Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Structure, Volume 2. Professor Kris Heyde

Quantum Mechanics for Nuclear Structure, Volume 2 - Professor Kris Heyde

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      where (2l)!!≔(2l)(2l−2)(2l−4)…2or1 and




      It then follows from


      which is obtained by repeated application of equations (1.186)–(1.188), that a general spherical harmonic is given by


      This leads to the general expression for spherical harmonics:


      The spherical harmonics are related to the Legendre polynomials, Pl by:

l m Ylm(θ,ϕ)
0 0 14π
1 0 34πcosθ
1 ±1 ∓38πe±iϕsinθ
2 0 516π(3cos2θ−1)
2 ± 1 ∓158πe±iϕcosθsinθ
2 ±2 1532πe±2iϕsin2θ
3 0 6316π53cos3θ−cosθ
3 ±1 ∓2164πe±iϕ(5cos2θ−1)sinθ
3 ±2 10532πe±2iϕsin2θcosθ
3 ±3 ∓3564πe±3iϕsin3θ

      Spherical harmonics naturally arise when using three-dimensional position wave functions in quantum mechanics. Thus, for the position eigenkets ∣r⃗〉:


      the position wave function Ψα(r⃗) is the amplitude 〈r⃗∣α〉 and Ψα(r⃗) is often expressed in spherical polar coordinates:


      The functions Ωα(θ,ϕ) are then expanded in terms of spherical harmonics


      Within the above framework, we can define direction eigenkets ∣nˆ〉, nˆ=r⃗r:


      and for


      i.e. Ylm(θ,ϕ) is the amplitude for the state ∣lm〉 to be found in the direction nˆ specified by θ and ϕ.

      Spherical harmonics can be related to (the elements of) rotation matrices because of their connection to direction eigenkets:


      To see this, consider

      i.e. ∣nˆ〉 is obtained by the rotation of ∣zˆ〉. Evidently,


      will do the job. Then for equation (1.223), from the completeness relation:


      But, 〈l′m∣zˆ〉 is just Yl′m*(θ=0,ϕ) and Yl′m(θ=0,ϕ)=0 for m≠0: this is seen by inspection of table 1.1. Thus,

      where the Pl′(cosθ) are the Legendre polynomials given by equation (1.215). Hence, from equations (1.226), (1.223) and (1.227):



      and for m = 0



      Theorem 1.11.1. The addition theorem for spherical harmonics,


       where θ is defined by


      Proof. Consider


      where the group properties of rotations in ket space have been used. Then, from the completeness relation



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