Shadow Lane Volume 7: How Cute Is That? A Novel of Spanking, Sex and Love. Eve Howard
that matched the blazer. When she was dressed, she watched the tape again.
When the bell rang she jumped, turned off the TV and ran to door. The little parlor of her West Hollywood cottage was filled with a type of smoke that did not surprise Julian in the slightest.
Merely shaking his hand made her blush to the eyes as she thought about why he was here and what might happen to her later.
“Zoe. You’re much prettier in person than in your photo. And I loved your photo.”
Zoe looked embarrassed and stammered out something about a drink.
“Sure,” he said, “what have you got?”
“Whatever you like.”
“Vodka tonic?”
“I can manage that,” she said, going to the freezer for the vodka. Her hand trembled as she prepared the drink.
“I can tell you’ve been up to something in here, young lady,” he said when she came back.
“You did say on your tape that you had no objection to recreational drugs.”
“I’m a doctor; I love recreational drugs.”
“Really? Do you want some?”
“I’ll just drink this for now. What did you do, though, pour half a pint into this glass?” he winced at the strength of the drink she had handed him.
“Want me to re-do it?”
“I don’t mind drinking it, but you’ll have to drive.”
Zoe took the drink back from him and weakened it, deeply respectful of the Mercedes in the driveway. Then they sat across from each other in the cozy, book filled room.
“Smoke some more if it will relax you, Zoe.”
Zoe felt abashed that her state of nervous excitement was so obvious yet thrilled by the novelty of the entire situation.
“So tell me, Zoe, what do you do?”
“I’m a writer,” she replied.
“Really? What kind of a writer?”
“I’m an in-house editor for one the largest producer of adult magazines in the country.”
“Adult magazines?”
“Hardcore, actually.
“You mean like John Holmes stuff?”
“He’s dead, but yes.”
“A nice girl like you?”
Zoe smiled. “This week I worked on Ass Masters 2, Girls Who Love Big Cocks, Blondes Have More Cum and Fuck Lickers.”
“Fuck Lickers?”
“Don’t ask.”
“Zoe, what do you really do?” he asked, spotting her college yearbook on her bookshelf. “You don’t expect me to believe a Sarah Lawrence girl would be writing porno.”
“You doubt I write fuck magazines?” She immediately threw open a cedar hope chest filled to the brim with scores of magazines, which she brought out by the handful and spread across the wooden floor. “These are all magazines I’ve written this year.” She fanned out numerous issues of Girls Who Take It Up The Ass and The Best of Cum. He grabbed one and scrutinized it, looking over the top at Zoe.
“This text has a charm and acuity that doesn’t match the pictures.”
“You’re probably the only one who ever noticed.”
“Doesn’t it get to you, writing this stuff?”
“It pays the bills.”
“I do want to hear all about it, but I’m even more eager to hear what you thought about the tape Teresa sent you.”
“I wondered how you had it made.”
“Oh, there’s a company out in Massachusetts that’s dedicated itself to putting spanking people together, and I decided to see what it could do for me.”
“Just spanking people?”
“How wonderful. I had no idea anything like that existed. And I used to live in Boston.”
“I take it that your boyfriend doesn’t spank you?”
“No, sir, he does not.”
“And what does he do?”
“He works in an ad agency.”
“Does he know you’re seeing me tonight?”
“Yes. I told him it was something I had to do.”
“So you’re counting on this being an experiment only?”
“I don’t know.”
“Is that what you’re wearing tonight?” he changed lanes abruptly.
“Isn’t it okay?” she pinkened a shade as his eyes came to rest on her anklets and smooth, bare calves.
“It reminds me of a prep school uniform.”
“Is that not a good thing?”
“Heels and hose would have been more appropriate,” he commented without smiling. Her blush deepened as she tried to determine whether she was being teased or rated. “Do you see yourself as a school girl, Zoe?”
“I just thought since you’re into it...”
“It seemed appropriate to me.”
“Perhaps for lunch and a museum tour, but not a dinner date.”
“Come over here, Zoe,” he told her, patting the sofa beside him.
She didn’t hesitate to join him. “Have you ever had a spanking?”
“Yes, but not often,” she replied, her face suffused with color.
He took her by the wrist and pulled her across his lap. Properly positioning her was the work of a moment. “Oh!” she breathed, not unhappily, as he fastened one hand to her waist and smoothed down her skirt.
Smack! His hand came down on her right cheek. Smack! Now he struck the left. The smacks had a full, round, voluptuous feel through her panties and skirt. Alternating cheeks he spanked her firmly ten times. She caught her breath and whimpered every time his palm connected with her upturned, skirted bottom.
“If you dress like a little girl, you risk being treated like one,” he warned her, pulling up her skirt to examine her sheer, beige underpinnings. Now he warmed her through her panties, smacking her soundly many times, until the pinkness began to glow through the nylon that encased her shapely, oval bottom.
Meanwhile, Zoe was experiencing a form of arousal she could only define as the sexiest in the world. Compared with this rarified sensation, the pleasures of standard intercourse were but shadows of delight. Certainly it stung and she felt warmth, but the flutters of excitement overwhelmed those of sharp pain to fill her with a dizzying joy.
She knew that this wouldn’t have happened with just anyone spanking her. His good looks, pleasant manners and serious demeanor reduced the length of their courtship to minutes. Or rather, hours, if one counted the time she had spent watching the tape.
When Julian pulled her panties down she almost climaxed. Because he was a doctor. Examining rooms had figured largely in her fantasies since childhood.
Julian saw that she was sweetly submissive, prepared to lie across his lap for as long as he saw fit to spank her. He knew that although he was smacking her fairly hard, he was scarcely hurting her. She was so receptive