Guide to Reading and Writing Japanese. Florence Sakade
Many thanks to Professor Janet Ikeda for her careful review of the previous edition’s text, and her updates and improvements to allow this book to continue as a core reference for today’s learners.
The editors of this revised edition respectfully acknowledge the work of the earlier editions carried out by Florence Sakade and her editorial team, work which has been of assistance to generations of students.
Grateful acknowledgment is also due to Calvert Barksdale, Nancy Goh, Tan Cheng Har, Flavia Hodges, Tan Mike Tze, Nathan Burrows, Neil Chandler, Bruce Penno, Paul Eagle, Shozo Tsuji, Yasuko Tsuji, and Kazuko Seeley.
The 1,006
ICHI, ITSU, hito-, hito(tsu), one
一月 ichigatsu, January
一番 ichiban, first, best
一冊 issatsu, one (book, magazine)
✓ 5
NI, futa(tsu), two
二月 nigatsu, February
二か月 nikagetsu, two months
二回 nikai, twice
✓ 5
SAN, mi-, mit(tsu), three
三月 sangatsu, March
三人 sannin, three people
三日 mikka, three days, the third day
✓ 5
SHI, yon, yo-, yot(tsu), yo(tsu), four
四月 shigatsu, April
四日 yokka, four days, the fourth day
四十 shijū, yonjū, forty
✓ 5
✓= AP #= JLPT
GO, itsu(tsu), five
五月 gogatsu, May
五人 gonin, five people
五十 gojū, fifty
✓ 5
ROKU, mut(tsu), mu(tsu), six
六月 rokugatsu, June
六か月 rokkagetsu, six months
六十 rokujū, sixty
✓ 5
SHICHI, nana(tsu), nana, seven
七月 shichigatsu, July
七ヶ月 nanakagetsu, seven months
七十 shichijū, nanajū, seventy
✓ 5
HACHI, yat(tsu), ya(tsu), eight
八月 hachigatsu, August
八か月 hachikagetsu, eight months
八十 hachijū, eighty
✓ 5
KYŪ, KU, kokono(tsu), nine
九月 kugatsu, September
九十 kujū, kyūjū, ninety
九時 kuji, nine o’clock
✓ 5
JŪ, tō, ten
十月 jūgatsu, October
十日 tōka, ten days, the tenth day
十回 jikkai, ten times
✓ 5
HYAKU, hundred
二百 nihyaku, two hundred
三百 sanbyaku, three hundred
百貨店 hyakkaten, department store
✓ 5
SEN, chi, thousand
千円 sen’en, a thousand yen
三千 sanzen, three thousand
五千 gosen, five thousand
✓ 5
NICHI, JITSU; hi, day, sun; ~ka, suffix for counting days
日曜日 nichiyōbi, Sunday
昨日 sakujitsu, kinō, yesterday
朝日 asahi, morning sun
✓ 5
GETSU, GATSU; tsuki, month, moon
月曜日 getsuyōbi, Monday
来月 raigetsu, next month
三日月 mikazuki, new moon
✓ 5
KA; hi, fire
火曜日 kayōbi, Tuesday
火ばち hibachi, charcoal brazier
火事 kaji, fire, conflagration
✓ 5
SUI; mizu, water
大水 ō-mizu, flood, inundation
水力 suiryoku, water power
水兵 suihei, sailor
✓ 5
BOKU, MOKU; ki, tree, wood
木曜日 mokuyōbi, Thursday
材木 zaimoku, lumber
木製 mokusei, made of wood
✓ 5
KIN, KON, gold; kane, money