Kanji Handbook. Vee David
inferiority complex rettōkan
正義感 sense of justice seigikan
責任感 sense of responsibility sekininkan
疎外感 sense of alienation sogaikan
体感的 sensible, sensual taikanteki
優越感 superiority complex yūetsukan
罪悪感 guilty conscience zaiakukan
感慨深い deeply-touched kangaibukai
感極まる deeply-touched kankiwamaru
気eelings, 98
情eelings, 793
心eart, 469
惑emptation, 139
減ecrease, 46
感eelings of 憾egret 減ecrease when guilt is the least...
心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)
FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)
ura(mu), KAN 1815 憾
regret, deplore, denounce, condemn
憾み regret, grudge, bad blood urami
憾み言 whining, words of regret uramigoto
遺憾 regret, regrettable ikan
遺憾なく "fully, to the fullest..." ikan naku
悔egret, 712
慨egret, 316
惜egret, 281
憶emory, 339
感eelings of 憾egret 減ecrease when guilt is the least...
水⇔氵 (water)
FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)
he(ru), he(rasu), GEN 715 減
decrease, reduce, minus, lessen, minimize
激減 sudden decrease, ~fall gekigen
減額 reduction, decrease gengaku
減員 reduced staff gen'in
減刑 commutation, reduced punishment genkei
減配 reduced distribution genpai
減俸 pay cut, salary reduction genpō
減法 subtraction, minus genpō
減作 poor crop gensaku
減産 reduced production gensan
減資 capital decrease, ~reduction genshi
減少 decrease, decline genshō
減食 diet, dieting, eating less genshoku
減収 reduced income, salary cut genshū
減速 speed reduction gensoku
減衰 decline, warning gensui
減反 reduced cultivation gentan
減税 tax cut, tax decrease genzei
半減 reducing by half hangen
加減 high & low, plus or minus, give or take kagen
軽減 mitigation, commutation keigen
削減 reduction, curtailment sakugen
節減 reduction, curtailment setsugen
逓減 gradual diminution teigen
漸減 gradual decrease, ~reduction zengen
意加減 haphazard, random, unreliable ikagen
好い加減 "take it easy..." iikagen
目減り weight loss meberi
塩加減 food saltiness shiokagen
手加減 exercise one's discretion tekagen
減らず口 retort, rejoinder, rebuttal herazuguchi
減り込む sink, submerge herikomu
耗essen, 655
陥all-down, 893
堕all-down, 807
落all-down, 826
衰ecline, 374
少ew, 459
滅erish, 520
激ierce, 170
図ketched in farmers' 脳rain, no 悩istress when it rains...
囗 (enclosure)
FLIP: 2.0.a. Sort Of (flat)
haka(ru), ZU, TO 339 図
sketch, drawing, illustration
地図 map chizu
意図 intention, volition, will ito
異図 ulterior-, hidden motive ito
系図 genealogy, family tree keizu
⇒家系図 family tree, ancestral roots kakeizu
企図 plan, strategy kito
構図 art composition kōzu
略図 sketch, rough map ryakuzu
縮図 miniaturized scale (sketch) shukuzu
図書 collection of books tosho
図書館 library toshokan
要図 outline, drawing yōzu
雄図 ambitious plan yūto
図案 design, plan, chest zuan
図画 drawing, painting zuga
図解 diagram, illustration zukai
図鑑 illustrated-, picture book zukan
図形 figure, drawing zukei
図工 drawing & manual arts zukō
図面 architectural blueprint zumen
図示 illustration, drawing, sketch zushi
図式 diagram, chart, graph zushiki
案内図 guide map, travel map annaizu
鳥瞰図 bird' s-eye view chōkanzu
掛け図 wall map, wall chart kakezu
航海図 navigational map kōkaizu
設計図 draft, plan sekkeizu
側面図 side view sokumenzu
天気図 weather map tenkizu
投影図 projection chart tōeizu
描ketch, 271