Kanji Handbook. Vee David

Kanji Handbook - Vee David

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□ 075 弐wo 武arriors battle gladiators... 弐 1186 武 0795 □ 076 伺nquiry on 何omething yielded nothing... 伺 1767 何 0200 □ 077 弟ounger brothers follow succession 第rder... 弟 0203 第 0337 □ 078 知nowledge in 和apanese: 和armony & 和eace... 知 0162 和 0253 和 0253 和 0253 □ 079 抜ull-out to 披pen the letter from Copenhagen... 抜 1723 披 1722 □ 080 官ublic officials in a 官hrine pray for the 官alace 官rince to be fine... 官 0483 宮 0402 宮 0402 宮 0402 □ 081 On the far 丘ills, an old 匠rtisan drills... 丘 1408 匠 1410 □ 082 EU flags 掛anging in the 街istrict of Maastricht... 掛 1499 街 0452 □ 083 Cops in 追ursuit, 迫ressing a thief on foot... 追 0433 迫 1281 □ 084 卒oldiers 座eated for 卒raduation, up for promotion... 卒 0584 座 0890 卒 0584 □ 085 衡alancing 術kills on bicycle wheels... 衡 1608 術 0645 □ 086 Twilight 歳ears, 茂hicken with tears... 歳 1020 茂 1502 □ 087 斉niformity in 斎urification needs no altercation... 斉 1510 斎 1511 □ 088 Roman 皇mperors shine like 星tars even from 星lanets afar... 皇 0833 星 0234 □ 089 姉lder-sister looks after the 妹ounger-sister... 姉 0205 妹 0206 □ 090 Beaten black & 青lue, 責ondemned without a clue... 青 0069 責 0720 □ 091 Tales 書ritten of 事ctions forbidden... 書 0127 事 0245 □ 092 蒸teamed bread 承pproved as the main food... 蒸 0916 承 0784 □ 093 Swords to 削harpen 前efore battles happen... 削 1628 前 0092 □ 094 衷nner feelings 喪ourn death of the unborn... 衷 1689 喪 1690 □ 095 Shoplifters 奔unning-away, 茶ea bags taken away... 奔 1671 茶 0177 □ 096 The 寒hilling 実eality: No equality! 寒 0355 実 0276 □ 097 候limate in Hebron wooed the 侯aron... 候 0609 侯 1925 □ 098 菓weets on the 巣est for little Agnes... 菓 1563 巣 0635 □ 099 美eauty, the 業usiness of vanity... 美 0335 業 0296 □ 100 Rare 島sland 鳥irds down to two-thirds… 島 0298 鳥 0184 □ 101 Lethal syringe 揮randished, 挿nserted to punish... 揮 0999 挿 1665 □ 102 楼ower of 桜herry blossoms look so awesome... 楼 1846 桜 0782 □ 103 留ettlers 留tayed in barter 貿rade... 留 0749 留 0749 貿 0748 □ 104 On the 階tairs of the dynasty rules Her 陛ajesty... 階 0382 陛 0858 □ 105 Social 称itles & 株tocks, pride of aristocrats... 称 1151 株 0884 □ 106 唱hanting and 晶rystals in the witches rituals... 唱 0638 晶 1660 □ 107 陣ampsite of sedition sent a 陳etition... 陣 1448 陳 1449 □ 108 隆rosperity ascends then somehow 降escends... 隆1132 降 0917 □ 109 Pay raise 項lause 頂eceived with applause... 項 1478 頂 0987 □ 110 適ropriety in 商ommerce endear customers... 適 0668 商 0339 □ 111 Like 雷thunder on 雪now rang Santa's, "Ho, ho!" 雷1136 雪 0239 □ 112 敗ailure in 販elling, mad boss yelling... 敗 0521 販 1193 □ 113 組roup's shady 系田sent them to jail... 系且 0207 系 田 0233 □ 114 惑emptations reign in 域egions with evil legions... 惑 1146 域 0919 □ 115 陵ausoleum on the 陸round form a grave mound... 陵 1849 陸 0551 □ 116 算alculate cash with a 筆riting-brush... 算 0236 筆 0254 □ 117 Selling 率ate of 傘mbrellas enthused Cinderella… 率 0755 傘 1068 □ 118 給upply of 絵rawings & 絵ketches for the art fest... 給 0489 絵 0195 絵 0195 □ 119 短hort nautical 程egree set by Captain Smee... 短 0277 程 0670
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