Managing Marketing: Guidelines for Practice Success. American Dental Association
through numerous outlets. Consider having your team participate in a session as a way to refresh their internal marketing awareness and skills.
What you do as the leader of the practice matters and everything that happens in the practice — whether you know about it or not — emanates from you, your leadership and your practice style.
The benefits of good listening exceed the time, thought and energy required. Effective listening demonstrates genuine concern for patients and promotes commitment to your practice.
What you do as the leader of the practice matters and everything that happens in the practice — whether you know about it or not — emanates from you, your leadership and your practice style. Much of that stems from how you view marketing and whether you see it as an opportunity to showcase the real value of your services.
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Marketing
Before you start thinking about a marketing campaign, it’s a good idea to check your state’s dental practice act to see what’s permissible under local laws and regulations. Regulations vary, so it’s important that you know your state’s restrictions and requirements. You should also know whether there are any stipulations or rules about contests and “thank you” gifts for patient referrals. Federal laws are also important in this area, especially when it involves remuneration that might induce the beneficiary of a program (such as Medicare or Medicaid) to select a particular provider or product. Penalties for these types of violations can be severe!
Before you start thinking about a marketing campaign, it’s a good idea to check your state’s dental practice act to see what’s permissible under local laws and regulations.
It’s also a good idea to review the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct for guidance; pay special attention to sections 5.F., 5.H. and 5.I which review advertising, announcing specialization and limitation of practice, and general practitioner announcement of services.
Another important resource is the ADA’s Advertising Basics for Dentists and Dental Associations: A Guide to Federal and State Rules and Standards. This publication offers many tools to help dentists understand issues related to advertising and includes an overview of federal advertising rules, additional resource links, information on state advertising regulations and information on codes of ethics in dentistry.
Finally, take a look at the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) website; links to several pages appear as Resources for this article. While most dentists have heard of the FTC, they may not know what it does and how its duties and directives impact them.
The FTC is the federal agency that sets truth-in-advertising regulations and determines what constitutes deceptive or unfair advertising. It’s a good idea to be at least generally familiar with these topics to ensure that the messages in your marketing campaigns comply with all of the regulations that may apply. FTC resources also outline the types of messages that advertisers, including service providers such as dentists, can use in online advertising. The bottom line is that ads must be truthful, non-deceptive and fair, and advertisers must have enough evidence to support any claims made in their ads.
Advertising is considered deceptive if it is likely to mislead consumers (patients) in a way that could influence a consumer’s decision.
Some things to keep in mind include:
Patient Privacy/Social Media
Patient privacy should never be compromised, yet stories about possible violations, especially via social media outlets, continue to be featured in the news. One recent story detailed a physician losing hospital privileges because of an online post that included information that could be used to identify a specific patient.
Keep in mind that:
Online Reviews/Social Media
According to the marketing intelligence agency Mintel, 70% of those consumers who seek advice before purchasing a product or service visit online review sites for information as part of the decision-making process. Many times, service providers or business owners who receive negative ratings say that online ratings sites are unfair and that allowing reviewers to post anonymously encourages them to post without regard for the facts. While that may or may not be true, the reality is that online reviews are a fact of life in today’s online world.
Many times, service providers or business owners who receive negative ratings say that online ratings sites are unfair and that allowing reviewers to post anonymously encourages them to post without regard for the facts. While that may or may not be true, the reality is that online reviews are a fact of life in today’s online world.
If your practice is the subject of a negative online review, you may be able to protect its online reputation, or minimize the fallout, by following the steps below.