Japanese Washi Paper Crafts. Robertta A. Uhl

Japanese Washi Paper Crafts - Robertta A. Uhl

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the plant make its papers the most expensive. Other natural fibers, such as abaca, hemp, horsehair and rayon, as well as silver and gold foil, are sometimes used for making Washi or are mixed in with the other fibers for decorative effect.

      The leaves and roots of a mulberry plant.

      Pulverized mulberry roots being pressed into sheets in a boxed frame.

      Sheets of paper put out to dry on boards before designs are stenciled on them.

      To make Washi from the kozo mulberry, the plant is cut down to the root when mature, then cut in two. The top half is debarked and used as firewood. The bottom half is also debarked, then boiled until it turns black, and hung out to dry. The branches are then rinsed and stomped on by foot until they are soft and the fibers separate to form a pulp. The rough edges are stripped off before the fibers are once again rinsed and hung out to dry. They are then boiled again, this time with the ashes from the top part of the plant that was previously used as firewood. This mixture is then pulverized and a paste from the root of a plant called taroimo, which comes from the potato family, is added to the mixture. The wet mixture is then stacked together and gently pressed on to a boxed frame into sheets, causing the bark to become fibrous and interwoven. After the mixture has settled, the sheets are carefully separated and pulled out of the press, one at a time. Each sheet is brushed on to a framed board and set outside to dry. When the sheets are completely dry, they are ready to have the printed design stenciled on, a process similar to silk screening. One color is applied at a time until the desired design is completed. The finished Washi is then called Yuzen ("hand-printed patterned paper").

      Since the long plant fibers that compose the paper are of uniform length (about ¼") and become thoroughly intertwined during the paper-making process, Washi is very tough, flexible and durable; it does not tear like regular paper when dampened with paste and is said to last up to 1,000 years! Yet, it has a very soft texture and appearance, and because of its non-acidic components is extremely light. The thickness of Washi varies from lacy tissue to card stock. Its texture may be smooth, rough or crinkled. Because of the papers natural qualities, it is not surprising that Washi is the favorite and most commonly used craft paper among the Japanese.

      More recently, Westerners have begun to explore the possibilities of using this beautiful paper in their crafts. They are attracted to the colors, textures and weights of the paper, and also to the delightful designs, many of which capture the spirit of Japans great textile tradition. Washi patterns range from classic motifs depicting Japan's rich cultural heritage (kimonos, fans, Kabuki actors) to motifs inspired by nature (bamboo, flowers, cranes). Not only are the motifs noteworthy for their elegance, delicacy, refinement, rich colors and attention to detail, but they are also executed with a wonderful sense of the abstract.

      Westerners, like myself, who live in Japan, have discovered many enjoyable ways to use printed Washi. In this book, Japanese Washi Paper Crafts, I have included some of the most popular Washi projects that I teach. They are all elegant, creative, simple yet challenging, and the finished products are strikingly beautiful in any setting. These simple-to-make, hand-crafted projects, suitable for all occasions are presented in a series of easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. Each step is illustrated, for additional guidance. It is my hope that this book will help you to discover the wonderful Washi crafts that offer a delightful alternative to store-bought gifts—a wonderful way to leave a warm and lasting impression.

      Shopping for Washi

      Sizes: The standard size of a full sheet of printed Washi is 26" x 39". Some companies make smaller sized sheets, so it is wise to measure the sheets before buying. Some stores sell their printed Washi rolled up in plastic packaging with the size marked on the plastic cover. In Japan, the larger craft stores display their Washi flat in drawers or loosely folded and placed on specially designed wooden shelves.

      One-way patterns: Some printed Washi papers have definite one-way patterns.You will need to take this into account when doing certain projects, such as covering milk cartons with Washi for the Oriental Vase and Cherry Blossom Box shown in this book. It is wise to buy a little extra printed Washi to ensure that the pattern is able to go in the same direction all around the container.

      Economizing: When purchasing printed Washi, it is more economical to purchase full sheets than smaller pieces. If you want to have a variety of printed patterns at your disposal, a good way is to join with a group of friends in purchasing a large number of full sheets of printed Washi which you can then divide up among you, sharing the expense.

      Borders: Full sheets of printed Washi have a solid, unprinted border around the outer edges. These edges should not be discarded but kept for covering the holes on the eggs when making Washi Covered Eggs.

      Internet sites: Washi has become very popular in recent years and there are a large number of Washi sites on the Internet. These allow viewers to purchase Washi paper of all kinds, as well as instruction kits and books. Some of the more popular sites are www.washiart.com/www.kura.com/ www.shizu.com/www.heian.com/ www.kimscrane.com/www.ichiyoart.com/ www.aitoh.com. A forthcoming site is www.washiways.com. This will carry my Japanese Washi Paper Crafts books, kits, and supplies.

      A selection of hand-printed Washi.

      Kokeshi Doll

      This is a great craft idea for doll collectors. It also makes an ideal birthday gift for a little girl! Different sized cardboard tubes can be used to make dolls of various sizes. The hair of the dolls can be decorated in a number of ways-with ribbons, beads, artificial flowers and flower stamens.


      • 1 empty paper towel cardboard tube

      • 2 empty toilet paper cardboard tubes

      • 1 cardboard square (2½" x 2½")

      • 1 solid (extruded) styrofoam (1½") ball (not the air bubble kind)

      • 1 rectangle of printed Washi (8¾" x 6") for the kimono

      • 1 square of solid Washi (2½" x 2½")

      • 2 rectangles of solid Washi (6" x 1½") for around the neck and base

      • 1 rectangle of crimped printed Washi (6" x 1¾")

      • 1 rectangle of solid Washi (6" x 2")

      • 1 rectangle of black crimped solid Washi (7" x 4") for the hair

      • 1 rectangle of black crimped solid Washi (5" x 1½") for the fringe/bangs

      • 2 gold or silver cords (8" x 1/16")

      • 1 gold or silver cord (7" x ⅛")

      • 1 rectangle of gold Washi (1½" x 1")

      • 1 small straight pin

      • Fine-tipped red and black felt tip markers

      • Transparent (Scotch) tape

      • Small sharp scissors

      • Cutting blade

      • Glue gun and glue sticks

      • Glue stick

      • Pencil and ruler


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