Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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      末路 end, last days, fate matsuro

      末端 end, closing, closure mattan

      年末 year-end nenmatsu

      歳末 year-end saimatsu

      瑣末 frivolous, trivial, petty samatsu

      始末 matter to take care shimatsu

      週末 weekend, Saturdays & Sundays shūmatsu

      終末 conclusion shūmatsu

      粗末 miserable, careless somatsu

      末娘 youngest daughter suemusume

      端末 terminal, endpoint tanmatsu

      ①行末 the future yukusue

      ②行く末 end of line (text) ikusue

      末っ子 youngest child suekko

      世紀末 end of a century seikimatsu

      末長く forever & ever suenagaku

      末広がり fan, spread suehirogari

      端ndpoint, 974

      終inish, 397

      了inish, 456

      遂inally, 479

      未ot yet,12

      未ot yet, 12

      示howing, 878


      未ending 末atter-part, about to be 抹rossed-out...

      手⇔扌 (hand, manual)

      1914 抹 8

      FLIP:7.0.b1. Right (stem)



      MATSU 1914 抹

      cross-out, wipe-out

      一抹 somewhat, "a touch of …" ichimatsu

      抹茶 green tea powder maccha

      抹香 incense stick makkō

      抹香鯨 sperm whale makkō kujira

      抹香臭い smack of religion makkōkusai

      抹殺 wiping out, denial, killing massatsu

      抹消 erasure, crossing off masshō

      塗抹 painting over tomatsu

      絶radicate, 403

      消elete, 265

      廃bolish, 368

      外emove, 188

      脱emove, 941

      止erminate, 192

      停top, 393

      末atter-part, 13

      示howing, 878


      One 日unny 日ay in 日apan, flew a 百undred 白hite swans...

      曰 (sunlight, daytime)

      5 日 4

      FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)




      hi, ka, JITSU, NICHI 5 日

      day, sun, Japan

      朝日 morning sun asahi

      元日 New Year's day ganjitsu

      半日 half day hannichi

      期日 fixed date, fixed term kijitsu

      昨日 yesterday, day before today kinō

      毎日 every day mainichi

      命日 death anniversary meinichi

      日録 daily journal nichiroku

      祭日 holiday saijitsu

      週日 weekday shūjitsu

      祝日 national holiday shukujitsu

      短日 a few days tanjitsu

      定日 appointed date teijitsu

      曜日 day of the week yōbi

      給料日 payday, salary day kūryōbi

      面会日 visiting days (hospital) menkaibi

      年月日 date, month & year (exact date) nengappi

      参観日 parental visiting day (school) sankanbi

      出勤日 regular workday shukkinbi

      誕生日 birthday tanjōbi

      日延べ postponement, deferment hinobe

      入り日 setting sun irihi

      日焼け sun-burned, sun-tanned hiyake

      西日 setting sun, sunset nishibi

      日食 solar eclipse nisshoku

      日英 Japan & England nichiei

      日本 Japan nihon, nippon

      来日 visit to Japan rainichi

      日の丸 Japanese flag, rising-sun flag hinomaru

      駐日大使 ambassador to Japan chūnichi taishi

      曜eekday, 849

      暁aybreak, 818

      昼aytime, 575

      邦apan, 694

      和apanese, 103

      陽un, 932

      旧ormerly, 464

      担esponsible, 739


      One 日unny 日ay in 日apan, flew a 百undred 白hite swans...

      白 (white)

      14 百 6

      FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)


      HYAKU, BYAKU, PYAKU, momo 14 百


      凡百 all varieties, many kinds bonpyaku

      百計 by all means, at all cost hyakkei

      百倍 100% times, a hundred fold hyakubai

      百害 nothing-but-harm, no good hyakugai

      百芸 Jack-of-all-trades hyakugei

      百獣 all animals, animal kingdom hyakujū

      百万 one million hyakuman

      百難 all sorts of difficulties hyakunan

      百人 multitude, one hundred persons hyakunin

      百雷 one hundred thunderclaps hyakurai

      百錬 well-tempered, well-trained hyakuren

      百姓 peasant, farmer hyakushō

      百出 arising in great numbers hyakushutsu

      百態 various situations hyakutai

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