Kanji Handbook. Vee David
SEI 1396 逝
death, demise, dead, dying, passing away
長逝 dying, passing away chōsei
急逝 sudden death, untimely demise kyūsei
逝去 death, demise, passing away seikyo
早逝 early death, short life sōsei
夭逝 premature death yōsei
逝く春 the departing spring yuku haru
逝く年 the departing year yuku toshi
死eath, 513
亡eath, 72
葬urial, 513
墓ravesite, 602
碑ombstone, 937
逆everse, 896
誓ledge, 53
Like 磁agnets, 慈ffection compliments soul 滋ourishment...
石 (stone)
FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)
Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)
JI 1548 磁
magnet; porcelain
❶電磁 electromagnet denji
電磁波 electromagnet wave denjiha
電磁気 electromagnetism denjiki
電磁石 electromagnet denjishaku
磁場 magnetic field jiba, jijō
磁化 magnetization jika
磁界 magnetic field jikai
磁気 magnetism jiki
磁気学 magnetics science jikigaku
磁気圏 magnetic sphere jikiken
磁気性 magnetism jikisei
磁極 magnetic pole jikyoku
磁力 magnetic force jiryoku
磁力計 magnetometer jiryokukei
磁力線 line of magnetic force jiryokusen
磁性 magnetism jisei
磁石 magnet jishaku, jiseki
磁針 compass needle jishin
磁束 magnet flux jisoku
磁鉄 iron bearing jitetsu
消磁 demagnetisation shōji
地磁気 Earth's magnetic force chijiki
磁方位 magnetic bearing jihōi
磁鉄鉱 loadstone, magnetite jitekkō
透磁率 magnetic permeability tōjiritsu
❷青磁 celadon porcelain aoji, seiji
白磁 white porcelain hakuji
磁土 china clay, kaolin jido
磁器 porcelain, chinaware jiki
陶磁器 pottery, chinaware tōjiki
石tone, 363
引ulling, 348
抽ulling, 37
陶orcelain, 811
陶ottery, 811
窯eramics, 576
滋uxuriant, 55
慈ffection, 55
Like 磁agnets, 慈ffection compliments soul 滋ourishment...
心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)
1547 慈 13
FLIP: 3.0.b. Top (stem)
Facing: 2.1. East ☞ (H)
itsuku(shimu), JI 1547 慈
affection, benevolence, endearment
慈しみ love & affection itsukushimi
慈愛 affection, benevolence jiai
慈母 motherly love jibo
慈父 fatherly love jifu
慈眼 deep eyes of Buddha jigan, jigen
慈悲 mercy, pity jihi
慈悲深い deeply merciful jihibukai
慈方位 magnetic bearing jihōi
慈兄 brotherly love jikei
慈恵 charity, philanthropy jikei
仁慈 benevolence, magnanimity jinji
慈鉄 iron magnet jitetsu
慈雨 blessed rain, welcome rain jiu
慈善 charity, benevolence jizen
慈善家 philanthropist jizenka
慈善事業 charity work, philanthropy jizen jigyō
慈姑① waterplant kuwai
慈姑② merciful mother-in-law jiko
慕ffectionate, 600
懇ntimacy, 164
親ntimatcy, 669
恋omance, 581
窓indow, 433
Like 磁agnets, 慈ffection compliments soul 滋ourishment...
水⇔氵 (water)
1549 滋 12
FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)
Facing: 2.2. East ☞ (V)
JI 1549 滋
nourishment, luxuriant
滋味 deliciousness, good taste jimi
滋殖 deliciousness, good taste jishoku
滋養 nourishment, nutrition jiyō
滋養分 nutritious element jiyōbun
滋養物 nourishing food jiyōbutsu
滋賀県 Shiga Prefecture shiga-ken
滋強飲料 tonic drink jikyō inryō
滋養過多 hypertrophy, profusion jiyō kata
剰urplus, 511
余urplus, 501
富ortune, 333
愛ove, 593
恵lessing, 545
慈ffection, 55
落ollapse, 826