Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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      常egular, 94

      般egular, 323

      平lain, 488

      拡nlarge, 205

      広arge, 205

      豊bundance, 965

      偏ncline, 43

      編diting, 42


      奴奴ellows' lack of 努ffort 怒ngered their cohorts...

      女 (woman)

      FLIP: 7.0.b2. Right (stem)



      yatsu, yakko, DO 1933 奴

      colleague, fellow

      彼奴 that guy, that fellow aitsu

      奴輩 servant, slave dohai

      奴隷 slave, slavery dorei

      奴隷解放 slave emancipation dorei kaihō

      奴隷制度 slavery system dorei seido

      黒奴 black-, African slave kokudo

      此奴 "you little rascal..." koyatsu

      匈奴 Huns kyōdo

      何奴 "what-the-heck..." naniyatsu

      農奴 serf nōdo

      奴婢 helpers, servants nuhi

      奴凧 ancient kite yakkodako

      奴等 "those fellows..." yatsura

      奴さん fellow, chap yakkosan

      奴豆腐 chilled tofu cubes yakkodōfu

      売国奴 traitor, renegade, quisling baikokudo

      冷や奴 chilled tofu hiyayakko

      黒い奴 racist term for blacks kuroiyatsu

      守銭奴 miser, niggard, cheapshot shusendo

      仲ellow, 695

      輩ellow, 290

      僚ellow, 66

      相ellow, 524

      好iking, 637

      妊regnancy, 709


      奴ellows' lack of 努ffort 怒ngered their cohorts...

      力 (strength, force)

      FLIP:7.2.b. Right Top (stem)



      tsuto(meru), DO 1595 努

      effort, exert, diligence, endeavour, forbearance

      努努 "never, never..." yumeyume

      努力 effort, toil doryoku

      努力型 hard-working doryokugata

      努力家 hard worker, workaholic doryokuka

      努力賞 consolation prize doryokushō

      働abour, 422

      労abour, 351

      伸tretch, 713

      張tretch, 274

      勉fforts, 527

      力trength, 351

      勢igour, 153

      精igour, 792

      始tart, 210

      妨indrance, 734


      奴ellows' lack of 努ffort 怒ngered their cohorts...

      心⇔忄 (heart, feelings)

      1596 怒 9

      FLIP: 7.2.b. Right Top (stem)



      oko(ru), ika(ru), DO 1596 怒

      angry, resent, fuming, furious, incense, indignant, infuriate, outrage, enrage

      怒り anger, rage, fury, wrath ikari

      怒り肩 square shoulder ikarigata

      怒り上戸 angry when drunk okorijōgo

      怒りぽっい quick-tempered, mercurial okorippoi

      怒張 blood over swelling dochō

      怒号 roar, bellowing, bluster dogō

      怒気 anger, rage, fury, wrath doki

      怒声 angry-, furious voice dosei

      怒濤 violent waves, choppy waters dotō

      憤怒 anger, rage, fury, wrath fundo, funnu

      激怒 rage, fury, ire, wrath gekido

      怒鳴り shouting, yelling, screaming donari

      怒鳴る shout, yell, scream donaru

      嚇怒 fury, rage kakudo

      喜怒 joy & anger kido

      喜怒哀楽 feelings, emotions kido airaku

      怒髪天 flushed with anger, outraged dohatsuten

      嫌espise, 805

      卑espise, 936

      侮espise, 711

      憎atred, 837

      悠istant, 898

      急udden, 868


      感eelings of 憾egret 減ecrease when guilt is the least...

      心⇔忄 (heart, feelings)

      FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)



      KAN 262 感

      feelings, emotions, sentiments

      敏感 sensitive, delicate binkan

      同感 sympathy, empathy, commiseration dōkan

      五感 five senses gokan

      反感 antipathy, animosity, hostility hankan

      快感 pleasure, sensation kaikan

      感激 deep emotion, strong passions kangeki

      感情 feelings, emotions kanjō

      感状 letter of commendation kanjō

      感覚 sense, awareness kankaku

      感謝 gratitude, thanks kansha

      感心 admiration, praise kanshin

      感想 impressions, thoughts kansō

      好感 favourable impression kōkan

      音感 sense of pitch onkan

      霊感 inspiration, spiritual sentiments reikan

      量感 massiveness,

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