Tuttle Concise Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van Giuong
naùu v. to hide oneself, to take shelter
aån nuùp v. to hide, to take cover
aáp 1 n. hamlet, settlement, farm 2 v. to sit on [eggs]
AÂu n. Europe, European: AÂu Myõ Western; chaâu AÂu Europe
aâu phuïc n. Western clothes
aâu saàu adj., v. sad, sorrowful; to grieve, to be concerned
aâu yeám v. fondle, caress
aáu 1 adj. R to be young: lôùp ñoàng aáu first grade [primary school] 2 n. caltrops: aên cuû aáu to eat caltrops
aáu tró adj. childish, immature
aáu tró vieân n. kindergarten
aåu adj., v. careless, negligent; to disregard rules and regulations
aåu ñaû v. to fight, to brawl
aáy 1 adj., pron. that, those: chính phuû aáy that government 2 intj. Look! Mind you!
ba 1 num. [SV tam] three: thöù ba third; Tuesday; möôøi ba thirteen; ba möôi/chuïc thirty 2 n. [Fr. papa] dad, father 3 n. R wave (= soùng): loø beáp vi ba microwave
ba ba n. turtle
ba chæ n. side: mua moät mieáng thòt ba chæ to buy a cut of pork-side
ba gai adj. rowdy, impolite
ba hoa adj., v. talkative; to talk too much; to boast, to brag
Ba Lan n. Poland, Polish
ba laêng nhaêng adj. undisciplined, disorganized; worthless
Ba loâ n. knapsack, rucksack: vai mang ba loâ to carry a knapsack on one’s shoulder
ba phaûi adj. agreeing with everyone
Ba Taây n. Brazil, Brazilian
ba toong n. [Fr. baton] stick, cane
ba trôïn adj. unruly, rude
Ba Tö n. Persia, Iran; Persian, Iranian
baù 1 adj. R one hundred (= traêm): 2 n. R count, earl, mandarin, title of king’s court 3 v. R to sow [seeds]: truyeàn baù to spread; quaûng baù to broadcast
baù caùo v. to announce, to publicize, to proclaim
baù chuû n. lord, master, ruler
baù quyeàn n. hegemony
baùtöôùc n. earl, count
baø 1 n. [SV toå maãu] grandmother; female: baøngoaïi maternal grandmother; baønoäi paternal grandmother; ñaøn baø woman, women 2 pron. lady/you [used by grandchild to grandmother, first person pronoun being chaùu]; I [used by grandmother to grandchild, second person pronoun being chaùu]; you [used to refer to women of a certain age, first person pronoun being toâi]
baø con n. relative, relation, fellow
baø ñôõ n. midwife
baø phöôùc n. (= dì phöôùc) Catholic female priest, sister
baø vaõi n. Buddhist nun
baû 1 n. lure; poison; bait: baû vinh hoa the lure of honors 2 pron. (= baø aáy) she; her
baû vai n. flat of shoulder, shoulder blade
baõ n. residue, waste, dregs: baõ mía sugar-cane residue
baï adj. anyone; anything; anywhere; at random, haphazardly
baùc 1 n. uncle [father’s elder brother] 2 pron. you [used to refer to an uncle, first person pronoun being chaùu], I [used to refer to a nephew or niece, second person pronoun being chaùu], you [used to refer to craftsmen, first person pronoun being toâi]; you [my child’s uncle or aunt; also used to refer to friends]; she, he: Chaùu xin chaøo baùc? How are you? 3 v. to scramble [eggs] 4 v. to reject [application, proposal]
baùc aùi adj. humane, tolerant, altruistic
baùc boû v. to reject
baùc hoïc n. learned man, scholar, scientist: nhaø baùc hoïc scientist
baùc só n. doctor, medical doctor
baïc 1 n. [SV ngaân] silver; money: ñoàng baïc piastre; kho baïc treasury; tieàn baïc money, currency; ñaùnh baïc to gamble 2 adj. dis-colored, faded
baïc beõo adj. ungrateful, unrewarding
baïc ñaõi v. to betray, to treat with indifference, to be ill-treated
baïc haø n. peppermint, mint
baùch num. R one hundred (= traêm)
baùch boä v. to go for a walk
baùch hoaù n. all kinds of goods
baùch khoa n. polytechnical, encyclopedic; baùch khoa töø ñieån encyclopedia
baùch phaân n. per cent, centigrade
baùch thaûo adj. botanical: vöôøn baùch thaûo botanical gardens
baùch thuù n. zoological: vöôøn baùch thuù zoo
baïch adj. R white (= traéng): baïch chuûng the white race
baïch kim n. platinum
Baïch OÁc n. (= Baïch Cung) the White House
baùi v. R to bow, to kowtow, to pay homage to
baøi 1 n. text, lesson, script; CL for nouns denoting speeches, newspaper articles; cards: moät baøi dieãn vaên a speech; con/laù quaân/ caây baøi a deck of cards; chôi baøi, ñaùnh baøi to play cards; daøn baøi outline 2 v. R to be against
baøi tieát v. to excrete; to eliminate
baøi trí v. to furnish; to decorate
baøi tröø v. to abolish; to get rid of [an evil]
baøi vôû n. class materials; task
baøi xích v. to disapprove of; to be against
baõi 1 n. flat expanse, field, stretch [of grass, sand, etc.]: baõi beå shore, beach; baõi ñaù boùng soccer field; baõi sa maïc desert; baõi tha ma graveyard 2 v. R to stop, to cease, to strike: baõi binh to cease fighting, to disarm
baõi khoùa v. [of students] to strike
baõi thò v. [of market vendors] to strike
baõi tröôøng n. school vacation
baïi v. to lose [battle, war], to be defeated (= thua): thaát baïi to fail [opp. thaønh, thaéng]
baùm v. to hang on, to stick, to cling [laáy to]
ban 1 n. section, board, committee, commission: ban nhaïc orchestra, band 2 n. section of time: ban ngaøy in the daytime; ban ñeâm during the night; ban naãy just now, a short while ago; ban saùng this morning 3 v. to grant, to bestow, to confer
ban boá v. to issue, to promulgate [laws, regulation]
ban haønh v. to issue, to promulgate, to enforce [laws]
ban khen v. to praise, to award
ban phaùt v. to distribute, to dispense
baùn 1 v. [SV maïi] to sell; to be sold: baùn laïi to resell; ñoà baùn nöôùc traitor, quisling; baùn chòu to sell on credit; ngöôøi baùn haøng salesman, salesgirl 2 adj. semi, half: baùn coâng khai semi-official
baùn caàu n. hemisphere
baùn chính thöùc n. semi-official
baùn ñaûo n. peninsula: baùn ñaûo Trieàu Tieân the Korean Peninsula