Kanji Handbook. Vee David
normal procedure seiki
正論 sound argument, good reasoning seiron
正式 formal, formality, decorum seishiki
正賞 highest prize, top award seishō
正答 correct answer seitō
正月 New Year's day shōgatsu
正午 high noon, 12 o' clock noon shōgo
正絹 pure silk, 100% silk shōken
正気 sanity, consciousness shōki
粛正 cleanup, cleansing shukusei
修正 modification, correction shūsei
僧正 bishop, archbishop, cardinal sōjō
訂正 correction, editing teisei
適正 proper, reasonable, fair tekisei
是正 correction, redress zesei
正誤表 list of errata seigohyō
是orrect, 313
義ighteous, 341
善ighteous, 450
肯ffirmative, 616
整ectify, 31
止top, 192
To 正orrect & 整ectify, 征onquerors live & die...
攵 (action)
503 整 16
FLIP: 6.1. Left Top
整ut in order
totono(eru), totono(u), SEI 503 整
rectify, put in order, adjust
調整 adjustment, modification chōsei
不整 irregularity, inconsistency fusei
補整 manipulation, adjustment hosei
均整 balance, symmetry kinsei
均整美 proportional beauty kinseibi
整備 repair, check-up, maintenance seibi
整地 levelling of land, soil preparation seichi
整風 rectification, correction seifū
整合 coordination, integration seigō
製版 block printing seihan
整髪 haircut, hairdressing seihatsu
整髪剤 hairdressing solution seihatsuzai
整除 divisibility, divisible number seijo
整形 orthopaedics seikei
整形外科 orthopaedics seikei geka
整骨 bone-setting, osteopathy seikotsu
整列 stand in line, queue seiretsu
整理箱 filing cabinet seiribako
整理整頓 neat & tidy seiri seiton
整流 rectification, correction seiryū
整枝 pruning seishi
整数 integer, integral number seisū
整頓 neatness, proper order seiton
整然 systematic, well-organized seizen
修整 retouch, touch up shūsei
端整 neat & orderly tansei
整腸剤 intestinal medicine seichōzai
人員整理 labour cut, staff reduction jin'in seiri
場内整理 area maintenance jōnai seiri
区画整理 land re-adjustment kukaku seiri
扱andling, 189
掌dminister, 614
正orrect, 30
直irect, 420
製anufacture, 534
聖acred, 617
To 正orrect & 整ectify, 征onquerors live & die...
彳 (stroll)
1114 征 8
Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart
SEI 1114 征
conquest, conquer
長征 Long March (China, 1934-1935) chōsei
遠征 military expedition ensei
外征 overseas deployment gaisei
征伐 conquest, subjugation seibatsu
征服 conquest, subjugation seifuku
征服者 conqueror, subjugator seifukusha
征服欲 desire to subjugate seifukuyoku
征夷 subjugating (barbarians) seii
征衣 military uniform; travel clothes seii
征戦 military expedition seisen
征途 military expedition; journey seito
征討 conquest, subjugation seitō
親征 military expedition led by the emperor shinsei
出征 going to the battlefield shussei
克onquer, 204
抑uppress, 705
覇egemony, 603
有ossess, 617
勝ictory, 406
祉elfare, 193
正orrect, 30
High 波aves didn't stop an 婆ld-woman from 渡rossing to Oman...
水⇔氵 (water)
666 波 8
FLIP: 4.0.b. Bottom (stem)
nami, HA 666 波
waves, current, stream
荒波 violent waves, rough seas aranami
波長 wavelength hachō
波動 wave motion, undulation hadō
波状 wavy, choppy waters hajō
波及 spread, extension, influence hakyū
波紋 ripple, water ring, sensation hamon
波乱 rise & fall, vicissitudes haran
波浪 waves, current harō
波線 wavy line hasen
波涛 waves, rough seas hatō
波頭 crest of waves hatō, namigashira
穂波 waves of rice plants honami