Kanji Handbook. Vee David
& soul shinketsu
出血 bleeding, haemorrhage shukketsu
輸血 blood transfusion yuketsu
脳溢血 brain haemorrhage, apoplexy nōikketsu
係elative, 263
系ineage, 262
縁elationship, 675
祖ncestor, 953
冊[books], 20
皿late, 21
冊ooks warned Pontius Pilate of a 血loody 皿late...
皿 (plate)
FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)
sara 1097 皿
plate, dish
灰皿 ashtray, smoking stand haizara
平皿 flat plate hirazara
一皿 a dish of (cuisine) hitosara
火皿 dish served on fire hizara
木皿 wooden plate kizara
小皿 small plate kozara
中皿 medium-sized plate chūzara
蒸発皿 evaporating dish jōhatsuzara
菓子皿 cake dish, sweets plate kashizara
銘々皿 small plate meimeizara
皿洗い dish washing, dishwasher saraarai
皿洗い機 dish washing machine saraaraiki
皿立て dish rack saratate
皿回し dish-spinning trick saramawashi
製氷皿 ice-making dish seihyōzara
手塩皿 small dish, saucer teshiozara
取り皿 small plate torizara
受け皿 saucer ukezara
盤isk, 324
盆ray, 594
冊[books], 20
血lood, 20
Grand 盟lliance in the 月onth of 明rilliance...
皿 (plate)
717 盟 13
FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)
aka(rui), aki(raka), akira, MEI, MYŌ 717 盟
alliance, confederacy, federation, league, coalition
同盟 alliance, confederacy dōmei
⇒非買同盟 boycott strike hibai dōmei
⇒不払い同盟 non-payment strike fubarai dōmei
同盟軍 allied military, allied armed forces dōmeigun
同盟国 allied nation, ally dōmeikoku
非同盟 non-aligned, neutral hidōmei
加盟 joining, affiliation, membership kamei
加盟国 member state kameikoku
血盟 blood compact ketsumei
盟邦 allied nation, ally meihō
盟主 leading power meishu
盟約 alliance pact meiyaku
盟友 sworn friends, allies meiyū
連盟 league, federation, alliance renmei
⇒国際連盟 League of Nations (1924-1946) kokusai renmei
締盟 enter into a treaty teimei
締盟国 treaty signatory nation teimeikoku
連lliance, 305
同imilar, 245
組roup, 138
団roup, 345
閥lique, 946
盤oard, 324
盛rosperity, 244
Grand 盟lliance in the 月onth of 明rilliance...
月 (moon; body part)
FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)
tsuki, GATSU, GETSU 17 月
month, moon, lunar
❶風月 natures beauty fūgetsu
月経 menstruation period gekkei
月給 monthly salary gekkyū
月謝 monthly tuition gessha
月額 monthly sum getsugaku
半月 ① half a month hantsuki
葉月 August hazuki
如月 February kisaragi
今月 this month kongetsu
毎月 every month maitsuki
何月 what month nangatsu
来月 next month raigetsu
歳月 time, years saigetsu
先月 last month sengetsu
正月 New Year day shōgatsu
祥月 month of death shōtsuki
月々 each month, every month tsukizuki
月刊誌 monthly magazine gekkanshi
月桂樹 laurel gekkeiju
月末 end of the month getsumatsu
月掛け monthly instalment tsukigake
月日 time, year tsukihi
月割り monthly instalment tsukiwari
星月夜 starlit night, starry night hoshizukiyo
❷月光 moonlight gekkō
半月 ② half moon hangetsu
満月 full moon mangetsu
月影 moonlight, moonshine tsukikage
月見 moon viewing tsukimi
残月 moon in the morning zangetsu
月曜日 Monday getsuyōbi
皆既月食 total lunar eclipse kaiki gesshoku
月ロケット moon rocket tsukiroketto
月並み ordinary, common tsukinami
曜eekday, 849
週eekly, 279
丹ed colour, 78
Grand 盟lliance in the 月onth