Kanji Handbook. Vee David
ama, TEN 141 天
heaven, celestial
曇天 cloudy weather, cloudy sky donten
寒天 cold weather kanten
荒天 stormy-, rough weather kōten
脳天 crown of the head nōten
晴天 fair-, fine weather, clear sky seiten
昇天 passing away, going to heaven shōten
天罰 divine punishment, wrath of God tenbatsu
天国 heaven tengoku
天狗 long-nosed goblin, boastful tengu
天井 ceiling tenjō
天下 world, earth tenka
天気 weather, climate tenki
天候 weather, climate tenkō
天工 work of god, work of nature tenkō
天空 sky, heavens tenkū
天然 nature, natural resources tennen
天皇 Emperor of Japan tennō
天火 oven tenpi
天災 natural calamity, disaster tensai
天才 genius, brilliant, intelligent tensai
天成 natural-born, born (artist) tensei
天使 angel tenshi
天水 rain water tensui, amamizu
天体 heavenly body, celestial body tentai
天の川 milky way, galaxy amanogawa
摩天楼 skyscraper, skyline matenrō
天文学 astronomy, cosmology tenmongaku
天王星 Planet Uranus tennōsei
天麩羅 deep-fried battered shrimp tenpura
露天風呂 open-air bath, hot springs rotenburo
空ky, 394
雲loud, 154
無othing, 49
元rigin, 195
乏overty forced Shawn to live on the 芝awn...
丿 (katakana の)
754 乏 4
Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)
tobo(shii), BŌ 754 乏
poverty, destitute, scanty, impoverished, indigent, pauper
貧乏 poverty, penury, destitution binbō
⇒器用貧乏 "all trades, master of none…" kiyō binbō
貧乏くじ blank, unlucky number binbōkuji
貧乏人 poor, pauper, destitute binbōnin
貧乏性 poverty, penury, destitution binbōshō
貧乏神 god of poverty binbōgami
貧乏生活 living in poverty binbō seikatsu
貧乏暮らし living in poverty binbōgurashi
貧乏揺すり absent-mindedness binbōyusuri
欠乏 scarcity, insufficiency, shortage ketsubō
窮乏 indigence, poverty, impoverishment kyūbō
耐乏 austerity, frugality, thrift taibō
貧overty, 594
少carce, 459
低inimum, 700
餓unger, 443
芝awn, 84
欠bsence, 460
乏overty forced Shawn to live on the 芝awn...
艾 (grass)
250 芝 6
FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)
Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)
shiba 250 芝
lawn; turf
芝地 grass field, meadows shibachi
芝生 lawn, grass shibafu
芝居 stage play shibai
⇒安芝居 cheap theatre yasushibai
⇒紙芝居 picture card show kamishibai
⇒猿芝居 monkey tricks sarushibai
⇒一人芝居 solo performance show hitori shibai
⇒人形芝居 puppet theatre ningyō shibai
⇒お伽芝居 children's theatre otogi shibai
芝居小屋 playhouse, theatre shibai goya
芝居見物 theatre-watching shibai kenbutsu
芝居気 striving for stage effect shibaigi
芝草 lawn, grass shibakusa
芝刈機 lawn mower shibakariki
草rass, 373
竹amboo, 79
乏overty, 84
欠bsence, 460
To 史istorians, 中hina was once the 中iddle Kingdom...
口 (mouth)
332 史 5
FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)
SHI 332 史
哀史 tragic history aishi
外史 unofficial history gaishi
秘史 hidden history hishi
女史 Ms., Mrs., madame, lady joshi
情史 love story jōshi
国史 national history, Japanese history kokushi
歴史 history rekishi
歴史学 study of history rekishigaku
歴史家 historian rekishika
略史 brief history ryakushi
精史 annals, history seishi
戦史 war history senshi
先史 pre-history, ancient times senshi
史伝 historical legend shiden
史学 study of history shigaku
史劇 historical play, ~drama shigeki
史実 historical fact shijitsu
史上 based on history shijō