Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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      Think of me as of one who loved you more

      Than anything on earth; think of me, Guido,

      As of a woman merely, one who tried

      To make her life a sacrifice to love,

      And slew love in the trial: Oh, what is that?

      The bell has stopped from ringing, and I hear

      The feet of armed men upon the stair.

      guido [aside]

      That is the signal for the guard to come.


      Why has the bell stopped ringing?


      If you must know,

      That stops my life on this side of the grave,

      But on the other we shall meet again.

      ·173· duchess

      No, no, ’tis not too late: you must get hence;

      The horse is by the bridge, there is still time.

      Away, away, you must not tarry here!

      [Noise of Soldiers in the passage.]

      a voice outside

      Room for the Lord Justice of Padua!

      [The Lord Justice is seen through the grated window passing down the corridor preceded by men bearing torches.]


      It is too late.

      a voice outside

      Room for the headsman.

      duchess [sinks down]


      [The Headsman with his axe on his shoulder is seen passing the corridor, followed by Monks bearing candles.]


      Farewell, dear love, for I must drink this poison.

      I do not fear the headsman, but I would die

      ·174· Not on the lonely scaffold.

      But here,

      Here in thine arms, kissing thy mouth: farewell!

      [Goes to the table and takes the goblet up.] What, art thou empty?

      [Throws it to the ground.]

      O thou churlish gaoler,

      Even of poisons niggard!

      duchess [faintly]

      Blame him not.


      O God! you have not drunk it, Beatrice?

      Tell me you have not?


      Were I to deny it,

      There is a fire eating at my heart

      Which would find utterance.


      O treacherous love,

      Why have you not left a drop for me?


      No, no, it held but death enough for one.

      ·175· guido

      Is there no poison still upon your lips,

      That I may draw it from them?


      Why should you die?

      You have not spilt blood, and so need not die:

      I have spilt blood, and therefore I must die.

      Was it not said blood should be spilt for blood?

      Who said that? I forget.


      Tarry for me,

      Our souls will go together.


      Nay, you must live.

      There are many other women in the world

      Who will love you, and not murder for your sake.


      I love you only.


      You need not die for that.

      ·176· guido

      Ah, if we die together, love, why then

      Can we not lie together in one grave?


      A grave is but a narrow wedding-bed.


      It is enough for us


      And they will strew it

      With a stark winding-sheet, and bitter herbs:

      I think there are no roses in the grave,

      Or if there are, they all are withered now

      Since my Lord went there.


      Ah! dear Beatrice,

      Your lips are roses that death cannot wither.


      Nay, if we lie together, will not my lips

      Fall into dust, and your enamoured eyes

      Shrivel to sightless sockets, and the worms,

      Which are our groomsmen, eat away your heart?

      ·177· guido

      I do not care: Death has no power on love.

      And so by Love’s immortal sovereignty

      I will die with you.


      But the grave is black,

      And the pit black, so I must go before

      To light the candles for your coming hither.

      No, no, I will not die, I will not die.

      Love, you are strong, and young, and very brave;

      Stand between me and the angel of death,

      And wrestle with him for me.

      [Thrusts Guido in front of her with his back to the audience.]

      I will kiss you,

      When you have thrown him. Oh, have you no cordial,

      To stay the workings of this poison in me?

      Are there no rivers left in Italy

      That you will not fetch me one cup of water

      To quench this fire?


      O God!

      ·178· duchess

      You did not tell me

      There was a drought in Italy, and no water:

      Nothing but fire.


      O Love!


      Send for a leech,

      Not him who stanched my husband, but another

      We have no time: send for a leech, I say:


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