Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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mutual gokeiteki

      互生 alternate, rotation, taking turns gosei

      互選 mutual vote gosen

      交互 alternate, rotation, taking turns kōgo

      相互 mutuality, reciprocity sōgo

      相互性 mutuality, reciprocity sōgosei

      互助会 mutual aid group, cooperative gojokai

      相見互い mutuality, reciprocity aimitagai

      互い違い alternate, taking turns tagai chigai

      相互扶助 mutual assistance sōgo fujo

      相互依存 interdependence sōgo izon

      相互関係 mutual relationship sōgo kankei

      相互契約 mutual agreement sōgo keiyaku

      相互作用 reciprocal action sōgo sayō

      共ogether, 302

      合ogether, 232

      似imilar, 472

      同imilar, 245

      五ive, 86


      右ight-side of the 后mpress, a famous actress...

      口 (mouth)

      76 右 5

      FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)

      Facing: 2.0. ☞ East (W)


      migi, U, YŪ 76 右


      極右 ultra-rightist kyokuu

      右足 right foot, right leg migiashi

      右側 right side, right flank migigawa

      右端 right end migihashi, utan

      右下 bottom right migishita

      右手 right hand migite

      右腕 right arm migiude, uwan

      右上 upper right migiue

      左右 control, manipulate sayū

      右岸 right embankment ugan

      右舷 starboard ugen

      右派 right wing, rightist uha

      右辺 right side, right flank uhen

      右傾 leaning on the right side ukei

      右折 right turn usetsu

      右折禁止 "no right turn..." usetsu kinshi

      右端 right edge utan

      右翼 right wing, rightist uyoku

      右翼手 right-handed athlete uyokushu

      右筆 literary genius; one's right hand yūhitsu

      座右 one's favourite zayū

      右回転 turning clockwise migikaiten

      右書き writing from right to left side migikaki

      右利き right-handed person migikiki

      右巻き clockwise migimaki

      右回り clockwise migimawari

      右打ち right-handed punch migiuchi

      右寄り leaning to the right side migiyori

      右心房 right auricle ushinbō

      右心室 right ventricle ushinshitsu

      左eft-side, 310

      上pper, 859

      下own, 859

      石ock, 363


      右ight-side of the 后mpress, a famous actress...

      口 (mouth)

      1119 后 6

      FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)


      KŌ 1119 后


      母后 empress dowager bokō

      皇后 empress kōgō

      皇后陛下 her majesty, the empress kōgō heika

      后妃 empress, queen, princess kōhi

      后宮 inner palace kōkyū

      太后 empress dowager taigō, taikō

      皇太后 empress dowager kōtaigō, kōtaikō

      皇mperor, 113

      王onarch, 12

      宮rince, 105

      妃rincess, 728

      姫rincess, 542

      石ock, 363


      幼幼hild of 幻antasy lives in ecstacy...

      幺 (short thread)

      1229 幼 5

      Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)



      osana(i), YŌ 1229 幼

      childhood, infancy

      長幼 young & old chōyō

      幼宮 young lord itomiya

      幼顔 baby face, chubby face osanagao

      幼子 little child, baby osanago

      幼心 childish mind, child-at-heart osanagokoro

      老幼 old & young rōyō

      幼木 young tree yōboku

      幼鳥 young bird yōchō

      幼虫 larva yōchū

      幼童 small child yōdō

      幼魚 young fish yōgyo

      幼弱 young & weak yōjaku

      幼児 infant, little child yōji

      幼時 childhood memories, ~years yōji

      幼児期 infancy, childhood yōjiki

      幼児食 baby food yōjishoku

      幼児教育 infant education yōji kyōiku

      幼女 little girl yōjo

      幼樹 young tree yōju

      幼気 young & cute yōki

      幼君 young lord yōkun

      幼名 childhood name, pet name yōmyō

      幼年 childhood, infancy years yōnen

      幼年時代 childhood, infancy years yōnen jidai

      幼齢 young age yōrei

      幼少 childhood, infancy yōshō

      乳幼児 infant, baby nyūyōji


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