Kanji Handbook. Vee David
口八丁 quick tongue, sweet talker kuchihacchō
村八分 ostracism, disowning murahachibu
十八番 favourite jūhachiban, ohako
嘘八百 nothing but lies, rubbish talk usohappyaku
八重歯 double tooth yaeba
八重桜 double cherry blossoms yaezakura
八百長 rigged contest, fixed game yaochō
八百屋 fruit & vegetable shop yaoya
八十路 eighty years old yasoji
八つ手 Japanese fatsia yatsude
八ヶ岳 Mt. Yatsugatake yatsugatake
八方美人 everybody's friend happō bijin
百八十度 about face hyakuhachijūdo
一か八か all-or-nothing ichika bachika
十中八九 in all likelihood, in 9-to-10 jicchūhakku
四苦八苦 struggle, strive shikuhakku
一ne, 858
二econd, 457
三hree, 858
四our, 17
五ive, 86
六ix, 3
七even, 72
九ine, 73
十en, 344
穴ole, 4
六ix golfers in the North Pole aim for the 八ighth 穴ole...
穴 (hole, cave)
899 穴 5
FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)
ana, KETSU 899 穴
hole, cavity, cranny, pore, puncture, opening
穴凹 pothole anaboko
穴熊 badger anaguma
穴蔵 cellar anagura
穴子 conger eel anago
欠隙 crevice, cleft, crack, cranny ketsugeki
穴馬 dark horse anauma
穴場 good find, little-known place anaba
墓穴 grave, tomb boketsu
洞穴 cave, cavern dōketsu, horaana
岩穴 cave, cavern iwaana
鍵穴 keyhole kagiana
風穴 air hole, air ventilation kazaana
毛穴 hair pore keana
経穴 acupuncture points keiketsu
節穴 knothole, loophole fushiana
大穴 large hole ooana
穴居 living in a cave kekkyo
縦穴 pit, shaft tateana
虎穴 tiger's lair, tigers den koketsu
横穴 tunnel, cave yokoana
穴開け punching, piercing, drilling anaake
穴塞ぎ stopgap anafusagi
穴掘り hole digging anahori
穴探し fault-finder, complainer anasagashi
穴埋め making up, covering anaume
穴釣り ice fishing anazuri
穴居人 caveman kekkyojin
抜け穴 loophole, secret path nukeana
焼け穴 burnt hole yakeana
落とし穴 pitfall, trap, catch otoshiana
孔ole, 684
口pening, 458
八ight, 4
Hit with a 乙econd group of thorns, 己elf-pride 忌ourns...
乙⇔乚 (fishhook)
Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)
乙art B
乙econd group
OTSU 983 乙
Part B, second group
甲乙 former & latter, A & B kōotsu
乙姫 younger princess otohime
乙女 virgin, maiden otome
乙女心 girlish thinking otomegokoro
乙女座 Virgo otomeza
乙種 second grade, grade B otsushu
二econd, 457
次ext, 460
副eputy, 332
己elf, 5
Hit with a 乙econd group of thorns, 己elf-pride 忌ourns...
己 (self)
370 己 3
Facing: 1.0. ☜ West (W)
己ne's own
onore, KO, KI 370 己
self, one's own, oneself
知己 acquaintance, casual friendship chiki
一己 oneself, one's person ikko
自己 oneself, one's person jiko
自己紹介 self-introduction jiko shōkai
自己主義 egoism, narcissism jiko shugi
克己 self-restraint, self-denial kokki
克己心 sense of self-denial kokkishin
利己 self-interest, selfishness riko
利己的 selfish, self-centred rikoteki
利己主義 egotism, narcissism riko shugi
己惚れ self-conceited, narcissistic unubore
我elf, 443
自elf, 462
身elf, 504
私rivate, 682
乙econd class, 5
忌bhor, 6
Hit with a 乙econd group of thorns, 己elf-pride 忌ourns...
心⇔忄⇔忝 (feelings)
Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across
i(mu), i(mawashii), KI 1797 忌