Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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      常駐 permanent deployment jōchū

      常道 common practice jōdō

      常時 always, at all times jōji

      常軌 common sense, track jōki

      常勤 full time-, regular staff jōkin

      常務 managing director, executive jōmu

      常任 permanent, regular staff jōnin

      常温 normal temperature jōon

      常連 regular client jōren

      常設 permanently-constructed jōsetsu

      常識 common manners jōshiki

      常食 staple diet, daily food jōshoku

      常習 habit, mannerism jōshū

      常習犯 habitual offender, recidivist jōshūhan

      常数 constant number jōsū

      常態 normal condition jōtai

      常用 regular-, common use jōyō

      綱常 public morals, morality kōjō

      日常 daily, everyday nichijō

      正常 normalcy, normal life seijō

      常春 eternal spring tokoharu

      常夏 eternal summer tokonatsu

      恒常的 constant, steady kōjōteki

      般egular, 323

      普ommon, 455

      平lain, 488

      正orrect, 30

      党olitical party, 203

      堂ltar, 94


      常egular 堂ltar built in Gibraltar...

      土 (ground, soil)

      496 堂 11

      FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



      DŌ 496 堂

      altar, pedestal; hall

      堂々と stately, openly, boldly dōdōto

      堂々巡り going round nowhere dōdō meguri

      母堂 mother (polite) bodō

      仏堂 Buddha hall butsudō

      殿堂 palace, sanctuary dendō

      堂上 court nobility, aristocracy dōjō

      学堂 academy gakudō

      本堂 temple main hall hondō

      一堂 faction leaders meeting ichidō

      会堂 assembly hall, plenary hall kaidō

      講堂 lecture hall kōdō

      金堂 golden hall (Buddhist temple) kondō

      経堂 Sutra library kyōdō

      満堂 general assembly, whole audience mandō

      参堂 temple visit sandō

      聖堂 sacred hall seidō

      僧堂 meditation hall sōdō

      草堂 monks' quarters sōdō

      天堂 heaven, paradise tendō

      辻堂 shrine on wayside tsujidō

      禅堂 Zen meditation hall zendō

      大会堂 cathedral, basilica daikaidō

      礼拝堂 chapel, prayer hall reihaidō, raihaidō

      堂守り building guard dōmori

      公会堂 public hall, community centre kōkaidō

      能楽堂 Noh hall, noh theatre nōgakudō

      納骨堂 charnel house nōkotsudō

      音楽堂 concert hall ongakudō

      食堂 dining hall, mess hall shokudō

      国会議事堂 National Diet kokkaigijidō

      聖acred, 617

      神ivine, 712

      祈rayer, 184

      拝rayer, 636

      党olitical party, 203

      常ormal, 94


      述述ention "迅peed," 迅uickly they heed...

      辶 (transport)

      968 述 7

      FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)



      no(beru), JUTSU 968 述

      mention, statement, quote

      陳述 statement, representation chinjutsu

      ⇒冒頭陳述 opening statement bōtō chinjutsu

      陳述書 statement, declaration chinjutsusho

      著述 writings, book, literary work chojutsu

      著述業 the literary profession chojutsugyō

      著述家 writer, author chojutsuka

      伝述 pass on, relay denjutsu

      叙述 narration, depiction, portrayal jojutsu

      上述 above-mentioned jōjutsu

      述懐 reminiscence, recollection, nostalgia jukkai

      述作 literary work jussaku

      述部 sentence predicate jutsubu

      述語 sentence predicate jutsugo

      既述 previously-mentioned kijutsu

      記述 narration, depiction, portrayal kijutsu

      後述 afterwards, the following kōjutsu

      口述 oral statement kōjutsu

      公述 sworn statement, affidavit kōjutsu

      供述 statement, deposition kyōjutsu

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