A Following Holy Life. Kenneth Stevenson

A Following Holy Life - Kenneth Stevenson

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SPCK, 1952; P. G. Stanwood (ed.), Jeremy Taylor: Holy Living and Holy Dying, vol. I: Holy Living, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989; Thomas Carroll, Wisdom and Waterland: Jeremy Taylor in his Prose and Preaching Today, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001; H. Boone Porter, Jeremy Taylor – Liturgist, Alcuin Club Collections 61, London: SPCK, 1979; and the ‘Life’, in Reginald Heber and Charles Eden (eds), The Whole Works of Jeremy Taylor, vol. I, London: Longmans, 1847, pp. ix–ccl.

      In addition to its appearance in the Heber–Eden edition (vol. VIII), pp. 631–8, see Porter, Jeremy Taylor, for text of rite in facsimile between pp. 40 and 41.

      Taylor’s Works Listed Chronologically

      Roman and Arabic numerals refer to the relevant volume and page numbering in the Heber–Eden edition. Some of the datings have to be checked against the Gathorne-Hardy and Proctor Williams Bibliography, while others are occasionally published together in different assortments, as was common practice at the time.

      1 Gunpowder Sermon, 1638, VIII, pp. 451–96.

      2 Episcopacy Asserted, 1642, V, pp. 1–226.


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