Kanji Handbook. Vee David
wide margin, big edge nakaoshi
押え腕 presser arm osaeude
押え不良 defective clamping osaefuryō
押し圧 operation pressure oshiatsu
押し葉 pressed leaf oshiba
押し花 pressed flower oshibana
押しボタン push button oshibotan
押し目 relapse, retrogression oshime
押し麦 rolled barley oshimugi
押し屋 passenger train pusher oshiya
押し鮨 Ōsaka-style sushi oshizushi
押し切る break down oshikiru
押し問答 heated argument oshimondō
押し売り pushy selling oshiuri
尻押し passenger train pusher shirioshi
下押し decline, fall, sag shitaoshi
手押し車 handcart, pushcart teoshiguruma
念を押す remind-, alert someone nen o osu
仮差押え sequestration karisashiosae
迫ress for, 108
尽ursue, 574
追ursue, 108
抽xtract, 37
軸xle, 659
捜earching, 抽ulling, 押ushing, rock fans abusing...
手⇔扌 (hand, manual)
FLIP:7.0.a. Right (flat)
hi(ku), CHŪ 987 抽
extract, pulling, draw out
抽選 lottery, lotto, drawing chūsen
抽選券 lotto ticket chūsenken
抽象 abstraction, conceptual chūshō
抽象物 abstraction, conceptual chūshōbutsu
抽象画 abstract painting chūshōga
抽象派 abstractionism, conceptualism chūshōha
抽象論 abstract thought, ~concept chūshōron
抽象的 abstract, ~conceptual chūshōteki
抽象概念 abstraction, conceptual chūshō gainen
抽出 extraction, pulling out chūshutsu
抽出し cabinet drawer hikidashi
抽斗 cabinet drawer hikidashi
抽んでる be outstanding, excel nukinderu
引xtract, 348
滴xtract, 799
拾ick-up, 231
却ithdraw, 387
退ithdraw, 770
撤ithdraw, 843
罷ithdraw, 322
外emove, 188
油etroleum, 540
押ushing, 37
昆nsects' thing: 混ixing with 皆verything...
曰 (sunlight, daytime)
1874 昆 8
FLIP: 3.0.a. Top (flat)
KON 1874 昆
昆布 sea tangle, kelp konbu, kobu
昆布茶 Tang-flavoured tea kobucha
昆虫 insect konchū
昆虫学 entomology konchūgaku
昆虫採集 collecting insects konchū saishū
朧昆布 sliced tangle oborokonbu
蚊osquito, 654
虫nsect, 369
蛍irefly, 628
鬼evil, 935
恵lessing, 545
昆nsects' thing: 混ixing with 皆verything...
水⇔氵 (water)
FLIP: 7.2.a. Right Top (flat)
ma(zeru), ma(zaru), ma(jiru), KON 799 混
mixture, blending, mingling, scrambling
混紡 mixed spinning konbō
混濁 muddled, clouded, murky kondaku
混同 confusion, mixing, blending kondō
混合 mixture, blending, mixing kongō
混合物 mixture, blend kongōbutsu
混合肥料 compound fertilizer kongō hiryō
混血 mixed parentage konketsu
混血児 child of mixed parentage konketsuji
混交 mixture, blending konkō
混迷 confusion, disorder, chaos konmei
混入 mix, dissolve with konnyū
混乱 confusion, disorder, chaos konran
混載 consolidated, merged konsai
混作 mixed cultivation, ~crops konsaku
混声 assorted voices, crowd noise konsei
混成 mixture, compound konsei
混線 entanglement, confusion konsen
混戦 free-for-all, scuffle, rumble konsen
混信 interference, intervention konshin
混色 mixed colour konshoku
混沌 chaos, confusion konton
混和 mixing, mingling konwa
混浴 mixed bathing (gender) konyoku
混用 mix, dissolve together konyō
混在 mixture, blending konzai
混雑 congestion, jam, crowding konzatsu
混然 whole, entire, harmonious konzen
混ぜ物 mixture, assortment mazemono
混ぜ返す interrupt, make fun of; stir up mazekaesu
紛ixture, 778
錯ixed-up, 335
争onflict, 231
雑arious, 776
諸arious, 794
湯ot-water, 932
浪aves, 254