Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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      mina, KAI 587 皆

      everyone, everything, total

      皆伝① expertise, proficiency kaiden

      皆伝② initiation to all mysteries (Buddhism) kaiden

      ⇒免許皆伝 proficiency license menkyo kaiden

      皆伐 land clearing kaibatsu

      皆伐地 cleared site kaibatsuchi

      皆兵 compulsory military conscription kaihei

      皆既 total eclipse kaiki

      皆既月食 total lunar eclipse kaiki gesshoku

      皆既日食 total solar eclipse kaiki nisshoku

      皆勤 perfect work attendance kaikin

      皆勤賞 perfect attendance award kaikinshō

      皆既食 totality, universality kaikishoku

      皆目 wholly, totally, entirety kaimoku

      皆無 completely nil, impossible kaimu

      皆納 tax payment in full kainō

      皆済 full payment, fully-paid kaisai

      皆様 "to everyone present..." minasama

      皆殺し extermination, genocide minagoroshi

      皆々様 "to everyone present..." minaminasama

      全ntire, 24

      各very, 498

      毎very, 241

      習earning, 238

      比ompare, 466


      革eather 靴ootwear bloomed like 華lowers with 華hina's 革eformers...

      革 (leather)

      FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)



      kawa, KAKU 1075 革

      reform, modernize, renewal, improve, ugrade; leather, hide

      沿革 history, development enkaku

      行革 administrative reform gyōkaku

      保革 reformists & conversatives hokaku

      改革 reform, reformation kaikaku

      ⇒業務改革 business reform gyōmu kaikaku

      ⇒宗教改革 Reformation Age shūkyō kaikaku

      ⇒税制改革 tax reform zeisei kaikaku

      改革案 reform bill kaikakuan

      革命 revolution kakumei

      ⇒産業革命 Industrial Revolution sangyō kakumei

      ⇒文化大革命 Cultural Revolution bunka daikakumei

      革命家 revolutionary, reformist kakumeika

      革命政府 revolutionary government kakumei seifu

      革命運動 revolutionary movement kakumei undō

      革新 innovation, reform kakushin

      ⇒技術革新 technological revolution gijutsu kakushin

      革新的 progressive, reformist kakushinteki

      変革 reform, change henkaku

      牛革 cowhide, leather gyukawa, gyugawa

      皮革 leather, hide hikaku

      紐革 strap, string himokawa

      革質 leathery kakushitsu

      革具 leathercraft, leather goods kawagu

      革靴 leather shoes kawagutsu

      革装 leather-bound kawasō

      背革 leather back segawa

      製革 tanning seikaku

      革表紙 leather-covered kawabyōshi

      革製品 leather goods, ~products kawaseihin

      革細工 leather goods, ~products kawazaiku

      改eform, 725

      変hange, 581

      新ew, 668

      策olicy, 875

      措easures, 282

      略ummary, 825

      牛attle, 179

      帯egion, 557

      帝mpire, 432


      革eather 靴ootwear bloomed like 華lowers with 華hina's 革eformers...

      革 (leather)

      FLIP: 6.0.b. Left (stem)



      kutsu, KA 1076 靴

      footwear, shoes

      靴べら shoehorn kutsu bera

      靴ブラシ shoebrush kutsu burashi

      靴ずれ sore from wearing shoes kutsuzure

      雨靴 rain boots, galoshes amagutsu

      泥靴 muddy shoes dorogutsu

      深靴 long boots fukagutsu

      軍靴 combat boots gunka

      革靴 leather shoes kawagutsu

      靴紐 shoestring, shoelace kutsu himo

      靴音 sound of footsteps kutsuoto

      靴下 socks, stockings kutsushita

      靴下止め garters, suspenders kutsushitadome

      靴屋 shoe store, shoemaker kutsuya

      靴底 shoe sole kutsuzoko

      靴墨 shoe polish kutsuzumi

      長靴 boots, galoshes, rainshoes nagagutsu

      製靴 shoemaking seika

      短靴 low shoes tangutsu

      上靴 footwear worn inside one's house uwagutsu

      藁靴 straw shoes waragutsu

      雪靴 snowshoes yukigutsu

      乗馬靴 horseriding shoes jōbagutsu

      靴拭き doormat kutsufuki

      靴磨き shoeshine kutsumigaki

      靴直し shoe repair kutsunaoshi

      靴脱ぎ removing one's shoes kutsunugi

      戦闘靴 combat boots sentōgutsu

      紳士靴 men's shoes shinshigutsu

      登山靴 mountaineering boots tozangutsu

      運動靴 sports shoes, rubber shoes undōgutsu

      足oot, 481

      歩alk, 272

      脚egs, 387

      革eather, 39


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