Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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Oh, my own son, in my own house! My own flesh and blood against me! Take him away! Take him away! Bring in my guards. [Enter the Imperial Guard. Czar points to Czarevitch, who stands alone at the side of the stage.] To the blackest prison in Moscow! Let me never see his face again. [Czarevitch is being led out.] No, no, leave him! I don’t trust guards. They are all Nihilists! They would let him escape and he would kill me, kill me! No, I’ll bring him to prison myself, you and I [to Prince Paul.] I trust you, you have no mercy. I shall have no mercy. Oh, my own son against me! How hot it is! The air stifles me! I feel as if I were going to faint, as if something were at my throat. Open the windows I say! Out of my sight! Out of my sight! I can’t bear his eyes. Wait, wait for me. [Throws windows open and goes out on balcony.]

      ·84· prince paul

      [Looking at his watch.] The dinner is sure to be spoiled. How annoying politics are and eldest sons!


      [Outside, in the street.] God save the people! [Czar is shot, and staggers back into the room.]


      [Breaking from the guards and rushing over.] Father!


      Murderer! Murderer! You did it! Murderer! [Dies.]



      Same scene and business as Act I.

       Man in yellow dress, with drawn sword, at the door.

      Password outside: Væ tyrannis.

      Answer: Væ victis [repeated three times].

      [Enter Conspirators, who form a semicircle, masked and cloaked.]


      What hour is it?

      first conspirator

      The hour to strike.


      What day?

      second conspirator

      The day of Marat.


      In what month?

      third conspirator

      The month of liberty.

      ·86· president

      What is our duty?

      fourth conspirator

      To obey.


      Our creed?

      fifth conspirator

      Parbleu, Mons. le President, I never knew you had one.


      A spy! A spy! Unmask! Unmask! A spy!


      Let the doors be shut. There are others but Nihilists present.


      Unmask! Unmask! Kill him! kill him! [Masked Conspirator unmasks.] Prince Paul!


      Devil! Who lured you into the lion’s den!


      Kill him! kill him!

      ·87· prince paul

      En vérité, Messieurs, you are not over-hospitable in your welcome!


      Welcome! What welcome should we give you but the dagger or the noose?

      prince paul

      I had no idea, really, that the Nihilists were so exclusive. Let me assure you that if I had not always had an entrée to the very best society, and the very worst conspirators, I could never have been Prime Minister in Russia.


      The tiger cannot change its nature, nor the snake lose its venom; but are you turned a lover of the people?

      prince paul

      Mon Dieu, non, Mademoiselle! I would much sooner talk scandal in a drawing-room than treason in a cellar. Besides, I hate the common mob, who smell of garlic, smoke bad tobacco, get up early, and dine off one dish.


      What have you to gain, then, by a revolution?

      ·88· prince paul

      Mon ami, I have nothing left to lose. That scatter-brained boy, this new Czar, has banished me.


      To Siberia?

      prince paul

      No, to Paris. He has confiscated my estates, robbed me of my office and my cook. I have nothing left but my decorations. I am here for revenge.


      Then you have a right to be one of us. We also meet daily for revenge.

      prince paul

      You want money, of course. No one ever joins a conspiracy who has any. Here. [Throws money on table.] You have so many spies that I should think you want information. Well, you will find me the best informed man in Russia on the abuses of our Government. I made them nearly all myself.


      President, I don’t trust this man. He has ·89· done us too much harm in Russia to let him go in safety.

      prince paul

      Believe me, Mademoiselle, you are wrong; I will be a most valuable addition to your circle; as for you, gentlemen, if I had not thought that you would be useful to me I shouldn’t have risked my neck among you, or dined an hour earlier than usual so as to be in time.


      Ay, if he had wanted to spy on us, Vera, he wouldn’t have come himself.

      prince paul

      [Aside.] No; I should have sent my best friend.


      Besides, Vera, he is just the man to give us the information we want about some business we have in hand to-night.


      Be it so if you wish it.


      Brothers, is it your will that Prince Paul Maraloffski be admitted, and take the oath of the Nihilist?

      ·90· conspirators

      It is! it is!


      [Holding out dagger and a paper.] Prince Paul, the dagger or the oath?

      prince paul

      [Smiles sardonically.] I would sooner annihilate than be annihilated. [Takes paper.]


      Remember: Betray us, and as long as the earth holds poison or steel, as long as men can strike or woman betray, you shall not escape vengeance. The Nihilists never forget their friends, nor forgive their enemies.

      prince paul

      Really? I did not think you were so civilized.


      [Pacing up and down.] Why is he not here? He will not keep the crown. I know him well.


      Sign. [Prince Paul signs.] You said you thought we had no creed.

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