Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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      susu(meru), SEN 1631 薦

      recommend, endorse, advice, counsel, stump for, vouch for, enjoin

      自薦 self-recommendation jisen

      薦骨 sacrum, rump senkotsu

      薦挙 recommendation, endorsement senkyo

      推薦 recommendation, endorsement suisen

      推薦状 letter of recommendation suisenjō

      推薦者 nominator, recommender suisensha

      特薦 special recommendation tokusen

      被推薦者 nominated candidate hisuisensha

      勧ecommend, 666

      推ecommend, 777

      可pproval, 15

      承pproval, 117

      賛pproval, 334

      肯ffirmative, 616

      援upport, 820

      助upport, 953

      薫ragrance, 934

      覆onceal, 602


      麗eautiful 薦ecommendations, 慶ejoice in 慶elebration...

      心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

      Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across



      KEI 1632 慶

      celebraion, felicitation; rejoice

      同慶 mutual congratulations dōkei

      御慶 greetings, congratulations gyokei

      慶弔 congratulation-or-condolence keichō

      慶兆 lucky omen keichō

      慶大 Keiō University keidai

      慶賀 congratulation, celebration keiga

      慶事 happy occasion, joyful event keiji

      慶祝 congratulation, celebration keishuku

      吉慶 rejoice, congratulatory kikkei

      大慶 great happiness taikei

      弁慶草 orpine benkeisō

      陰弁慶 "tough at home, meek outside..." kagebenkei

      内弁慶 "strict at home, weak outside..." uchibenkei

      延慶時代 Enkei Era (1308-1311) enkei jidai

      元慶時代 Gangyō Era (877-885) gangyō jidai

      慶長時代 Keichō Era (1596-1615) keichō jidai

      慶応時代 Keiō Era (1865-68) keiō jidai

      正慶時代 Shōkei Era (1332-1338) shōkei jidai

      天慶時代 Tengyō Era (938-947) tengyō jidai

      賀elebration, 202

      祝elebration, 716

      功uccess, 635

      勝ictory, 406

      果esult, 287

      麗eautiful, 68

      薦ecommend, 68


      膚kinny war 虜aptives, their 慮houghts depressive...

      肉⇔月 (flesh, body part)

      1269 膚 15

      FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



      hada, FU 1269 膚

      skin, derma, epidermis

      赤膚 abraded skin akahada

      膚着 underwear, undergarments hadagi

      膚色 flesh colour hadairo

      膚身 nude, naked body hadami

      膚身離さず keep to oneself hadami hanasazu

      皮膚 skin hifu

      皮膚病 skin disease hifubyō

      皮膚科 dermatology hifuka

      皮膚科医 dermatologist, skin doctor hifukai

      人膚 warmth of the skin hitohada

      完膚 smooth skin kanpu

      餅膚 smooth white skin mochihada

      諸膚 half-naked, bare chest morohada

      鮫膚 fishskin, scaly skin samehada

      素膚 bare skin suhada

      鳥膚 goose bumps torihada

      山膚 mountain surface yamahada

      雪膚 "skin white as snow..." yukihada

      膚襦袢 kimono undergarments hadajuban

      膚脱ぎ half-naked, bare chest hadanugi

      膚寒い "chilled to the skin..." hadasamui

      膚触り the feel, the touch hadazawari

      毛kin hair, 468

      肌kin, 747

      皮kin, 224

      虞hreat, 889

      層ayer, 838


      膚kinny war 虜aptives, their 慮houghts depressive...

      虍 (tiger)

      1385 虜 13

      FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



      toriko, RYO 1385 虜

      captive, prisoner, inmate, detainee

      俘虜 captive, prisoner-of-war furyo

      捕虜 prisoner, captive, POW horyo

      捕虜収容所 prisoner-of-war camp horyo shūyōjo

      虜囚 prisoner-of-war, captive soldier ryoshū

      逮apture, 880

      拘rrest, 16

      逮rrest, 880

      捕eize, 812

      獄rison, 639

      囚risoner, 863

      男asculine, 597

      慮houghts, 70


      膚kinny war 虜aptives, their 慮houghts depressive...

      心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)

      1384 慮 15

      FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



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