Japanese Washi Paper Crafts. Robertta A. Uhl
The sizes of paper towel and toilet paper tubes may differ according to brand. Sometimes toilet paper rolls will fit inside paper towel tubes, sometimes on the outside. Adapt the instructions accordingly.
1 Insert the paper towel tube into both of the toilet paper tubes. Cut off the excess paper towel tube at one end.
2 Tape the seam that joins the two toilet paper tubes.
3 Place the tube on the 2½" x 2½" cardboard square (A) and trace around the base. Cut out the circle (B), making it a little smaller in order to fit at one end of the tube. Do not push the cardboard in too far. Level it off and then tape it to the tube (C).
4 Take the 2½" x 2½" solid Washi square. Center the taped end of the tube on the square and trace around the bottom of the tube on the piece of solid Washi.
5 Apply the glue stick to the bottom of the taped tube and then place the tube on the solid Washi square. Make sure that it is centered on the square.
6 Snip the solid Washi into sections. Spread glue on the sections and smooth up the sides of the tube. Turn the tube over and leave to dry. This will be the base for the doll.
7 Fold the two 6" x 1½" strips of solid Washi in half lengthwise. Paste down. Glue one strip around the neck of the tube, fold side up, and the other strip around the base, fold side down.
8 Heat the glue gun. With the base on the working surface, apply hot glue around the open-ended inside edge (neck) at the top of the tube. Insert the styrofoam ball into the opening before the glue dries.
9 Cut out the printed Washi for the doll's kimono following the dimensions given. Cut off a small triangle on both corners of the paper. This will be placed at the neck of the kimono.
10 Spread glue on the wrong side of the printed Washi. Place one end ½" to the left of the center front and roll it around the tube. Small sections of the solid Washi should show at the top and bottom.
11 To make the obi (the broad sash which is tied in a large, flat bow at the back of a kimono), use the 6" x 1¾" rectangle of crimped printed Washi and the 6" x 2" rectangle of solid Washi. Take both obi pieces and paste the crimped Washi evenly on top of the solid Washi. Glue the Washi obi around the body of the doll, 1½" below the neck, making sure that the Washi meets in the center at the back.
12 Take the two 8" lengths of cord. Fold them in half and then pass them through each other so that they meet at the looped ends. Make a knot in each end, ¼" from the center where the loops meet.
13 Center the loop and knots in front of the obi. Tie a small knot in the center back of the obi, snipping off any excess cord. Add a small amount of glue to the back to keep the knot in place.
14 For the hair, take the 7" x 4" crimped black solid Washi. Make sure that the grain of the crimps is vertical. Cut out five triangles ½" deep and ¼" wide, as shown in the diagram above.
15 Before applying the glue stick to the doll, place the hair on the doll so you can judge where the glue needs to go. The triangles that you have cut out will help place the hair on top of the head without leaving too much bulk. Apply glue to the top, sides and back of the doll. Press the crimped Washi down.
16 To prepare the bangs and bow for the top of the doll's head, take the 5" x 1½" piece of crimped solid Washi and fold it in thirds lengthwise.
17 Then fold it in half length wise. Pinch the paper in the center.
18 Tie a knot in the center with the 7" gold or silver cord.
19 Turn the top hair loop under the cord knot. Insert a small straight pin to hold the hair in place. Carefully spread out the bangs and tie a bow with the cord. Use the hot glue gun to secure the bow in place.
20 Finish off the doll's face by giving her some eyes, a nose and a little mouth. Use the fine-tipped black marker for the eyes and the fine-tipped red marker for the nose and mouth. Look at the samples above and decide which one you like. For some rosy cheeks, use the cutting blade to scrape off some red coloring pencil shavings. Dip the cotton ball into the shavings and rub on the cheeks of the doll.
21 Complete your doll by adding a little fan! Take the 1½" x 1" gold Washi and fold lengthwise.
22 Tie the bottom of the fan with the gold cord or use a remnant of solid Washi to hold it together. Paste the fan to the doll with the hot glue gun. The fan can be placed anywhere you choose!
R oses are a universal symbol of love. A single handmade Washi rosebud or a mass of colorful Washi rosebuds make perfect gifts for Mother's Day and Valentine'sDay but can be given at any time of the year as a token of love and friendship. Arranged in a single vase or as a spectacular centerpiece for a dining table, they can form a stylish accessory to any home. This craft idea is simple enough for children to make and is also an ideal craft item for bazaars!
• 1 square of printed Washi (6" x 6")
• 1 bamboo skewer (12")
• 2 large rose leaves (2")
• Roll of green florist's tape
• Small