Kanji Handbook. Vee David
不可避 unavoidable, inevitable fukahi
避病院 quarantine hospital hibyōin
避雷針 lightning rod, lightning bolt hiraishin
却ithdraw, 387
退ithdraw, 770
撤ithdraw, 843
罷ithdraw, 322
癖abitual, 65
壁arrier 66
避void 癖abit of climbing high 壁alls, lest you fall...
疒 (sickness)
1490 癖 18
FLIP: 7.0.b1. Right (stem)
kuse, HEKI 1490 癖
habitual, mannerism, penchant, queerness, repetitious
悪癖 bad habit akuheki
足癖 peculiar walking style ashikuse
病癖 getting a bad habit byōheki
一癖 quirk, peculiarity hitokuse
髪癖 peculiar hairstyle kamikuse, kamiguse
癇癖 quick-tempered, mercurial kanpeki
肩癖 stiff shoulders kenpeki
潔癖 cleanly, tidy, punctilious keppeki
奇癖 eccentricity, odd habit kiheki
口癖 favourite phrase, ~expression kuchiguse
癖毛 dishevelled-, untidy hairstyle kusege
難癖 fault-finder, complainer nankuse
寝癖 sleeping peculiarity neguse
女癖 womaniser, philanderer onnaguse
男癖 promiscuous woman otokoguse
酒癖 drunken behaviour sakeguse
性癖 natural inclination seiheki
尻癖 promiscuous, lewdness shirikuse
習癖 habit, peculiarity shūheki
手癖 sticky hands tekuse
盗癖 thievish, kleptomaniac tōheki
放浪癖 vagrant-, vagabond habit hōrōheki
飲酒癖 drinking habit inshuheki
書き癖 handwriting style kakikuse
怠け癖 laziness habit, idleness namakekuse
寝る癖 peculiar way of sleeping nerukuse
飲み癖 peculiar way of drinking nomikuse
浪費癖 squandering-, wasteful habit rōhikuse
其の癖 nevertheless, and yet sonokuse
読み癖 peculiar way of reading yomikuse
慣abit, 532
事ction, 116
習earning, 238
避void, 65
壁all, 66
避void 癖abit of climbing high 壁alls, lest you fall...
土 (ground, soil)
1489 壁 16
FLIP: 4.0.a. Bottom (flat)
FLIP: 7.2.b. Right Top (stem)
kabe, HEKI 1489 壁
wall, barrier
粗壁 rough surface wall arakabe
防壁 protective wall bōheki
腹壁 abdominal wall fukuheki
外壁 exterior-, outer wall gaiheki
岸壁 quay, wharf ganpeki
岩壁 rock wall, cliff ganpeki
壁画 art mural hekiga
壁面 wall surface hekimen
氷壁 wall of ice hyōheki
胃壁 stomach walls iheki
城壁 castle wall jōheki
壁紙 wallpaper kabegami
壁際 near the wall kabegiwa
壁土 wall plaster kabetsuchi
隔壁 partition, divider wall kakuheki
胸壁 chest walls kyōheki
内壁 inner wall naiheki
生壁 wet-paint wall namakabe
塁壁 rampart, barricade ruiheki
白壁 white wall shirakabe
障壁 barrier, wall shōheki
鉄壁 iron wall, iron curtain teppeki
絶壁 precipice, cliff zeppeki
防火壁 fire-resistant wall bōkaheki
壁掛け wall decoration kabekake
壁塗り wall plastering kabenuri
壁新聞 wall newspaper kabeshinbun
火口壁 crater wall kakōheki
断崖絶壁 overhanging cliff dangai zeppeki
言葉の壁 language barrier kotoba no kabe
関arrier, 284
限imit, 771
境oundary, 839
避void, 65
癖abitual, 65
While 僚olleagues 療ecuperate, their 寮ormitories wait...
人⇔イ (person)
FLIP:7.1. Right (Sort Of)
RYŌ 1324 僚
fellow, colleague, associate
幕僚 staff officers, executive bakuryō
同僚 colleague, fellow dōryō
閣僚 cabinet ministers kakuryō
官僚 bureaucracy, bureaucrat kanryō
官僚制 bureaucracy, bureaucratic kanryōsei
官僚的 bureaucratic kanryōteki
官僚主義 bureaucratism kanryō shugi
下僚 petty official karyō
僚艦 escort-, consort ship ryōkan
僚官 fellow official ryōkan
僚機 escort-, consort airplane ryōki
僚船 escort-, consort ship ryōsen