, my partner Patricia Fairservis only just found out you were going to be in town tonight and although she’s too shy to ask you herself, I know for a fact that she would love to have dinner with you.... You will? Eight o’clock? She’ll be there.”
“I wish you hadn’t done that!” cried Patricia as soon as the mischievous brunette put down the phone.
“What’s the matter? You were willing to sacrifice me. Since you seem to like him so much, you can suffer in my place.”
“Well, I don’t mind,” smiled Patricia, “but how did he sound when you told him?”
“Surprised and interested.”
“You know Hugo would flip if he thought I was playing with the clients for free,” Laura said, as she and Marguerite drove back down to the village.
“I understand. Fortunately, your first temptation was resistible,” murmured Marguerite.
“Well? Aren’t you in the same position with Malcolm?”
“Oh, far worse. We’re newlyweds, after all.”
“So, we’ll just let Patricia handle the social end of things for a while, huh?”
“Until we decide otherwise,” Marguerite stipulated.
The next day Laura sent a copy of Julian’s tape to Teresa Clifford, a young woman of distinction and numerous connections in the West Coast scene. Laura asked Teresa to recommend a possible playmate for Dr. Honeywell if she could.
When Teresa viewed the tape she was impressed. Bestowing this magnetic male on a friend in the scene would be a favor indeed.
The tape arrived at Zoe Miller’s office on a Friday morning but she didn’t insert it into her VCR until late afternoon. The young editor sat behind her desk and her best friend, Carlos, the gay office manager sat on the edge and lit both their cigarettes.
“Listen to this,” the slim brunette read Teresa Clifford’s note to her, “Dear Zoe, Dr. Honeywell is looking for a girlfriend. When you watch the tape you’ll see why I thought of you. His phone number is listed at the end.”
“Let’s see what he looks like,” encouraged Carlos.
As soon as the tape began to roll a blush suffused Zoe’s fair face.
“Wow,” she breathed at length, “I guess he’s a spanking person.”
“That’s your favorite kind, isn’t it, Zoe?” Carlos teased her.
“He’s very handsome, isn’t he?” she replied, looking hard at the screen.
“A little buttoned-down for my taste, but I suppose girls like that fussy, anal retentive look.”
“I like his smile when it happens to come out, but he seems a little pompous, don’t you think?”
“He’s patriarchal, but that’s okay. We like that.”
“Should I call him?”
“He’s a Beverly Hills doctor. That means he’ll have both money and drugs. Of course call him.”
“You don’t think he looks a little, you know, too good for me?”
“That looks like an expensive suit he has on. Look at me,” she drew attention to her jeans and flannel shirt.
“So he’ll take you shopping.”
“I wonder what he means by sexual servitude.” For Zoe had been sent the unedited version of Julian’s tape.
“If you don’t know, who would?”
“I wonder if...”
“...he’s big enough to satisfy your endless needs?” Carlos laughed.
“Shut up.”
“Size queen.”
“If I am I got it from you. And working here.”
“Call him.”
Dr. Honeywell was packing his briefcase to leave his office for the day when the phone rang at four p.m. His receptionist said it was a personal call from a Zoe Miller.
“Dr. Honeywell?”
“My name is Zoe Miller. I’m calling because I received a tape of you in the mail today from my friend Teresa Clifford.”
“Teresa Clifford the B&D actress?”
“She had my tape?”
“That’s where I got it from.”
“It was an interesting tape.”
“Did you think so?”
“I’m 27.”
“That’s a charming age.”
“I’m career-oriented.”
“I approve of that.”
“I’m into spanking and always have been.”
“When can we meet?”
“I think I should send you a photo first,” said Zoe, regarding her reflection in the mirror across her office.
“You sound very cute. I don’t need a photo; let’s just meet.”
“No, I want to send one.”
“Mail it today.”
Two days later Zoe’s photo arrived. He opened the envelope with excitement, knowing he was about to fall in love. Because of her circumspection, he expected more character than beauty in her face, more softness than sleekness in her body. Therefore he was pleasantly surprised by Zoe Miller, a lean girl with long, black, curly hair, a wide mouth and mischievous eyes. Her preppie clothes and clean scrubbed good looks also pleased Julian. He’d asked The Matchmakers to find him someone like Laura, and this girl might have been her sister. He immediately called Zoe to set up a date for that night.