Kanji Handbook. Vee David
1.0. ☜ West (W)
sakana, uo, GYO, RYŌ 290 魚
fishes, seafoods, sea animals
稚魚 small fry, baby fish chigyo
魚群 shoal-, school of fishes gyogun
魚介 fish & shells, seafood gyokai
魚肉 fish meat gyoniku
魚雷 torpedo gyorai
魚類 kinds of fishes gyorui
魚灯 fishing lamp gyotō
川魚 river fish kawauo, kawazakana
金魚 gold fish kingyo
木魚 wooden drum mokugyo
人魚 mermaid ningyo
魚屋 fish store, fish dealer sakanaya
鮮魚 fresh raw fish sengyo
衣魚 clothes moth, bookworm shimi
塩魚 salted fish shiozakana
章魚 octopus tako
魚心 mutuality, reciprocity uogokoro
養魚 fish farming, fish breeding yōgyo
雑魚 small fry, unimportant fellow zako
干し魚 dried fish hoshiuo
近海魚 coastal fish kinkaigyo
魚釣り fishing sakanatsuri, uotsuri
深海魚 deep-sea fish shinkaigyo
淡水魚 fresh-water fish tansuigyo
飛び魚 flying fish tobiuo
魚の目 foot corn, foot fungus uonome
魚市場 fish market uoichiba
焼き魚 grilled fish yakizakana
漁ishing, 48
釣ishing, 697
海cean, 241
洋cean, 247
角orner, 400
無othing, 49
漁ishing for long, no 魚ish, 無othing to relish...
火⇔灬 (fire)
FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)
na(i), MU, BU 93 無
nothing, without, absence, empty, non-existence
虚無 nihility, nothingness kyomu
無駄 waste, futility, in vain muda
無断 without permission mudan
無益 useless, inutile, futile mueki
無縁 unknown, x-factor muen
無害 harmless, weak mugai
無学 illiterate, unschooled mugaku
無限 limitless, infinite mugen
無為 idleness, inactivity mui
無形 intangible, shapeless mukei
無給 free-of-charge, pro bono, gratis mukyū
無理 unreasonable, impossible muri
無慮 as many as, no fewer than muryo
無職 unemployed, out-of-work mushoku
無敵 unrivalled, undefeated muteki
無闇 thoughtless, clumsy muyami
無残 merciless, cruel muzan
無遠慮 lack of manners, ~restraint buenryo
台無し spoiled child, brat dainashi
無意味 meaningless, senseless muimi
無意識 unconscious, lethargic muishiki
無医村 village without a doctor muison
無感覚 insensibility, callousness mukankaku
無関係 unrelated, irrelevant mukankei
無記名 unnamed, the bearer mukimei
無差別 indiscriminate, sporadic musabetsu
無思慮 indiscretion, misconduct mushiryo
無投票 without vote, by acclamation mutōhyō
難無く without difficulty, "a cakewalk..." nannaku
心許無い uneasy, uncertain kokoromotonai
不[negative], 300
非[negative], 288
零ero, 874
焦ocus, 919
魚ishes, 49
Battle 隻hips 集athered, 進dvance scattered...
隹 (long-tailedbirds)
FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)
❷隻ne of a set
SEKI 1311 隻
[counter for ships]; one of a set
❶一隻 one ship isseki
一隻眼 discerning-, critical eye issekigan
二隻 two ships niseki
数隻 several ships sūseki
❷隻影 speck of clouds, disperse clouds sekiei
隻眼 one-eyed person sekigan
隻語 few words sekigo
⇒片言隻語 a few words, phrase hengen sekigo
隻手 one-armed person sekishu
隻句 a few words, phrase sekku
⇒片言隻句 a few words, phrase hengen sekku
丸[ships], 73
航avigation, 748
艇oat, 26
舟essel, 90
船hip, 757
舶hip, 742
帆ailing, 641
焦ocus, 919
集ollect, 50
Battle 隻hips 集athered, 進dvance scattered...
隹 (long-tailed birds)
FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)
atsu(maru), atsu(meru), tsudo(u), SHŪ 436 集
gather, collect, put together
募集 recruitment, hiring