A Following Holy Life. Kenneth Stevenson

A Following Holy Life - Kenneth Stevenson

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This was part and parcel of his classical education as an undergraduate and it spilled over into his theological writings as well. This manifests itself in two particular ways. One concerns the way in which God’s self-revelation is perceived. In order to illustrate this, Taylor frequently uses the image of the ‘cloud’, to draw out the mysteriousness of the deity and the uncertainty of human life, with repeated references to the ‘cloud’ that reveals the truth partially, as mystery. This is vintage Taylor, as it demonstrates both the theologian and the pastor of souls at work. It also shows how his ‘holy living’ theology of following Christ can embrace the whole of life, moments of revelation, in preaching and sacraments, as well as the many moments and experiences of disorientation and confusion.

      The other main area where this Platonist influence is apparent is in his teaching about the Eucharist, and it comes across in both the main controvertial areas of the time – presence and sacrifice. For any seventeenth-century Anglican of Taylor’s persuasion, living at the particular time he did, this whole area was a bit of a theological minefield. Following in the steps of Richard Hooker (c. 1554–1600) and Lancelot Andrewes, Taylor refuses neat definitions of either aspect of the Eucharist, especially that of presence, bringing in instead a firm but non-evasive reticence.

      Taylor holds that both baptism and Eucharist are ‘mysteries’. In ‘Real Presence’, he contends that ‘as there [in baptism] natural water becomes the laver of regeneration, so here bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ; but there and here too the first substance is changed by grace, but remains the same in nature’. Later on, he discusses the patristic evidence to support this view, including Augustine’s definition of sacraments as ‘visible words’. He had already hit the nail on the head in ‘Great Exemplar’ (1649) with a brilliant one-liner: ‘I suppose it to be a mistake to think whatsoever is real must be natural.’

      It is no wonder, therefore, that McAdoo, Anglican Co-Chairman of the first Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission, should see in Taylor an anticipation of the ecumenical agreements of recent years, with those repeated periphrases that try to express ‘anamnesis’ such as ‘representment’, ‘memorials’, ‘exhibiting’ and ‘consigning’. And from these, we gain a picture of the Eucharist as an action of the Church in history that is effected by Christ himself in heaven. It has elicited from Boone Porter and McAdoo the description of ‘pleading’ the sacrifice, which appears in the 1897 ‘Response’ to the Vatican Condemnation of Anglican Orders. Although Taylor does not actually use the term, it began to appear in other writers at the time, including Henry Hammond, Simon Patrick, and the Puritan leader, Richard Baxter; and it has had a noble history in eucharistic discourse in the period since, including in the eucharistic rites both of the Church of Scotland (1940) and the Church of England (2000). All this helps to bring two necessary correctives for eucharistic faith and practice at the time: a sense of the transcendent and reverence, and a sense of the corporate nature of the Eucharist, rather than a collection of individuals hovering before the cross. But the close relationship between the earthly priest and the heavenly Saviour, in a semi-mediatorial role, can come across as too much of a hangover from mediaeval rather than patristic theology.


      It is all too easy to enter into discussions about sacramental theology in a vacuum, and throughout our treatment of Taylor, we have tried to set his writings in their context, and to do the same with how he writes about baptism and Eucharist. The same themes recur; the circumspect way he handles controversial areas, his Platonism in the dialectic between the earthly and the heavenly, and the devotional frame of reference, what McAdoo used to call the ‘moral-ascetic theology’ of much later seventeenth-century Anglican writing, that holds together the challenges of the gospel and the life of public worship and private prayer. It is all of a piece.

      The covenant of grace is embarked upon by our surrender to God and a desire to glorify him, and God on his part pardons what is past and will assist us in our life of discipleship in the future. We enter that covenant sacramentally at the font and renew it at the altar; covenant figures a number of times in his baptism rite; in his eucharistic liturgy, it appears (as usual) in the words of Christ at the Last Supper, but nowhere else. Taylor likes to describe baptism as ‘the laver of regeneration’, where the Holy Spirit blesses the waters, as he did at the River Jordan, and where the believer is filled with heavenly blessing, to lead a ‘holy life’. Taylor has a high view of baptism. It draws us into the Kingdom of God; it adopts us into a new covenant, with a strong view of obedience; it brings us into a new birth; it confers the remission of sins, including those yet to be committed; and brings us sanctification. ‘By water we are sacramentally dead and buried, by the Spirit we are made alive . . . Baptism does also consign us to a holy resurrection.’ Taylor’s approach differs, however, from Thorndike’s in that while the two dominical sacraments are foundational, Taylor fits baptism into Christian living – as a ‘birth to grave’ process – rather than into a more systematic ‘theology of the Church’, in the way of someone like Herbert Thorndike.

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