Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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suffix for universities

      大学 university daigaku

      大臣 cabinet minister daijin

      大名 feudal lord daimyō

      拡大 expand, enlarge kakudai

      寛大 magnanimous, generous kandai

      誇大 exaggeration, boasting kodai

      大雨 heavy rain, rainpour ōame

      大型 large-scale ōgata

      大手 large, major ōte

      大家 landlord, owner ōya

      大人 adult, grown up otona

      盛大 splendour, grandeur seidai

      大変 hard, difficult taihen

      大会 large gathering, ~assembly taikai

      大金 vast amount of money taikin, ōgon

      大国 Great Powers, colonial powers taikoku

      大乱 large-scale rioting tairan

      大陸 continent tairiku

      大使 ambassador, envoy, emissary taishi

      大和 ancient name of Japan yamato

      超大国 superpower chōtaikoku

      大部分 majority, greater part daibubun

      大丈夫 OK, fine, "no problem..." daijōbu

      大音響 loud noise daionkyō

      大統領 The President daitōryō

      大いに very much, extremely ōi (ni)

      大き目 large, big ōkime

      大文字 capitalized letters, large caps ōmoji

      大して "not very much..." taishite

      大安売り bargain sale ōyasuuri

      文化大革命 cultural revolution bunka daikakumei

      東大 Tōkyō University tōdai

      拡nlarge, 205

      広arge, 205

      巨iant, 206

      丈obust, 463

      太hick, 6


      士entlemen on the 土round at your 仕ervice all year round...

      士 (samurai, warrior)

      FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



      samurai, SHI 572 士

      gentleman, fighter, masculine, samurai

      学士 university graduate gakushi

      技士 technician, skilled expert gishi

      博士 doctorate, doctoral hakase, hakushi

      士女 male & female shijo

      紳士 gentleman shinshi

      紳士協定 gentlemen's agreement shinshi kyōtei

      紳士録 "Who's Who..." shinshiroku

      修士 master of arts, ~of science shūshi

      弁護士 lawyer, barrister bengoshi

      弁理士 patent lawyer benrishi

      代議士 Diet member, lawmaker daigishi

      栄養士 dietician, nutritionist eiyōshi

      看護士 male nurse kangoshi

      計理士 accountant keirishi

      操縦士 airline pilot sōjūshi

      闘牛士 bullfighter, matador, picador tōgyūshi

      武士 samurai, warrior bushi

      武士道 samurai spirit, warrior spirit bushidō

      同士 fellow ~, colleague, comrade dōshi

      兵士 soldier, private heishi

      騎士 knight kishi

      烈士 hero, patriot resshi

      力士 sumo wrestler rikishi

      戦士 soldier, fighter senshi

      士族 samurai family shizoku

      策士 tactician, strategist sakushi

      士官 military officer shikan

      士気 fighting spirit, espirit-de-corps shiki

      闘士 fighter, activist, champion tōshi

      勇士 brave man, hero yūshi

      紳entleman, 713

      壮asculine, 367

      男asculine, 597

      僕asculine, 157

      雄asculine, 775

      郎asculine, 404

      土round, 8


      士entlemen on the 土round at your 仕ervice all year round...

      土 (ground, soil)

      24 土 3

      FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)



      tsuchi, DO, TO 24 土

      ground, soil, earth

      土壌 earth, soil dojō

      土管 earthen pipe dokan

      土建 building, structure doken

      土器 earthenware doki

      土間 soil-, dirt floor doma

      土日 weekend, Saturday & Sunday donichi

      土星 planet Saturn dosei

      土質 soil nature doshitsu

      土手 embankment, riverbank dote

      土俵 sumo wrestling arena; sandbag dohyō

      ⇒初土俵 sumo wrestler's debut hatsudohyō

      土俵際 brink of, critical moment dohyōgiwa

      土俵入り sumo opening rituals dohyōiri

      風土 natural resources fūdo

      本土 mainland hondo

      浄土 Buddhist paradise jōdo

      壁土 plaster kabetsuchi

      国土 territory, country kokudo

      郷土 hometown, birthplace kyōdo

      郷土愛 love of hometown kyōdoai

      粘土 clay, earthen nendo

      黄土 ochre ōdo

      領土 territory, domain ryōdo

      焦土 burnt ground, scorched land shōdo

      土地 land, property tochi

      土煙 cloud of dust tsuchikemuri

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