Kanji Handbook. Vee David
yen enka
原価 cost, price genka
減価 price reduction genka
平価 par, parity, par value heika
評価 evaluation, appraisal hyōka
時価 market price jika
株価 stock prices kabuka
価値 value, worth kachi
価格 price, value kakaku
高価 expensive, costly kōka
無価 priceless muka
無価値 priceless mukachi
廉価 cheap price renka
声価 reputation, name value seika
正価 net price, regular price seika
市価 market price shika
真価 true value, real worth shinka
対価 compensation, payment taika
単価 unit price, unit cost tanka
定価 list price, fixed price teika
等価 equivalent, equal, parity tōka
特価 reduced price tokka
予価 price estimate, quoted price yoka
栄養価 nutritive value eiyōka
値rice, 783
貴recious, 913
金oney, 25
幣oney, 171
札oney-bills, 685
面urface, 36
西estern, 18
両oth, 567
画aintings' 価alue & 価rice depend on the 面urface size...
面 (surface, front)
274 面 9
FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)
omote, omo, tsura, MEN 274 面
face, surface, dimension, sector
部面 phase, section bumen
帳面 notebook, books chōmen
覆面 face mask fukumen
額面 face value, par value gakumen
画面 scene, screen, window gamen
顔面 face surface ganmen
画廊 art gallery, art exhibit garō
背面 backside, rear surface haimen
白面 face without cosmetics hakumen
表面 surface, outward look hyōmen
渋面 grimace, wince, sneer jūmen, shibuttsura
球面 spherical shape kyūmen
面会 interview, interpellation menkai
面積 land size, floor area menseki
面接 interview, interpellation mensetsu
面識 acquaintance menshiki
面子 honour, face, name mentsu
面前 "in the presence of..." menzen
能面 Noh mask nōmen
面影 image, face, shadow omokage
斜面 slope, slant shamen
側面 side, lateral sokumen
底面 bottom, depth teimen
横面 cheek yokkotsura
全面 entirety, wholly zenmen
仏頂面 sullen look, sour face bucchōzura
面食い liking good looks menkui
面持ち look, face omomochi
面構え one's face tsuragamae
面汚し disgrace, humiliation tsurayogoshi
前rontal, 118
表utlook, 378
後osterior, 897
裏osterior, 872
画ainting, 35
雨aining, 417
捜捜earching, 抽ulling, 押ushing, rock fans abusing...
手⇔扌 (hand, manual)
989 捜 10
FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)
捜ook for
saga(su), SŌ 989 捜
search, finding, look-for
博捜 thorough & extensive search hakusō
捜査 investigation, search sōsa
捜査員 detective, investigator sōsain
捜査令状 search warrant sōsa reijō
捜索 search, manhunt sōsaku
⇒家宅捜索 search in a house kataku sōsaku
捜索状 search warrant sōsakujō
捜索隊 search & rescue mission sōsakutai
捜査網 "long arm of the law...", police dragnet sōsamō
捜し絵 picture puzzle sagashie
捜し物 something to look for, missing item sagashimono
捜し回る hunting around sagashimawaru
捜し出す find out, discover sagashidasu
捜し当てる find out, locate, ferret out sagashiateru
捜し求める seek sagashimotomeru
絵捜し picture puzzle esagashi
索earch, 375
探earch, 787
覧ook at, 592
理eason, 872
埋ury, 319
捜earching, 抽ulling, 押ushing, rock fans abusing...
手⇔扌 (hand, manual)
FLIP: 7.0.b1. Right (stem)
o(su), o(saeru), Ō 9 れ86 押
press, pushing
押さえ presser foot, weight osae
花押 written seal, signature kaō
押印 personal seal ōin
押下 pressing down ōka
押捺 affixing seal ōnatsu