Smart Inventory Solutions. Phillip Slater

Smart Inventory Solutions - Phillip Slater

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Terms and Expressions

       Adopting a Zero Inventory Mindset

       The Influence of Process

       Systems Thinking

       The MIM Cycle in Detail

       Chapter 5 Policies & Procedures

       When is Critical Really Critical?

       The Spares Stocking Policy

       Chapter 6 Issues, Myths and a Few Home Truths

       Why Inventory Reduction Often Fails

       Cracking the Inventory Code

       5 Myths of Inventory Reduction

       Why You Might Hold More Inventory Than You Really Need

       Chapter 7 The Spare Parts Storeroom

       The Central Hub

       Squirrel Stores & Why You Would Be Nuts to Keep Them

       MRO and Engineering Spares: Lean, Mean or Somewhere In Between?

       Is Your Storeroom a Pit Stop or a Supermarket?

       Chapter 8 The 7 Actions for Inventory Reduction

       The Bath Tub Principle

       Hypothesis Driven Analysis

       Double Loop Learning

       Action #1: Have Someone Else Hold It and/or Pay For It

       Action #2: Sell Excess and Obsolete Stock

       Action #3: Eliminate Duplication

       Action #4: Change the Factors That Drive Safety Stock

       Action #5: Reduce Reorder Stock

       Action #6: More Closely Match Delivery with Usage

       Action #7: Reduce the Value of Items Held

       Chapter 9 Inventory Process Optimization™

       Beware Implicit Assumptions

       The Inventory Process Optimization™ Method

       Stream 1: The Individual Parts Review

       • The Inventory Cash Release® Process

       • Getting the Focus Right

       • When to Apply Which Action

       • The Step-By-Step Process

       • Example Application of the ICR® Process

       • Reviewing the Long Tail

       Stream 2: The Management Process Review

       Chapter 10 Execution: Taking Action to Achieve Results

       Selecting Your Inventory Review Champion

       The Role of Your Inventory Review Champion

       Who to Involve in an Inventory Review Program

       The Three Stages of an Inventory Process Optimization™ Program

       Measuring Your Progress

       Integrating New Inventory Items

       Integrating Inventory Process Optimization™ with Inventory Management

       Chapter 11 Case Studies

       Case Study 1: Establishing a Materials and Inventory Management System

       Case Study 2: Applying the Inventory Process Optimization™ Method

       Chapter 12 Where To From Here?


       Appendix A: Materials and Inventory Management Glossary

       Appendix B: Data Collection Questions


       Need More Information?


      Chapter 2: The Mechanics of Inventory Management


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