Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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      石灰岩 limestone sekkaigan

      水成岩 aqueous rock suiseigan

      砂ands, 643

      石tone, 363

      涯eashore, 890

      浦eashore, 813

      浜eashore, 490

      炭oal, 29

      岸hore, 30


      岩ocks & 炭oal on a 岸oastal 岸hore told in folklore...

      火⇔灬 (fire)

      1344 炭 9

      FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)



      sumi, TAN 1344 炭

      coal, charcoal, lignite

      亜炭 lignite atan

      貯炭 coal supply chotan

      貯炭庫 bunker, underground safeplace chotanko

      泥炭 peat deitan

      氷炭 irreconcilable differences hyōtan

      堅炭 hard charcoal katazumi

      褐炭 lignite, brown coal kattan

      黒炭 black charcoal kokutan

      豆炭 oval briquette mametan

      木炭 charcoal mokutan

      練炭 briquettes rentan

      採炭 coal mining saitan

      石炭 mineral coal sekitan

      出炭 coal production shuttan

      炭火 charcoal fire sumibi, tanka

      炭団 charcoal briquettes tandan

      炭田 coalfield tanden

      炭肺 black lungs, anthracosis tanhai

      炭塵 coal dust tanjin

      炭化 carbonisation tanka

      炭化水素 hydrocarbon tanka suiso

      炭坑 coal mine shaft tankō

      炭鉱 coal mine, colliery tankō

      炭酸 carbohydrates tansan

      炭酸水 carbonated water tansansui

      炭素 carbon tanso

      炭層 coal-bed deposits tansō

      塗炭 misery, anxiety, distress totan

      消し炭 burned-out charcoals, cinders keshizumi

      炭焼き charcoal making sumiyaki

      燃urning, 445

      熱eat, 153

      火ire, 3

      煙moke, 644

      岩ock, 29

      岸hore, 30


      岩ocks & 炭oal on a 岸oastal 岸hore told in folklore...

      山 (mountain)

      586 岸 8

      FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)

      FLIP: 8.0.b. Inner (stem)



      kishi, GAN 586 岸

      coastal, seashore, seaside

      着岸 reaching shore from the sea chakugan

      沿岸 coast, shore engan

      沿岸漁業 coastal-, inshore fishery engan gyogyō

      岸壁 quay, wharf, s horewall ganpeki

      岸頭 standing on the shore gantō

      傲岸 arrogance, snub-nosed, haughty gōgan

      彼岸 equinoctial week higan

      彼岸桜 early-blooming cherry blossoms higanzakura

      北岸 northern coast hokugan

      河岸 riverbank, fish market kagan, kashi

      海岸 beach, seashore, coast, shoreline kaigan

      海岸線 coastline kaigansen

      海岸沿い along the seashore kaiganzoi

      海岸通り coastal road kaigandoori

      川岸 riverside, riveredge kawagishi

      岸辺 along the beach kishibe

      南岸 southern shore nangan

      離岸 set sail, leaving a shore rigan

      両岸 both sides of the shore ryōgan, ryōgishi

      左岸 left riverbank sagan

      西岸 western coast seigan

      接岸 coming alongside setsugan

      対岸 opposite side, ~bank taigan

      東岸 eastern coast tōgan

      右岸 right riverbank ugan

      魚河岸 coastal fish market uogashi

      河岸端 riverside, riveredge kashibata

      岸和田 Kishiwada City, Ōsaka kishiwada

      護岸工事 shore protection works gogan kōji

      太平洋岸 US west coast taiheiyōgan

      湾岸戦争 Gulf War (1991) wangan sensō

      涯eashore, 890

      浦eashore, 813

      浜eashore, 490

      海cean, 241

      洋cean, 247

      岩ock, 29

      炭oal, 29


      To 正orrect & 整ectify, 征onquerors live & die...

      止 (stopping)

      275 正 5

      Facing: 2.0. East ☞ (W)




      tada(shii), tada(su) masa(ni), SEI, SHŌ 275 正

      correct, accurate, precise, proper, right

      賀正 Happy New Year gashō

      厳正 strictness, discipline gensei

      改正 revision, rewriting kaisei

      規正 improvement, betterment kisei

      校正 proof-reading kōsei

      矯正 correction, remedy, cure kyōsei

      正副 chief & deputy seifuku

      正義 justice, right seigi

      正業 noble profession seigyō


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