Kanji Handbook. Vee David
有史 recorded in history yūshi
前史 previous history zenshi
文化史 cultural history bunkashi
郷土史 local history, folk history kyōdoshi
世界史 world history sekaishi
歴istory, 595
暦alendar, 595
記ecord, 728
簿ecord, 64
録ecord, 841
紀arration, 727
吏fficial, 463
To 史istorians, 中hina was once the 中iddle Kingdom...
丨 (rod)
28 中 4
FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)
naka, CHŪ 28 中
middle, inside, interior; China
❶中火 moderate heat, ~fire chūbi
中尉 first-, lieutenant chūi
中継 broadcast, relay chūkei
中央 centre, core chūō
中立 neutral & objective chūritsu
中世 Middle Ages chūsei
中正 fair & square, impartial, just chūsei
中止 termination, discontinuation chūshi
中心 centre, midpoint, concentration chūshin
中退 leaving, quitting (school) chūtai
中天 mid-air chūten
中東 Middle East, Arab countries chūtō
中庸 moderation, temperance chūyō
忌中 mourning, grieving kichū
真ん中 right in the middle mannaka
喪中 mourning, wailing, grieving mochū
仲間 friend, colleague, mate nakama
集中 concentration, self-immersion shūchū
的中 hit, being hit tekichū
途中 on the way, in the middle of ~ tochū
中学校 junior high-, middle scho chūgakkō
営業中 "open for business..." eigyōchū
午前中 in the morning, a. m. gozenchū
一日中 within one day ichinichijū
お中元 summer gift to one's superior ochūgen
作業中 while working, in operation sagyōchū
車中談 informal talks shachūdan
仕事中 on the job, busy-at-work shigotochū
世の中 the public, society-at-large yononaka
❷中国 People's Republic of China chūgoku
日中 Japan & China nicchū
央entral, 218
核uclear, 973
奥nside, 903
内nside, 297
唐hinese, 439
漢anji, 926
呉[Wu dynasty], 453
唐athay, 439
For friends of 五ive, 互utuality abides...
二 (two, second)
7 五 4
Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)
itsu(tsu), GO 7 五
五月 May gogatsu
五官 five organs gokan
五感 the five senses gokan
五桁 five-digit number goketa
五経 Confucian five classics gokyō
五指 human hands, five fingers goshi
五色 five basic colours goshiki, goshoku
五体 whole body gotai
⇒五体満足 non-handicapped gotai manzoku
五臓 five internal human organs gozō
源五郎 Japanese water beetle gengorō
五十肩 frozen shoulder, one's fiftyish gojūkata
五十音 Japanese syllabary gojūon
五重奏 quintet gojūsō
五目飯 Japanese pilaf gomokumeshi
五輪旗 Olympic flag (five rings) gorinki
五線紙 music sheet, music notebook gosenshi
五寸釘 long nail, uncut nail gosunkugi
五つ子 quintuplets itsutsugo
十五夜 night of a full moon jūgoya
五月雨 early summer rain samidare
七五三 children ages of 3, 5 & 7 shichigosan
五月人形 boys festival dolls gogatsu ningyō
五絃楽器 five-stringed instrument gogen gakki
五重の塔 five-storied pagoda gojū no tō
五目並べ ancient Japanese chess gomokunarabe
五里霧中 at a complete loss gorimuchū
五種競技 pentathlon goshu kyōgi
四分五裂 splitting apart shibu goretsu
四捨五入 rounding up (numbers) shisha go'nyū
一 ne, 858
二econd, 457
三hree, 858
四our, 17
六ix, 3
七even, 72
八ight, 4
九ine, 73
十en, 344
互utual, 86
For friends of 五ive, 互utuality abides...
二 (two, second)
907 互 4
FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)
taga(i), GO 907 互
mutual, reciprocal, sharing, commonality, compatible, equal