Kanji Handbook. Vee David
薄命 short life, early death hakumei
薄利 small profit, token earnings hakuri
薄謝 token of gratitude hakusha
薄志 weak-willed, weak-kneaded hakushi
軽薄 insincere, frivolous, dishonest keihaku
希薄 thin, weak kihaku
厚薄 relative thickness kōhaku
酷薄 heartless, cruel, cold-hearted kokuhaku
肉薄 coming close, nearing nikuhaku
浅薄 flimsy, shallow, frivolous senpaku
品薄 stock shortage, low stock shinausu
薄味 weak taste, bland flavour usuaji
薄刃 thin blade usuba
❷薄手 thin, eggshell usude
薄紅 pinkish usubeni
薄日 little sunlight usubi
薄紙 thin paper usugami
薄着 thin-, light clothing usugi
薄絹 light silk usuginu
薄目 half-closed eyes usume
薄緑 pale green usumidori
薄汚い dirty, unclean usugitanai
薄暗い dim, dusky, dull usugurai
薄笑い faint smile, feigned smile usuwarai
薄汚れる dirty, sullied, stained usuyogoreru
薄気味悪い spooky, creepy usukimi warui
淡aint, 309
漠bscure, 828
透ransparency, 383
籍egistry, 336
薄hin tiny 簿edger, 縛ound in thick leather...
竹 (bamboo)
1450 簿 19
FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)
BO 1450 簿
ledger, record, roster, registry
簿外 unlisted, off-the-books, concealed bogai
簿外負債 hidden debts bogai fusai
簿外資産 hidden wealth bogai shisan
簿記 bookkeeping, accounting record boki
簿記帳 account book bokichō
帳簿 account book, ledger chōbo
名簿 name list, roster meibo
登簿 registration tōbo
学籍簿 school attendance record gakusekibo
人名簿 name list, roster jinmeibo
家計簿 family expenses book kakeibo
計算簿 account book keisanbo
戸籍簿 family register kosekibo
出勤簿 work attendance record shukkinbo
出席簿 attendance record shussekibo
出納簿 account book suitōbo
登記簿 registry, registration list tōkibo
登録簿 register, journal tōrokubo
通知簿 report card tsūchibo
通信簿 correspondence card tsūshinbo
記ecord, 728
録ecord, 841
紀arration, 727
歴istory, 595
暦alendar, 595
籍egistry, 336
薄ight, 63
薄hin tiny 簿edger, 縛ound in thick leather...
糸 (thread, continuity)
1448 縛 16
FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)
shiba(ru), imashime, BAKU 1448 縛
binding, tie-up
縛り首 hanging criminals shibarikubi
縛り上げる tie up, bind up shibariageru
縛り付ける tie up, bind up shibaritsukeru
捕縛 arrest, capture hobaku
呪縛 spellbinding, awesome jubaku
緊縛 tight binding, tightening kinbaku
就縛 be arrested, taken into custody shūbaku
収縛 arrest & tie-up shūbaku
束縛 restraint, restriction sokubaku
金縛り bound hands & feet kanashibari
自縄自縛 "caught in one's trap..." jijō jibaku
括undle, 954
束undle, 502
把undle, 717
拘rrest, 16
逮rrest, 880
籍egistry, 336
薄ight, 63
避void 癖abit of climbing high 壁alls, lest you fall...
辶 (transport)
FLIP: 7.0.b1. Right (stem)
sa(keru), HI 1491 避
avoid, avert, evade, elude, desist, duck
避寒 spending the winter, wintering hikan
避寒地 winter resort hikanchi
避難 taking refuge hinan
⇒緊急避難 emergency evacuation kinkyū hinan
避難所 refuge, shelter hinanjo
避難民 refugee, evacuee hinanmin
避妊 contraception, anti-pregnancy hinin
避妊法 anti-pregnancy method hininhō
避妊薬 contraceptive, birth control drug hininyaku
避暑 spending the summer hisho
避暑客 summer visitors hisho kyaku
避暑地 summer resort hishochi
回避 evasion, avoidance kaihi
忌避 evasion, challenge kihi
⇒徴兵忌避 draft evasion, ~dodging chōhei kihi