七even dwarfs wept for Snow White's 亡eath...
一 (one, single)
Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)
nana(tsu), nana, nano, SHICHI 9 七
七重 seventh fold nanae
七色 colours of rainbow nanairo
七十 seventy nanajū, shichijū
七草 seven autumn flowers nanakusa
七草がゆ rice porridge with 7 herbs nanakusagayu
七曲 winding, tormentous nanamagari
七月 July shichigatsu
七輪 earthen charcoal holder shichirin
七生 seven lives shichishō
七生報国 absolute patriotism shichishō hōkoku
七光り influence, "thanks to..." nanahikari
御七夜 seventh day of one's birth oshichiya
七福神 seven gods of fortune shichi fukujin
七五三 children ages of 3, 5 & 7 shichigosan
七回忌 seventh death anniversary shichikaiki
七面鳥 turkey shichimenchō
七面倒 troublesome, great burden shichimendō
七宝焼 cloisonne ware shippōyaki
初七日 7 th day after death shonanoka
七夕祭 Star Festival (7 July) tanabata matsuri
北斗七星 Big Dipper hokuto shichisei
七不思議 Seven World Wonders nanafushigi
七つ道具 complete set of tools nanatsu dōgu
七分三分 70-30 split shichibu sanbu
七転び八起き failures before triumph nanakorobi yaoki
一ne, 858
二wo, 457
三hree, 858
四our, 17
五ive, 86
六ix, 3
八ight, 4
九ine, 73
十en, 344
数umber, 156
百undred, 14
千housand, 74
万en thousand, 465
億undred-million, 340
亡emise, 72
七even dwarfs wept for Snow White's 亡eath...
亠 (cover, lid)
Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)
na(i), BŌ, MŌ 672 亡
death, demise, dead, dying, passing away
亡母 one's late mother bōbo
亡夫 one's late husband bōfu
亡父 one's late father bōfu
亡兄 one's late elder brother bōkei
亡国 high treason, traitor, quisling