Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
(bulk: 1936-1946), contains topical files on John W. Bricker, Harry Flood Byrd, James Francis Byrnes, William Edgar Borah, Charles E. Coughlin, Martin Dies, the Dies Committee, Robert Edward Edmondson, Henry Ford, Francisco Franco, Marcus Garvey, Adolf Hitler, Herbert Hoover, House Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Fritz Kuhn, Douglas MacArthur, Benito Mussolini, Robert Rice Reynolds, Robert A. Taft, anti-Semitism in the United States, Back to Africa Movement, Jews in the United States, lynching in the United States, racism in the United States, anti-Jewish propaganda, communism, Fascism, National Socialism, nationalism, and anti-communist propaganda. Correspondents include Charles Austin Beard, Charles Gustav Binderup, Theodore Gilmore Bilbo, Earnest Sevier Cox, Samuel Francis Hobbs, John Edgar Hoover, Willmoore Kendall, William Lemke, William H. Murray, Robert Rice Reynolds, Francis E. Townsend, and The White America Society. Series 6: Legislative Files, 1896-1946 (bulk: 1933-1946), contains files on Anti-Labor Legislation, Anti-Lynching, anti-Semitism, and the Townsend Plan. Correspondents include Styles Bridges, Douglas MacArthur, Samuel Barrett Pettengill, John Elliott Rankin, Francis Everett Townsend, Townsend National Recovery Plan Inc., and Francis Eugene Walter. Series 7: Alphabetical Correspondence, 1934-1946, discusses topics including anti-Semitism, John William Bricker, Harry Flood Byrd, and the Townsend Plan. Correspondents include American Gentile Party, Martin Dies, James Forrestal, John Edgar Hoover, Willmoore Kendall, William Lemke, Fulton Lewis, Clare Boothe Luce, William H. Murray, Wilbert Lee O'Daniel, Samuel Barrett Pettengill, John Elliott Rankin, Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith, Francis Everett Townsend, and Burton Kendall Wheeler.
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Finding aids:
[0345a] Albert Stephens Borgman Autograph Collection, 1600-1950 (bulk late 18th c-early 20th c), MS Am 1631
Location: Houghton Library, Harvard University, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Description: Consists of letters and a few manuscripts and documents of prominent literary figures, statesmen, and politicians from the United States and Europe. Files on Louis Agassiz, Jeremy Bentham, Edmund Burke, Nicholas Murray Butler, Thomas Alva Edison, Frank Harris, Herbert Hoover, Henry Louis Mencken, John Stuart Mill, Gifford Pinchot, and William Butler Yeats.
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[0345b] Douglas Borgstedt Papers, 1964-1974 [cartoons]
Location: Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Libraries, 222 Waverly Avenue, Syracuse, NY 13244-2010
Description: Douglas Borgstedt (1911- ) was an American editorial cartoonist. The series Cartoons contains cartoons from the evening and Sunday Philadelphia Bulletin, 1964-1974, on such topics as Rhodesia and white supremacy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Abortion, George Wallace, Ronald Reagan, J. Edgar Hoover, Civil rights, Busing, Integration and segregation, and Henry Cabot Lodge.
Finding aid:
[0345c] Robert H. Bork Papers, 1924-1987 (bulk 1962-1982), MSS65871
Location: Manuscript Division, Library of Congress, 101 Independence Ave. SE, Room LM 101, James Madison Memorial Bldg, Washington, D.C. 20540-4680
Description: Robert H. Bork (1927-2012) was a lawyer, legal scholar, professor of law, and federal appellate court judge. The papers consist of personal and official correspondence, lectures, legal briefs and opinions, legal case files, memoranda, speeches, writings, research notes, and other papers. The series Correspondence, 1953-1987, contains files on William J. Baroody, Charles W. Colson, Milton Friedman, Barry M. Goldwater, Alexander Meigs Haig, Irving Kristol, and Richard M. Nixon. The series Subject File, 1924-1987, contains files on American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, Washington, D.C.; Civil rights; Irving Kristol; Mont Pèlerin Society, London, England; and Ripon Society.
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[0345d] Rudy Boschwitz Papers, 1953-1993 (bulk 1978-1990), Coll. 00013
Location: Minnesota Historical Society, 345 W. Kellogg Blvd., St. Paul, MN 55102-1906
Description: Rudy (Rudolph Eli) Boschwitz (1930- ) was a two-term Republican senator from Minnesota. Legislative assistants' files, issue mail, and casework constitute the bulk of the collection (much of the casework and issue mail is on microfilm). There is also correspondence with constituents, newsletters, newspaper clippings, photographs, press releases, computer tapes, audio and video cassettes, microfilm, and other material. Form letters, legislative activities reports, voting and attendance records, and grants/projects files are also present. Series 2. Legislative Records. Subseries. Voting and Attendance Records, contains files on Conservative Register Vote Analysis; National Republican Senatorial Committee reports; ACA; American Security Council; Americans for Constitutional Action Research Institute; Chamber of Commerce of the United States; Conservative Caucus Research, Analysis, & Education Foundation; Conservatives Against Liberal Legislation; National Conservative Political Action Committee; National Right to Life Committee, Inc.; and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Websites with information:
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[0346] Boston Herald-Traveler Photo Morgue, c.1906-1972 [photographs]
Location: Print Department, 3rd Floor, McKim Building, Central Library, Boston Public Library, 700 Boylston St., Boston, MA 02116
Description: The Boston Herald-Traveler was a major Boston newspaper until 1972, when it shut down and was absorbed into the present day Boston Herald. The morgue consists of over 500,000 photographs by staff and contributing photographers, including the major wire services. The archive has sections organized both biographically and by subject and covers local, national and international subjects.
Websites with information:
[0347] Boston Jewish Community Relations Council records, undated, 1933-2002 (bulk 1944-1971), I-123 [digital collection]
Location: American Jewish Historical Society, New England Archives,