Kanji Handbook. Vee David
Chinese herbal doctor kanpōi
産科医 obstetrician sankai
接骨医 bone doctor, bone-setter sekkotsui
藪医者 quack doctor, poor doctor yabuisha
婦人科医 gynaecologist fujinkai
皮膚科医 dermatologist, skin doctor hifukai
医科大学 college of medicine ika daigaku
脳外科医 brain surgeon nōgekai
精神医学 psychiatry seishin igaku
薬rugs, 447
剤rugs, 961
患ickness, 475
症ickness, 788
病ickness, 213
治ecuperate, 210
癒ecuperate, 923
療ecuperate, 67
失issing, 19
矢rrow, 18
Killed by 矢rrow puncture, not by 医edicine 失ailure...
大 (grand)
FLIP: 2.0.b. Sort Of (stem)
ushina(u), SHITSU 311 失
failure, missing, unsuccessful, blunder, slip
凡失 stupid error bonshitsu
紛失 lost-, missing-, unfound item funshitsu
遺失 lost, missing, misplaced, unfound ishitsu
過失 fault, mistake, error kashitsu
失地 lost domain shicchi
失火 accidental fire shikka
失格 disqualification, disenfranchisement shikkaku
失敬 apology, atonement shikkei
失権 forfeiture of rights, disenfranchisement shikken
失禁 incontinence, loss of control shikkin
失効 invalidation, non-validity, expiry shikkō
失脚 loss of position, downfall shikkyaku
失敗 failure, mistake, error shippai
失費 expenses, spendings shippi
失策 blunder, fiasco, boo-boo shissaku
失跡 disappearance shisseki
失笑 roaring laughter shisshō
失速 stalling, sudden stop shissoku
失望 disappointment, disheartening shitsubō
失言 slip of the tongue, blurting out shitsugen
失業 unemployment shitsugyō
失意 disappointment, despair shitsui
失念 forgotten idea shitsunen
失礼 ① impolite, discourteous shitsurei
失礼 ② "excuse me, pardon..." shitsurei
失点 points deducted shitten
失投 clumsy pitch (baseball) shittō
失当 improper, wrongful shittō
損失 loss, unfound, misplaced sonshitsu
喪失 loss, losing, forfeiture sōshitsu
得失 gains & losses tokushitsu
敗ailure, 137
欠bsence, 460
崩ollapse, 912
落ollapse, 826
陥ollapse, 893
先efore, 478
矢rrow, 18
冊ooks warned Pontius Pilate of a 血loody 皿late...
冂 (inverted box)
FLIP: 1.0.b. Whole (stem)
SATSU, SAKU 1158 冊
[counter for books]
別冊 separate book bessatsu
別冊付録 supplement volumes bessatsu furoku
分冊 separate volume bunsatsu
冊子 booklet, pamphlet sasshi
冊数 number of books sassū
書冊 books, reading materials shosatsu
大冊 humongous-, bulky volume taisatsu
短冊 long strip of haiku paper tanzaku
小冊子 pamphlet, booklet shōsasshi
本ook, 461
文iteracy, 558
読eading, 260
書ritings, 116
館ibrary, 918
血lood, 20
皿late, 21
冊ooks warned Pontius Pilate of a 血loody 皿late...
血 (blood)
789 血 6
FLIP: 1.0.a. Whole (flat)
chi, KETSU 789 血
blood, bleeding, corpuscle
血豆 blood blisters chimame
血迷う "lose one's sanity..." chimayō
血眼 frenzy, bloodshot chimanako
血肉 flesh & blood chiniku
血糊 blood clot chinori
血筋 blood, stock chisuji
鼻血 nosebleed, bleeding nose hanaji
貧血 anaemia hinketsu
充血 congestion, clogging jūketsu
血管 blood vessel, vein, artery kekkan
血気 vigour-of-youth kekki
血行 blood circulation kekkō
血痕 bloodstain kekkon
血球 blood corpuscle kekkyū
献血 blood donation kenketsu
血色 complexion kesshoku
血圧 blood pressure ketsuatsu
血液 blood ketsueki
血液型 blood type ketsuekigata
血縁 blood relation, ~relationship ketsuen
血族 blood relative ketsuzoku
混血 mixed parentage konketsu