Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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区istrict, social 凶vils inflict...

      凵 (openbox)

      1280 凶 4

      FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



      KYŌ 1280 凶

      evil, bad, atrocity

      大凶 bad omen daikyō

      元凶 ringleader, gang boss genkyō

      豊凶 good-or-bad harvest hōkyō

      吉凶 fortune, good-or-bad kikkyō

      凶悪 heinous, atrocious, brutal kyōaku

      凶悪犯人 heinous criminal kyōaku hannin

      凶悪犯罪 heinous crime kyōaku hanzai

      凶暴 violent, atrocious, brutal kyōbō

      凶聞 bad news, disappointing news kyōbun

      凶兆 bad omen kyōchō

      凶弾 gunshot, gunfire kyōdan

      凶変 calamity, disaster kyōhen

      凶報 bad news, disappointing news kyōhō

      凶事 tragedy, mishap, disaster kyōji

      凶刃 assassin's sword, ~dagger kyōjin

      凶日 unlucky day, bad day kyōjitsu

      凶状 crime, felony kyōjō

      凶漢 ruffian, assassin kyōkan

      凶器 lethal weapon kyōki

      凶行 violence, felony, crime kyōkō

      凶荒 famine, food shortage kyōkō

      凶猛 fierce, ferocious kyōmō

      凶年 year of poor harvest kyōnen

      凶作 poor harvest kyōsaku

      凶手 assassin, gun-for-hire kyōshu

      凶徒 thug, mob, hooligan kyōto

      悪vil, 389

      邪vil, 58

      鬼evil, 935

      罪riminal, 289

      犯riminal, 640

      魔evil, 332

      区istrict, 80


      芋otatoes of yucky taste grown in 宇uter-space...

      宀 (cover, lid)

      990 宇 6

      FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



      U 990 宇

      outer space, celestial, cosmos, deep space, extra-terrestrial, universe, galaxy

      眉宇 eyebrows biu

      堂宇 temple hall dōu

      御宇 imperial rule, ~reign gyō

      行宇 imperial rule, ~reign gyōu

      胸宇 in one's heart kyōu

      羅宇 bamboo stem rau

      宇部 Ube city, Yamaguchi Prefecture ube

      宇都宮 Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Pref. utsunomiya

      宇宙 outer space, celestial bodies uchū

      ⇒大宇宙 the universe, celestial body daiuchū

      ⇒小宇宙 microcosm, infinitesimal shōuchū

      宇宙学 astronomy, cosmology uchūgaku

      宇宙人 extra-terrestrial aliens uchūjin

      宇宙線 cosmic rays uchūsen

      宇宙船 spaceship uchūsen

      宇宙中継 satellite broadcast uchū chūkei

      宇宙衛星 space satellite uchū eisei

      宇宙飛行 space flight uchū hikō

      宇宙ロケット space rocket uchū roketto

      宇宙飛行士 astronaut, cosmonaut uchū hikōshi

      宇宙科学 space science, astronomy uchū kagaku

      宇宙空間 outer space, celestial bodies uchū kūkan

      宇宙遊泳 space walk uchū yūei

      宇内 the whole world, the universe udai

      八紘一宇 universal brotherhood hakkō ichiu

      気宇広大 magnanimous, generous kiu kōdai

      宇多時代 Uda Era (887-897) uda jidai

      宙uterspace, 631

      星tars, 113

      天eaven, 83

      空ky, 394

      宅esidence, 82


      芋otatoes of yucky taste grown in 宇uter-space...

      艾 (grass)

      1909 芋 6

      FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)


      imo, U 1909 芋


      じゃが芋 sweet potato jagaimo

      芋版 printing with potato imoban

      芋虫 caterpillar imomushi

      芋侍 idle-, declining samurai imozamurai

      芋蔓 sweet potato vines imozuru

      菊芋 artichoke yam kikuimo

      長芋 Chinese yam nagaimo

      里芋 taro satoimo

      種芋 potato seeds taneimo

      海芋 calla umiimo

      山芋 yam yamaimo

      芋茎 taro stem zuiki

      焼き芋 roasted sweet potato yakiimo

      薩摩芋 sweet potato satsumaimo

      畑lantation, 482

      植lant, 783

      食oods, 255

      宇uterspace, 81


      託ntrusted to cats, a 宅ouse of mouse...

      言 (speaking)

      1636 託 10

      FLIP: 6.0.a. Left (flat)

      Facing: 2.2. ☞ East (V)



      TAKU 1636 託

      entrust, consign, authorize


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