Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong

Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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v, x, y.

      The Vietnamese consonants are written as single letters or a cluster of two or three letters, as follows:

      b, c, ch, d, ñ, g, gh, gi, h, k, kh, l, m, n, ng, ngh, nh, p, ph, qu, r, s, t, th, tr, v, x.

      The vowels in Vietnamese are the following: a, aê, aâ, e, eâ, i/y, o, oâ, ô, u, ö. Vowels can also be grouped together to form a cluster or a word.

      The following tables show the vowels and consonants in Vietnamese pronunciation with their English equivalents.


      The standard Vietnamese language has six tones. Each tone is a meaningful and integral part of the syllable. Every syllable must have a tone. The tones are indicated in conventional Vietnamese spelling by diacritic marks placed over (aù, aø, aû, aõ) or under (aï) single vowels or the vowel in a cluster that bears the main stress (v).

      Tone Symbols

      The six tones just described are summarized in the following chart to illustrate the differences between them as they are associated with individual words.

      The Vietnamese language has its national standard syntax, morphology and the tone system, although there are some regional variations in pronunciation and accents. The significant differences in pronunciation and accents between the Northern and Southern people (represented by Hanoi and Saigon respectively) are as follows:

      1. There is no difference in the single vowels between Hanoi and Saigon.

      2. There are two vowel clusters /öu/ and /öôu/ which are pronounced /iu/ and /ieâ u/ by Hanoi, and /öu/ and /öôu/ by Saigon.

      3. Differences in the pronunciation of consonants:

      4. Saigonese do not differentiate between the two tones /?/ and /~/; these are pronounced alike.




      a 1 n. acre [100 square meters] chöõ vieát taét maãu Taây 2 a! intj. Oh! [exclamation term]

      a dua v. to flatter, to follow

      a-loâ! intj. Hello!

      a phieán n. (= thuoác phieän) opium

      A-Phuù-Haûn n. Afghanistan, Afghan

      a toøng v. to act as an accomplice

      aù! intj. Oh! Ouch!

      Aù n. Asia, Asian: Ñoâng Nam AÙ Southeast Asia

      AÙ-Caên-Ñình n. Argentina, Argentine

      Aù Chaâu n. Asia, Asian: Ñoâng Nam Aù Chaâu Southeast Asia

      Aù Ñoâng n. Asia, The East, The Orient, Asian, Eastern, Oriental

      aø intj. Oh! Ah!: Theá aø? Is that so?

      aû n. lass, gal, dame, damsel

      aû ñaøo n. traditional song female singer

      Aû Raäp n. Arabia, Arab, Arabian

      aï intj. polite particle: vaâng aï Yes sir

      aùc adj. cruel [opp. hieàn], severe, fierce; R evil [opp. thieän]

      aùc caûm n. antipathy, ill-feeling, dislike

      aùc chieán n. a bloody fight

      aùc lieät adj. [of a fight, battle, war] very violent, very fierce

      aùc mieäng adj. foul-mouthed

      aùc moäng n. nightmare

      aùc oân n. wicked thug

      aùc thuù n. wild animal

      aùc yù n. malice, ill-will

      aùch n. yoke

      ai pron. Who?, whom, whoever, everyone, someone, anyone

      Ai Caäp n. Egypt, Egyptian

      Ai Lao n. Laos, Laotian [see Laøo]

      aùi aân v. to make love

      aùi chaø! intj. Well, well!

      aùi höõu n. friendly society

      aùi ngaïi v. to feel compassion for

      aùi löïc n. affinity

      Aùi Nhó Lan n. Ireland, Irish

      aùi nöõ n. daughter

      aùi quoác adj. patriotic: loøng aùi quoác patriotism; nhaø aùi quoác patriot

      aùi tình n. (= tình yeâu) love

      aûi n. pass, hurdle

      am n. small Buddhist temple, cottage

      am hieåu v. to know well, to be familiar with

      aùm aûnh v. to be obsessed, beset

      aùm hieäu n. secret signal

      aùm muoäi adj. stupid, fishy, shady

      aùm saùt v. to assassinate: vuï aùm saùt assassination

      aùm taû n. dictation

      an adj. safe, secure; R peace: bình an (= yeân) security

      an höôûng v. to live peacefully, to enjoy peacefully: an höôûng cuoäc ñôøi to enjoy life peacefully

      an khang adj. healthy and safe

      An Nam n. Vietnam [old term]

      an ninh n. security: cô quan an ninh security service

      an nhaøn adj. to be leisurely: ñôøi soáng an nhaøn a good and easy life

      an phaän v. to feel smug: an phaän thuû thöôøng to feel smug about one’s present circumstances

      an toaï v. to be seated

      an toaøn adj. secure, safe

      an uûi v. to comfort

      aùn n. judgment, sentence, verdict: toaø aùn court of law

      aùn maïng n. murder, homicide

      aùn treo n. suspended sentence

      aùng n. literary work: aùng vaên chöông literature work

      anh 1 n. (= huynh) elder brother: anh em brothers/you; anh caû eldest brother; anh reå brother-in-law [one’s sister’s husband]; anh ruoät blood brother; anh hoï cousin [one’s parent’s elder sibling’s son] 2 pron. anh (first person as I [used by elder brother to younger sibling], and as you [used to young man]); he [used of young man]

      Anh n., adj. Great Britain, England; British, English: Nöôùc Anh England, Britain; tieáng Anh English; lieân hieäp Anh the British Commonwealth

      Anh Caùt Lôïi n. England, English


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