Kanji Handbook. Vee David
養reeding, 253
牧reeding, 647
四our, 17
西estern, 18
四our 匹nimals in the 西estern corall...
西⇔襾 (western)
72 西 6
FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)
nishi, SEI, SAI 72 西
Western, European, Occident
西蔵 Tibet chibetto
以西 west of ~ isei
関西 Kansai region (Ōsaka-Kōbe) kansai
江西 Jianxi province, China kōsei
真西 directly facing west manishi
西日 setting sun, afternoon sun nishibi
西側 westside nishigawa
西風 Western winds nishikaze
西宮 Nishinomiya City, Hyōgo Pref. nishinomiya
西下 travel to Kansai from Tōkyō saika
最西 Westernmost part saisei
西土 Western lands seido
西方 westward seihō
西北 northwest seihoku
西人 Westerner seijin
西経 west longitude seikei
西南 southwest seinan
西欧 Western Europe seiō
西欧化 Westernisation, internationalisation seiōka
西暦 Anno Domini, A. D., Christian year seireki
西瓜 watermelon suika
泰西 West, Occident taisei
東西 East & West tōzai
西半球 Western hemisphere nishihankyū
西進中 advancing westward seishinchū
西洋風 European style seiyōfū
西洋人 Westerner, Caucasian seiytjin
大西洋 Atlantic ocean taiseiyō
西明かり Western twilight nishiakari
西洋文明 European civilization seiyō bunmei
西洋野菜 Western vegetables seiyō yasai
東astern, 220
北orthern, 372
南outhern, 414
両oth, 567
丙hird class, 212
Killed by 矢rrow puncture, not by 医edicine 失ailure...
矢 (archery arrow)
213 矢 5
FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)
ya, SHI 213 矢
arrow, dart, spike
毒矢 poisoned arrow dokuya
火矢 flaming arrow hiya
遠矢 long-distance archery tōya
矢羽 arrow feathers yabane
矢場 archery field yaba
矢文 letter attached to an arrow yabumi
矢玉 arrow & bullet yadama
矢種 remaining arrow yadane
矢柄 arrow shaft yagara
矢尻 arrowhead, arrowbarb yajiri
矢印 arrow yajirushi
矢面 target, "brunt of…"yaomote
矢来 palisade, stockade yarai
矢先 arrowhead yasaki
矢師 arrow craftman yashi
矢立 portable brush & ink case yatate
矢筒 quiver yazutsu
弓矢 bow & arrow yumiya
弓矢八幡 god of war yumiya hachiman
矢庭に immediately, suddenly yaniwani
吹き矢 blow pipe fukiya
石火矢 ancient canon ishibiya
流れ矢 stray arrow nagareya
竹矢来 bamboo palisade takeyarai
矢飛白 arrow-feather pattern yagasuri
矢車草 cornflower yagurumasō
矢の根 arrowhead yanone
矢鱈漬 mixed-vegetable pickles yatarazuke
無理矢理 by force, under compulsion muriyari
白羽の矢 ① one's lucky arrow shirahanoya
白羽の矢 ② "being singled out..." shirahanoya
弓rchery, 348
射hoot, 504
失ailure, 19
天eaven, 83
医edicine, 19
Killed by 矢rrow puncture, not by 医edicine 失ailure...
匚 (sidebox)
220 医 7
Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across
I 220 医
medicine, doctor, physician
軍医 military doctor gun'i
医学 medical science, medicine igaku
医学博士 doctor of medicine, igaku hakushi, hakase
医学実習生 medical intern igaku jisshūsei
医学界 medical profession igakukai
医学生 medical student igakusei
医院 medical clinic, doctor's office iin
医術 medicine, medical technology ijutsu
医官 government doctor ikan
医局 medical office ikyoku
医者 medical doctor, physician isha
医師 medical doctor, physician ishi
医薬 medical treatment, ~cure iyaku
女医 female physician, lady doctor joi
獣医 veterinarian, vet, animal doctor jūi
校医 school doctor kōi