Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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gm], 471

      及s well as, 190


      川ivers & 州andbanks in a 州rovince of Port-au-Prince...

      川 (river)

      FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)

      33 川 3


      kawa, SEN 33 川


      河川 river kasen

      川端 riverbank kawabata

      川床 riverbed kawadoko

      川岸 riverside, riveredge kawagishi

      川越し crossing a river kawagoshi

      川幅 river width kawahaba

      川尻 tail of a river kawajiri

      川上 upper level of a river kawakami

      川風 river breeze kawakaze

      川面 river surface kawamo

      川原 river shore kawara

      川瀬 rapids, shallows kawase

      川下 riverbed, river bottom kawashimo

      川筋 river kawasuji

      川魚 riverfish kawauo, kawazakana

      川獺 otter kawauso

      川底 river bottom, riverbed kawazoko

      溝川 ditch, canal mizokawa

      小川 brook, stream ogawa

      谷川 mountain stream tanigawa

      徳川 Tokugawa Shogunate tokugawa

      天の川 milky way, galaxy amanogawa

      川下り going down the river kawakudari

      川向こう across the river kawamukō

      川流れ riverflow, ~current kawanagare

      川沿い along the river, river edge kawazoi

      川伝い follow the riverflow kawazutai

      品川区 Shinagawa Ward, Tōkyō shinagawa-ku

      神奈川県 Kanagawa Prefecture kanagawa-ken

      川明かり shining river surface kawaakari

      河iver, 877

      海cean, 241

      洋cean, 247

      湖ake, 801

      潟agoon, 870

      泳wimming, 729

      江ay, 176

      湾ay, 909

      浜each, 490

      沖ffshore, 695

      浦eashore, 813

      浜eashore, 490

      州rovince, 76


      川ivers & 州andbanks in a 州rovince of Port-au-Prince...

      川 (river)

      195 州 6

      FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)



      su, SHŪ 195 州

      province; sandbank

      米州 America beishū

      豪州 Australia gōshū

      九州 Kyūshū Islands kyūshū

      満州 Manchuria, Manchukuo manshū

      満州国 Manchuria, Manchukuo manshūkoku

      欧州 Europe ōshū

      欧州共同体 European Union ōshū kyōdōtai

      神州 land of deities shinshū

      座州 running aground zashū

      州都 state capital shūto

      州内 intra-province shūnai

      州際 inter-province shūsai

      州議会 state legislature shūgikai

      州政府 state government shūseifu

      大洋州 oceania taiyōshū

      州立大学 state university shūritsu daigaku

      温州蜜柑 Mandarin orange unshū mikan

      九州保健福祉大学 Kyūshū University of Health & Welfare kyūshū hoken fukushi daigaku

      砂州 sandbank sasu

      県refecture, 566

      堤mbankment, 314

      溝itch, 226

      川iver, 76


      米merican 米ice 光hines with the sunrise...

      米 (grains, rice)

      224 米 6

      FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



      kome, BEI, MAI 224 米

      rice; America

      米価 price of rice beika

      米穀 rice, cereals, grain beikoku

      米作 rice crop, ~harvest beisaku

      米食 rice-based dish beishoku

      外米 non-Japanese rice gaimai

      白米 white-, polished rice hakumai

      玄米 unpolished rice genmai

      米俵 straw rice bag komedawara

      米粒 grain of rice kometsubu

      米屋 rice shop, ~dealer komeya

      精米 polished white rice seimai

      米産地 rice-producing region beisanchi

      貯蔵米 stored rice chozōmai

      米ドル US dollar, greenbuck beidoru

      米語 American English beigo

      米軍 US armed forces beigun

      米寿 one's eighty-eight birthday beiju

      米貨 US money, green buck beika

      米国 United States of America beikoku

      米産 Made-in-USA, US products beisan

      米州 America beishū

      米ソ US-Soviet union beiso

      訪米 visit to America hōbei

      南米 South America nanbei

      日米 US Japan nichibei

      欧米 The West, Europe & America ōbei


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