Kanji Handbook. Vee David
発芽 germination, budding hatsuga
萌芽 signs, makings of hōga
芽接 in-lay grafting metsugi
肉芽 granulation, grating, pulverizing nikuga
新芽 sprout, shoot shinme
出芽 budding, sprouting, germinating shutsuga
胎芽 propagule taiga
摘芽 thinning out of buds tekiga
若芽 young bud, shoot, sprout wakame
幼芽 grain germs yōga
葉芽 leaf bud yōga
木の芽 bud, sprout kinome
芽生え sprout, shoot, awakening mebae
芽出度い happy, celebrative medetai
植lant, 783
畑lantation, 482
稲ice plant, 893
藻ater plants, 852
栽aplings, 803
苗aplings, 270
草rass, 373
苦nguish, 477
芽prouts for vaudeville, no 雅race no 邪vil...
隹 (long-tailed birds)
1456 雅 13
Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart
GA, miyabi 1456 雅
graceful, elegant
風雅 elegant, refined, graceful fūga
雅文 elegant prose gabun
雅致 elegance, sophisticated gachi
雅談 graceful conversations gadan
雅楽 imperial court music gagaku
雅言 elegant expression gagen
雅語 graceful-, elegant words gago
雅号 pen name, pseudonym gagō
雅人 person with exquisite taste gajin
雅歌 graceful-, elegant words gaka
雅壊 aesthetic mood gakai
雅客 sophisticate, writer gakaku
雅兄 honorific for writing a friend gakei
雅名 pen name, pseudonym gamei
雅味 sophisticated taste gami
雅量 generosity, magnanimity garyō
雅称 pen name, pseudonym gashō
雅趣 elegance, good taste gashu
雅俗 refined-or-unrefined style gazoku
博雅 erudition, broad knowledge hakuga
閑雅 grace, elegance kanga
古雅 classical grace koga
高雅 elegant, refined, graceful kōga
温雅 refined, mild-mannered onga
典雅 elegant, graceful woman tenga
都雅 urbane-, socialite taste toga
優雅 elegant, graceful, exquisite yūga
雅か graceful, exquisite miyabika
淑raceful, 510
韻raceful, 315
雌emale-animal, 929
雄ourage, 775
芽prouts for vaudeville, no 雅race no 邪vil...
阝⇔阜 (village), (right)
Facing: 4.0. ☜☞ Apart
yokoshi(ma), JA, ZE 1457 邪
evil, bad
破邪 defeating evil haja
邪悪 wicked, evil, malicious jaaku
邪道 wicked ways, evil ways jadō
邪飛 baseball foul fly jahi
邪淫 wicked lustfulness jain
邪見 wrong view jaken
邪険 harsh, cruel jaken
邪気 malice, evil intent, ill will jaki
⇒無邪気 innocence, simplicity mujaki
邪教 blasphemy, heresy, sacreligious jakyō
邪教徒 heretic, infidel jakyōto
邪魔 hindrance, bothersome jama
邪魔っ気 troublesome, bothersome jamakke
邪魔者 nuisance, irksome, annoyance jamamono
邪念 evil thoughts, malice, ill will janen
邪恋 illicit love, forbidden love jaren
邪論 heteroxy, iconoclastic jaron
邪正 right & wrong jasei
邪説 heresy, heretical doctrine jasetsu
邪心 evil mind, evil heart jashin
邪神 devil, evil gods jashin
邪宗 heretical sect jashū
邪推 baseless suspicion jasui
邪欲 lust, lewd desire jayoku
風邪 cold in the nose, ~head kaze
⇒鼻風邪 cold in the nose, ~head hanakaze
⇒夏風邪 summer cold, summer chill natsukaze
風邪声 hoarse, nasal voice kazegoe
正邪 right-or-wrong, propriety seija
天の邪鬼 pervert, lewd, gross ama no jaku
悪vil, 389
凶vil, 80
鬼evil, 935
魔evil, 332
雅raceful, 58
芽prout, 57
勇ourage 通asses 通hrough 痛ainful 痛njury...
力 (strength, force)
1386 勇 9
FLIP: 8.0.a. Inner (flat)
Facing: 3.0. ☞☜ Across
isa(mu), isa(mushii), isa(mashii), YŪ 1386 勇
courage, bravery, embolden, valour
蛮勇 reckless valour banyū
武勇 fearless warrior, ~soldier buyū