The Universe Is Your Search Engine. Anita M. Scott
Neither of us are seasoned swimmers so when I turned and noticed how far away we were from the shoreline I panicked and started yelling, “Turn around!” We both began kicking fiercely towards land but our best efforts netted no forward movement, and we continued being pulled away.
John recalled seeing a 20/20 episode that told the story of a college football player swept away by a riptide. Sadly, despite his youth and strength, after exerting all of his energy fighting against the current he drowned. The show intended to teach people caught in undercurrents to always swim parallel to the shore to move outside of the current, as fighting against it would prove futile.
At more than four hundred feet out John yelled to paddle parallel to the shore. As we did, soon resistance ceased. Not only were we no longer being pulled away, we’d entered into another current that effortlessly propelled us towards the beach.
This mimics what happens when you fight against what is. You expend more energy and get nowhere—maybe even further behind! Instead, leverage the quantum physics law of least resistance to move out of opposition and change the current.
Change the Channel
I offer a final example to further highlight how to move into harmony with the law of least effort when it looks like things aren’t going your way. One Friday, my sixteen-year-old daughter, Skye, needed a ride home from her summer internship in the heart of Silicon Valley. While the commute in the Bay Area is always congested, Fridays are particularly brutal. I had thought about scheduling an Uber because traffic is my kryptonite. I am a cool-headed, loving, and kind individual until I’m behind the wheel where I turn into a laser-focused pilot on a mission to get wherever I’m going as efficiently, decisively, and quickly as possible. When my husband told me he’d pick her up I dismissed my anxieties. Then at the very last minute he wasn’t able to go, so the chore returned to me.
To relieve some of the burden, we agreed to meet up at a restaurant located between her job and our home. I arrived at the agreed upon location right on time and texted Skye to see how close she was. When she replied that she hadn’t left the office yet, and it would be more than an hour before she did, it’s fair to say I was frustrated and disappointed. As a self-proclaimed energy snob, I saw this delay as a waste of my precious time.
Although I knew I was exuding negative bundled thoughts, I nevertheless remained pretty steamy. Recognizing a need to make a shift, I went over my options and decided to pick Skye up so I could be in control of the situation. As my attention returned to the navigation screen I saw solid red depicting standstill traffic in every direction. Knowing negative vibes were beaming out of me, I asked myself, “What can I do to change this? What would make me happy?”
I decided to listen to Alanis Morissette because singing my heart out to her songs always makes me feel really good. As I nudged back onto the freeway inch-by-inch, singing “Uninvited,” sure enough my vibratory frequency lifted and I began feeling happy. By the time I reached Skye, forty-five minutes later, I was shoulder dancing and smiling, emitting high vibes full blast.
Find Your Happy
When Skye jumped into the car she was unhappy with my music choice and immediately began complaining. I explained that I needed to do something to cheer myself up, and added, “Find your way to be happy.” She picked the next song and proceeded to belt it out. We ended up having so much fun in stop-and-go traffic! Along with good practice in energy conversion and an unexpectedly good time, we both came out of that long, slow car ride with memories that’ll last forever.
The takeaway is, in all cases you have the power of choice to decide if you want to be upset and view a situation as a nightmare, or look for and find the hidden gift(s). You get to elect how you receive the energy that’s coming at you, and choose what you do with it.
Your Jedi Moves
Pay attention to your feelings because they’re your key indicator alerting you to what you’re thinking about, and therefore exuding. Take responsibility for the role you play as the creator of your life experiences and when you find yourself angry or having other negative feelings or thoughts, acknowledge and thank them before asking, “What can I do to change this?”
Think constructively and harness the law of least resistance to move your energy into something positive and meaningful.
Invisible Matters
When it comes down to it, the secrets of the Universe aren’t secrets at all; they’re just invisible to the human eye. There are countless books and videos on this very subject matter. Each author does their best to explain these universal principles, motivated by a sincere desire to help others wield their powers to live a better, more joyous life. Yet for centuries these scientific principles have failed to move into the mainstream. Why is this? I believe it’s primarily the intangibility that challenges comprehension and adoption.
If the invisibility of the Universe’s Search Engine, bundled thoughts, and quantum physics principles makes it difficult for you to embrace, consider that even the tangible goes unseen sometimes. For instance, stars are invisible during the day, but they certainly exist at all times. You can’t see gravity or love, but we are sure of their existence and to ignore them would be detrimental to your life experience.
The same applies here. Don’t let the invisibility of proven universal laws be an impediment to leveraging these powerful, life-changing principles to their fullest to create the life of your most fantastical dreams!
Key Principles
1. The Law of Attraction and the frequency highway are one and the same.
2. The Universe’s Search Engine returns life experiences that match the frequency of thoughts (aka keywords).
3. Everything in the Universe emits vibrational frequencies, including thoughts.
4. Frequencies work to harmonize, known as entrainment.
5. The law of least resistance relates to electrons choosing the path of least resistance.
6. Pivot negative frequencies to positive through awareness, then asking what you can do to change the situation.
7. Pay attention to feelings as your guidance system indicating the frequencies you’re emitting.
8. The invisible forces of nature matter.
“Since the universe and everything in it is energy,
mind power works on the principle that if you match
your frequency to what it is you desire, it has no
choice but to become, since like attracts like.”
–Stephen Richards
With a firm understanding of the universal laws that bring forth life experiences across science, energy, and quantum physics, we can now turn our attention to leveraging these principles to improve any or all aspects of your life.
The Universe’s Search Engine is perfectly perfect at its job, never failing to pick up, search for, and return real-life experiences that match what you’ve searched for by way of your thoughts. So what’s happening when your desires aren’t being fulfilled? What’s up with that?
Manifestation Requires a Vibrational Match
Since the Universe’s Search Engine brings matching frequencies together, you may have already guessed that the key ingredient in manifesting is matching the frequency of your thoughts to the frequency of your desires. And you’d be right!
Imagine you became more specific about what you wanted, deciding you would love to buy a new home. That’s a great thought to exude! Along with your excitement, however, you are afraid that you might lose your job and wouldn’t be able to pay the mortgage, which could snowball into losing everything. You also worry about being