Kanji Handbook. Vee David
clause tanpo yakkan
❷款待 cordial reception, warm welcome kantai
交款 goodwill exchange kōkan
満款 highest score mankan
借款 borrowings, debt, loan shakkan
⇒円借款 yen-denominated loan enshakkan
懇ntimacy, 164
親ntimate, 669
友riendship, 408
善ighteous, 450
但roviso, 739
条rticle, 607
殻hell, 41
穀ereal, 41
編diting 偏nclination 遍idespread on the Web...
糸 (thread, continuity)
FLIP: 7.3.b. Right Bottom (stem)
a(mu), HEN 682 編
editing, compilation, revision; knitting
❶編著 writer & editor hencho
編曲 arrangement, adjustment henkyoku
編入 entry, incorporate hennyū
編纂 compilation, editing hensan
⇒史料編纂 historiography shiryō hensan
編成 putting together, composition hensei
編制 organize, form hensei
編者 editor, compiler hensha
編集 editing, compilation henshū
上編 first volume jōhen
改編 reorganization, restructuring kaihen
後編 latter part (story) kōhen
巨編 great literary work kyohen
正編 main-, principal story seihen
掌編 short story shōhen
小編 short story shōhen
前編 first sequel, first volume zenpen
続編 sequel, second volume zokuhen
番外編 additional version, extra bangaihen
姉妹編 companion piece shimaihen
予告編 preview, preliminary view yokokuhen
❷編み針 knitting needle, crochet hook amibari
編み棒 knitting needle, ~pin amibō
編み機 knitting machine amiki
編み目 stitching, sewing amime
編み物 knitting, crochet amimono
編み出す work out, think out, devise amidasu
編み込む knit amikomu
飛行編隊 squadron, flight formation hikō hentai
訂diting, 174
校roof-reading, 773
縫ewing, 779
紡pinning, 735
糸hread, 375
衣lothes, 355
偏ncline, 43
遍idespread, 43
編diting 偏nclination 遍idespread on the Web...
人⇔仆 (person)
1159 偏 11
FLIP: 7.3.b. Right Bottom (stem)
katayo(ru), HEN 1159 偏
incline, partial, predilection, proclivity, propensity, trending
不偏 impartiality, disinterested, fairness fuhen
不偏不党 non-partisan fuhen futō
偏愛 favouritism, partiality, bias hen'ai
偏旁 left & right radicals henbō
偏重 overimportance, overemphasis henchō
偏土 remote region hendo
偏人 eccentric henjin
偏見 bias, prejudice henken
偏向 deviation, inclination henkō
偏光 polarized light henkō
偏屈 stubborn, eccentric henkutsu
偏狂 monomaniac henkyō
偏狭 narrow-minded henkyō
偏頗 partiality, bias, discrimination henpa
偏平 flat henpei
偏平足 flat-footed person henpeisoku
偏流 drifting, diversion henryū
偏差 deviation, inclination hensa
偏差値 deviation standard hensachi
⇒標準偏差 standard deviation hyōjun hensa
偏心 eccentricity, idiosyncracy henshin
偏食 unbalanced diet henshoku
偏執 paranoid, phobia, bigotry henshū
偏桃 almond hentō
偏在 mal-distribution, unequal henzai
無偏 unbiased, impartial muhen
偏頭痛 migraine, headache henzutsū, hentōtsu
斜iagonal, 648
方irection, 533
片artial, 359
側art, 291
備urnish, 409
倫thics, 787
編diting 偏nclination 遍idespread on the Web...
辶 (transport)
FLIP:7.3.b. Right Bottom (stem)
FLIP: 8.0.b. Inner (stem)
amane, HEN 1160 遍
widespread, pervasive, rampant, sweeping, all over
五遍 five times gohen
遍歴 travel experience henreki
遍路 pilgrimage, pilgrim henro
遍在 omnipresence, everywhere henzai
一遍 once, altogether ippen
⇒通り一遍 passing, causal, perfunctory toori ippen
何遍 how many times nanben
二遍 twice, three