The Universe Is Your Search Engine. Anita M. Scott

The Universe Is Your Search Engine - Anita M. Scott

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comes the realization that your thoughts are a precious and limited resource.

      HEAR THIS: Thoughts As Keyword

      Your very own thoughts are the keywords and phrases that the Universe’s Search Engine picks up, searches for, and returns matches to in the form of life experiences.

      The Universe’s Search Engine Delivers Life Experiences

      Life experiences are occurrences in your everyday life that, in their totality, make up your quality of life. For instance, maybe you woke up this morning, went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, washed your face, got dressed, made and ate breakfast, drove to work, worked, drove home, made and ate dinner, watched television, and did the dishes and a load of laundry before heading off to bed.

      Obviously, this is an over-simplification of a day in the life. Color in what happens in between, like hearing from a childhood friend, getting a flat tire, someone buying you a coffee, getting test results, having a great lunch with your sister, or losing that promotion.

      You Are Responsible

      To demonstrate how the Universe’s Search Engine returns matches in the form of real-life experiences, take the unfortunate story of a young woman who was kidnapped by a taxi driver and survived. When asked by reporters how she knew what to do she said it was simple, her mom had always told her what to do in case she was kidnapped by a taxi driver. Every time the mother told her daughter “how to escape from being kidnapped by a taxi driver,” thoughts repeatedly broadcasted from both as they vividly imagined the scenario. Their thoughts are what precipitated the experience, and the Universe’s Search Engine picked them up again and again, dutifully searching for a frequency match until finally it was delivered as a life experience.

      Inspirational speaker and author Esther Hicks says it best in her book, Ask and It Is Given. “With enough attention to anything, the essence of what you have been giving thought to will eventually become a physical manifestation”. Time and time again I’ve heard people say, “My worst fear is <fill in the blank>.” Sadly, but not surprisingly given these scientific principles, I’ve seen their worst fear called to fruition. Maybe you’ve observed the same.

      It may be difficult to grasp or accept that you are responsible for the life you’re living today, but there is no doubt you are constantly emitting thoughts. The Universe’s Search Engine is also a constant, continuously picking up your thoughts, searching for and returning vibratory frequency matches in the form of life experiences. It’s pure science.

      While the Universe’s Search Engine delivers real-life experiences, it is not responsible for your quality of life. You are, because no one else can use your mind to think thoughts. You alone are the thinker of your mind, and it is your thoughts alone that trigger the search and the ensuing return of life experiences.

      Feeling Bundles

      The best tool at your disposal to clue you in to what you’re thinking is your feelings. Feelings function as a global positioning system (GPS) or guidance system alerting you to what you’re thinking about. As such, a direct indicator of your thoughts is your mood.

      Besides clueing you into your thoughts, your feelings hitch a ride and bundle onto thoughts, intensifying emissions and transitioning weak searches or signals into strong ones. Feeling Bundles, as I’ve termed them, enable thoughts to travel faster on the frequency highway.

      That matters because the intensity of your thoughts works like a boomerang. If you ever-so-gently toss one into the air without force it will fall to the ground because it lacks the velocity to work effectively. The strength of your throw determines the distance the boomerang travels, and speed in which it returns. The more intense the throw, the further it goes and the quicker it returns.

      Like a boomerang, bundled thoughts have a more forceful trajectory and therefore travel faster on the frequency highway, returning matches sooner. The more intense your focus and feelings the quicker matches are returned in the form of life experiences.

      However, while feeling bundles strengthen thought signals and increase velocity they do not change their vibratory frequency. For instance, the frequency of happy is still happy and the vibratory frequency of anger is still anger, regardless how intensely happy or extremely mad you are. Rather, attaching feeling bundles is like going from a decaf coffee to a double espresso, they’re both coffee but one is more potent than the other.

      Define What You Want

      With the understanding that thoughts produced by firing neurons are responsible for bringing forth real-life experiences with feelings as super-chargers, your opportunity is to stop underutilizing and underestimating them and begin harnessing their power!

      Where do you start? The first step is figuring out what’s important to you, what makes you happy, and what you want out of life. Those answers inform where you should spend focused time broadcasting thoughts and attaching feeling bundles to increase trajectory and return matches sooner.

      Expanded Thought Consciousness

      After defining your desires the next step is to expand your thought consciousness, which means becoming more aware of what you’re thinking and therefore entering as a search. Cultivating self-awareness assists in uncovering and better managing transmissions. And, as awareness grows, your competency in monitoring, recognizing, and pivoting thoughts increases. Given that success in becoming a deliberate creator is dependent on consciously managing your thoughts Chapter 6 is fully devoted to self-awareness tools and techniques.

      You’re Already a Master Creator

      Since neurons are always firing, you’ve been producing and broadcasting thoughts throughout your entire lifetime. Those thoughts have been picked up and carried by the Universe’s Search Engine in search of vibratory frequency matches rain or shine, day in and day out.

      To see what the Universe’s Search Engine has returned by way of real-life experiences (matching past thoughts), take a look around. What do you see? It’s likely you have a comfortable home, maybe loving relationships, a car, a job, and so on.

      So, don’t let the prospect of becoming a deliberate creator frighten or intimidate you. You are already a well-seasoned master creator! The life you have today is directly correlated to all your bundled thoughts up to this point. You have been creating all along.

      Your Superpower Is Your Birthright

      Born as a transmitter with the capacity for your brain to emit thoughts with feeling bundles boosting their power, bundled thought transmission is your superpower!

      Key Principles

      1. You are pure energy.

      2. Firing neurons create electromagnetic waves that emanate outwards as thoughts.

      3. Thoughts are processed like keywords or phrases.

      4. The Universe’s Search Engine searches for vibrational matches to the keywords you’ve entered by way of thoughts.

      5. The Universe’s Search Engine returns real-life experiences based on what you have thought about.

      6. You are responsible for your thoughts.

      7. The vibratory frequencies of thoughts vary according to what you are thinking.

      8. Your thoughts are finite, with each thought precluding another.

      9. Feelings and your mood are indicators of what you’re thinking about.

      10. Feelings bundle onto thoughts, increasing trajectory and bringing forth matches sooner.

      11. Determine what you want and spend time broadcasting that to the Universe.

      12. Use self-awareness to observe and manage your thoughts.

      13. You’re already a master creator.

      14. Bundled thought transmission is your superpower.


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