Way of the Brush. Fritz van Briessen
Ma Yuan (Sung): Landscape: 230
186. Sesshū (Japan): Winter Landscape: 230
187. Harunobu (Japan): From "Eight Interiors" (print): 231
188. Hsu Yen-sun (Republic): Writing-paper print: 231
189. Mo Shih-lung (Ch'ing): Landscape: 232
190. Kushiro Unzen (Japan): Autumn Landscape: 232
191. Yokoyama Taikan (Japan): After Mu Ch'i's Gibbon: 233
192. Mu Ch'i (Sung): Gibbon: 233
193. Ch'i Pai-shih (Republic): Grapes: 234
195. Ch'en Hung-shou (Ch'ing): Plum Blossoms: 236
196. Tseng Yu-ho (Republic): After Ch'eng Hung Shou's Plum Blossoms: 236
197. Ch'en Hung-shou (Ch'ing): Iris: 237
198. Wu Chen (Yuan): Bamboo: 237
199. Ch'en Wen-hsi (Republic): Birds in Grass: 238
200. Hsia Ming-yüan (Yüan): Palace by the Sea: 238
201. Sesson (Japan): Autumn Moon on Tungting Lake: 239
202. Huang Shen (Ch'ing): Landscape: 239
203. P'u Ch'üan (Republic): Landscape: 240
204. Kōrin (Japan): Cormorant Fisher: 241
205. Li K'o-jan (Republic): Fisherman in Reeds: 241
206. Embroidered banner from Tun Huang: Buddha Among His Disciples: 242
207-8.Paintings on silk gauze from Tun Huang: 243
209-10.Banner paintings from Tun Huang: 244
211-18.Wall paintings from Tun Huang: 245-48
219. Wall painting from Dandan-Uiliq, Turkestan: 280
220. Wall painting from the Hōryū-ji, Nara: 281
221. Artist unknown (T'ang): Sakyamuni: 282
222. Shih K'o (Sung): The Second Ch'an Patriarch: 282
223. Artist unknown (Yüan): Shih-te and Han-shan: 283
224. Liang K'ai (Sung): Scholar and Attendants: 284
225. Hsu Chen (Ming): Chung Li, Taoist Immortal: 285
226. Kao Ch'i-p'ei (Ch'ing): Chung K'uei, Guardian Against Evil Spirits: 285
227. Mu Ch'i (Sung): Monk: 286
228. Yin-t'o-lo (Sung): Monk: 286
229. Chang Hung (Ming): Pilgrim Monk: 286
230. Kuan Hsiu (Five Dynasties): One of the Eighteen Lohan: 287
231. Mu Ch'i (Sung): Monk: 287
232. Ma Lin (Sung): Han-shan and Shih-te: 288
233. Liang K'ai (Sung): Hui Neng, the Sixth Ch'an Patriarch: 288
234. Yen Tz'u-p'ing (Sung): Bodhidharma: 288
235. Mu Ch'i (Sung): Myna Bird on a Pine Branch: 289
236. Kao Ch'i-p'ei (Ch'ing): Bird on a Bamboo Branch (finger painting): 289
237. Miyamoto Musashi (Japan): Bird on a High Branch: 289
238. Mu Ch'i (Sung): Myna Bird: 290
239. Pa-ta Shan-jen (Ch'ing): Kingfisher on a Branch: 290
240. Lin Feng-mien (Republic): Birds Under Palm Leaves: 290
241. Pa-ta Shan-jen (Ch'ing): Sleeping Bird: 291
242. Ch'i Pai-shih (Republic): Myna Bird in Cage: 291
243. Sesson (Japan) Camellia and Wagtail: 291
246. Yün Shou-p'ing (Ch'ing): The Five Pure Things: 292
247. Ch'i Hsü (Sung): Boy and Water Buffalo: 294
248. Li K'o-jan (Republic): Boy and Water Buffalo: 295
249. Hsu Pei-hung (Republic): Water Buffaloes: 295
250. After Wu Tao-tzu (T'ang): Tortoise and Snake (rubbing): 296
251. Wangjo-shui (Yüan): Two Pheasants: 296
252. Hsia Kuei (Sung): Scholar by a Waterfall: 297
253. Chang Ta-ch'ien (Republic): By a Waterfall: 297
254. Shih T'ao (Ch'ing): Resting Woodcutters by a Waterfall: 297
255. Fan K'uan (Sung): Landscape: 298
256. Kao K'o-kung (Yüan): Landscape: 299
257. Lin Feng-mien (Republic): Landscape: 299
258. Chü Jan (Five Dynasties): Winter Landscape: 300
259. Yen Hui (Yüan): Winter Landscape: 301
260. Kao Jan-hui (Yüan): Winter Landscape: 301
261. Ni Tsan (Yüan): Pavilion by a River: 302
262. Pa-ta Shan-jen (Ch'ing): Pavilion by a River: 302
263. Ma Yüan (Sung): Landscape: 303
264. Hsü Lin (Ming): Landscape: 303
265. Wang Chi-fan (Ch'ing): Bamboo by the Wei-ch'üan: 304
266. Yün Nan-tien (Ch'ing): Landscape: 305
267. Kung K'ai (Sung): Landscape in the Style of Mi Fei: 305
268. Kung Hsien (Ch'ing): Trees in Winter: 306
269. Kao Ch'i-p'ei (Ch'ing): Conversation on the Bridge: 306
270. Wang To (Ming): Group of Trees: 306
271. Pa-ta Shan-jen (Ch'ing): Landscape: 307
272. Shih T'ao (Ch'ing): Landscape: 307
273. Ch'i Pai-shih (Republic): Landscape: 308
274. Chao Meng-fu (Yüan): Landscape: 308
275. Huang Shen (Ch'ing): Landscape: 308
276. Procession of the Kuanyin, from a Fa Hai Ssu fresco (Ming?): 309
277. Chiang Chao-ho (Republic): Nude: 309
278. Huang Shen (Ch'ing): Tea Drinker: 310
279. Yeh Chien-yu (Republic): Afternoon Tea: 310
280. Yen Hui (Yüan): The Adept Liu Hai: 311
281. Artist Unknown (Northern Sung): Hsüan Tsang Returning to China: 311
282. Yeh Chien-yü (Republic): Girl from West China: 311
283. Huang Kung-wang (Yüan): Landscape: 312
284. Wang Yüan-ch'i (Ch'ing): Landscape: 312
THIS BOOK is really the work of many minds. Its inception goes back to the year 1944, when my friendship with the Peking painter P'u Ch'uan began, and with it the slow but steady growth of this study. It would never have come into being at all without P'u Ch'üan's constancy in devoting his time, his artistic mastery, and his great gift as a teacher to the undertaking. Many artists, scholars, and art lovers in Peking and Tokyo, in Munich and Rome have each, at one time or another, contributed something—a word, a sentence, some small but significant nuance—to its finishing.
Finished and yet unfinished: for I am sure no one is more conscious of the study's failings than I myself. But if these failings are less numerous and less obvious than they were in the first draft, it is because of the suggestions and advice so kindly offered by Professor Herbert Franke, of Munich University, and Mrs. Elise Grilli, of Tokyo, who have patiently read the manuscript; by Professor Peter Olbricht, of Bonn University, and Professor Walter Fuchs, of Cologne University, who have contributed valuable corrections of fact.