Kanji Handbook. Vee David
courage, valour, daring taiyū
勇断 firm-, resolute decision yūdan
勇敢 bravery, courage, valour yūkan
勇健 stout-hearted, strong-willed yūken
勇気 courage, valour, daring yūki
勇侠 chivalrous, gallant yūkyō
勇名 fame, celebrity, famous yūmei
勇猛 bold, valiant yūmō
勇猛心 dauntless, daring, bold yūmōshin
勇猛果敢 dauntless, daring yūmō kakan
勇烈 brave, valiant, intrepid yūretsu
勇者 brave, courageous person yūsha
勇戦 courageous-, desperate battle yūsen
勇士 brave man, hero yūshi
勇姿 valiant person yūshi
勇将 valiant general yūshō
勇壮 courage, valour, daring yūsō
勇退 voluntary resignation yūtai
勇躍 high spirits yūyaku
勇み足 overeagerness isamiashi
勇み立つ strong, brave isamitatsu
勇み肌 strong-skinned isamihada
喜び勇む high spirits yorokobi isamu
敢ourage, 449
胆ourage, 740
冒ourage, 401
雄ourage, 775
男asculine, 597
虜aptive, 70
勇ourage 通asses 通hrough 痛ainful 痛njury...
辶 (transport)
Facing: 1.1. ☜ West (H)
too(ru), too(su), ka(you), too(shi), doo(shi), TSŪ, TSU 150 通
passing, through; communicate
❶便通 bowel movement bentsū
直通 direct line (telephone) chokutsū
普通 usually, common, normally, regularly futsū
貫通 penetration, piercing kantsū
交通 traffic, transportation kōtsū
通学 attending school, way to school tsūgaku
通貨 currency, denomination tsūka
通過 passage, crossing tsūka
通勤 commuting to work tsūkin
通行 passage, traffic tsūkō
通路 pathway, alley, aisle tsūro
面通し line up mendooshi
通り雨 passing thru rainfall tooriame
裏通り back street, alley uradoori
歩き通す walk thru arukitoosu
走り通す run thru hashiritoosu
一方通行 one-way traffic ippō tsūkō
交通安全 safe driving kōtsū anzen
最後通牒 ultimatum saigo tsūchō
その通り "just like that..." sono toori
透き通る become transparent sukitooru
❷疎通 understanding, comprehension sotsū
通知 notice, notification tsūchi
通帳 notebook, bankbook tsūchō
通信 correspondence, communication tsūshin
通訳 translation, interpretation tsūyaku
通告 notification, announcement tsūkoku
隠し通す prevent from leakage kakushitoosu
路oad, 405
交rossing, 467
行rip, 79
来oming, 871
出eave, 173
道ath, 312
往ome & go, 749
径ath, 888
旅ravel, 650
角orner, 400
進dvance, 51
勇ourage 通asses 通hrough 痛ainful 痛njury...
疒 (sickness)
FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)
Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across
ita(mu); ita(meru); ita(i), TSŪ 1320 痛
painful, injury, agonizing, hurting, harm
苦痛 ache, pain kutsū
劇痛 acute pain, severe pain gekitsū
激痛 acute pain, severe pain gekitsū
心痛 anguish, anxiety, distress shintsū
痛言 brutal criticism tsūgen
胸痛 chest pains kyōtsū
陣痛 childbirth-, labour pains jintsū
産痛 childbirth-, labour pains santsū
痛恨 deep regret, deep remorse tsūkon
鈍痛 dull pain dontsū
沈痛 grave-, acute-, sharp pain chintsū
痛飲 heavy drinking tsūin
腰痛 lower back pain yōtsū
頭痛 migraine, headache zutsū
痛痒 pain & itch tsūyō
痛撃 painful blow tsūgeki
痛感 painful realization, "baptism of fire..." tsūkan
痛点 painful spot tsūten
痛手 painful wound itade
無痛 painless, harmless mutsū
悲痛 sadness, grief, sorrow hitsū
痛覚 sense of pain tsūkaku
腹痛 stomach ache, colic fukutsū
胃痛 stomach pain, ~pain itsū
痛憤 strong indignation, resentment tsūfun
歯痛 toothache shitsū
鎮痛剤 anodyne, lenitive, analgesic chintsūzai
偏頭痛 migraine, headache henzutsū
筋肉痛 muscle pains kinnikutsū
神経痛 neuralgia, nerve pains