Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Structure, Volume 2. Professor Kris Heyde

Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Structure, Volume 2 - Professor Kris Heyde

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      This is still a representation of an SU(2) transformation: there are no new parameters. However, it is a 3 × 3 matrix representation of SU(2). From the Euler angle parameterisation, equation (1.56),

      and substitution of these values of a and b into the matrix in equation (1.72) will yield D(1)(α,β,γ), the β-dependent part of which is given by equation (1.65).

      The process can be iterated by defining


      which will yield a 4 × 4 matrix representation of SU(2), i.e. an expression for D(32)(R).

      Expressions for D(j)(α,β,γ) can be obtained by this process, for any j, together with the values of a and b given in equation (1.73). Likewise, D(j)(nˆ,ϕ) can be obtained using (cf. equation (1.53))


      where, recall, the constraint nx2+ny2+nz2=1 ensures that (nx,ny,nz,ϕ) corresponds to three free parameters. To reiterate: SU(2) is a three-parameter group.

      The representation associated with the two-component spinor (u1,u2) is called the fundamental representation. The representation associated with the three-component entity (q1,q2,q3) is a rank-2 SU(2) tensor, i.e. it is constituted from quadratic combinations of the fundamental representation. In turn, (p1,p2,p3,p4) is a rank-3 SU(2) tensor.

      Consider the general SO(3) transformation of the vector V⃗


      where the Vi are the Cartesian components of the vector and the Ri′i are the elements of the 3 × 3 matrix R that effects the orthogonal transformation. This can be generalised to


      where the Tijk⋯ are the Cartesian components of a tensor, the rank of which is equal to the number of indices and the Ri′i are, as before, elements of the 3 × 3 matrix R. Details are clarified in the following.

      The simplest Cartesian tensor is of rank 2 and is often called a dyad or dyadic. It is formed from two Cartesian vectors, e.g.



      of which there are nine components. Thus,


      where the Tij are the nine components of the dyadic and the Ri′iRj′j are the elements of the 9 × 9 matrix that effects the underlying transformation. We note that there are still only three parameters involved in describing this (SO(3)) transformation.

      The nine components of T are reducible, i.e. they can be expressed as linear combinations that form subsets which transform among themselves under rotations. They are:















      The combination U3V3−13T is excluded because

      T is a scalar product which is invariant under rotations. The Ak are the three independent components of an antisymmetric tensor: by antisymmetric we mean that they change sign under exchange of the indices. The Sij are the five independent components of a traceless second-rank tensor. The trace, ∑i=13Sii is evidently zero from equation (1.92). Note that




      Consider a rotation around the z-axis through an angle γ:




      and similarly


      Then for the Ak,








      Evidently, we can write


      Further, for the Sij,










      Similar equations can be obtained for S12,S23,S31,S11,S22 for rotations about the x and y axes.

      The {Ak}, T, and the {Sij} transform separately under rotations. Dyadics are said to possess a reducible structure with respect to rotations.

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