Conservatism, the Right Wing, and the Far Right: A Guide to Archives. Archie Henderson
Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center, 6th floor, University of Pennsylvania, 3420 Walnut Street, Philadelphia PA 19104-6206
Description: Lemuel R. Boulware (1895-1990) was a leading figure in industrial relations in America during the 1940's and 1950's. He was also a noted author and lecturer. As vice-president of General Electric Company with responsibility for public and employee relations, he developed "Boulwarism," a negotiation tactic with unions that was eventually found to be an unfair labor practice. His papers comprise correspondence, speeches, articles, memos, employee relations materials, photographs, clippings, etc. Series IX. Correspondence, etc., contains correspondence, mailings, articles and miscellaneous items by or about America's Future, American Economic Foundation, Tom Anderson (Straight Talk), George S. Benson, Styles Bridges ("Needed: A Something-for-Something Program"), William F. Buckley, James F. Byrnes, Cato Institute, John R. Chamberlain, Whittaker Chambers ("A Letter to My Children"), Frank Chodorov, Dartmouth Review, James C. Davis, Lawrence Fertig, James W. Fifield, James Forrestal, Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., The Freedom School, Inc., Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, The Freeman, Newt Gingrich, Barry Goldwater, Group Research, Inc., Harding College designation of Boulware as "A Distinguished American Citizen", F. A. Harper ("Savings: the Greatest Economic Charity"), Friedrich A. von Hayek, Henry Hazlitt, The Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, Human Events, The Intercollegiate Review, Intercollegiate Society of Individualists, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Inc., Jack Kemp, Howard E. Kershner, Willford I. King, Russell Kirk, Irving Kristol, Thomas A. Lane, William S. Lind (with a copy of "What is Cultural Conservatism?" Essays on Our Times, 2, no. 1 (March 1986)), Douglas MacArthur, The Manion Forum, E. Victor Milione, Raymond Moley, National Review, National Review Bulletin, National Right to Work Committee, Ron Paul, Westbrook Pegler, Stefan T. Possony, Rampart College Newsletter, Leonard E. Read, Henry Regnery, Rockford College, The Rockford Institute, Murray N. Rothbard, Edward A. Rumely, Richard M. Scaife, Hans Sennholz, Ralph de Toledano, Ludwig von Mises, Richard M. Weaver, A. C. Wedemeyer, Charles W. White (What Inflation Does to YOU), James L. Wick, George F. Will, and Young Americans for Freedom.
Kim Phillips-Fein, Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (New York and London: W.W. Norton, 2009).
Websites with information:
Finding aids:
[0351] Stephen Miles Bouton Papers, 1918-1962, Coll. 83014
Location: Hoover Institution Archives, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305-6010
Description: Bouton (1876-1963) was a journalist, foreign correspondent, and lecturer. Memoirs, dispatches, newspaper columns, other writings, speeches, and correspondence, relating to the German revolution of 1918, German politics and society from World War I to World War II, interwar European politics, and social conditions and civil liberties in the U.S. The series Correspondence, 1918-1962, contains correspondence with General Erich Ludendorff and H. L. Mencken. The series Speeches and Writings, 1931-1962, contains an interview with General Erich Ludendorff and a pamphlet, Chiefly Concerning Garet Garrett (1923). Subject File, 1932-1956, includes correspondence with Völkischer Beobachter, 1932.
Finding aid:
Finding aids to photographs (83014 - 10.AV):
2 prints and 1 postcard depicting S.M. Bouton, circa 1910s-1950s; and 1 postcard, autographed, depicting Count Luckner, German U-boat captain and explorer, 1926.
[0352] Robert O. Bowen Papers, 1948-1967, MS Group 13
Location: Special and Area Studies Collections, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida, 208 Smathers Library, 1508 Union Rd, Gainesville, FL 32611-7005
Description: Robert O. Bowen (1920-2003) was a professor, author, poet, and editor. He was the author of The Truth about Communism (Northport, Ala., Colonial Press [1962]). The correspondence consists of academic, literary, and personal correspondence. Correspondents include Bruce Alger, William Buckley, Barry Goldwater, J. Edgar Hoover, Frank Meyer, National Review, and E. Merrill Root.
Finding aid:
[0352a] Chester Bowles Papers, 1924-1982, MS 628
Location: Manuscripts and Archives, Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University Library, 128 Wall Street, P.O. Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520
Description: Chester Bowles (1901-1986) was governor of Connecticut (1948-1950), ambassador to India (1951-1953, 1963-1969), and U.S. representative (1959-1960). The papers consist of correspondence, speeches, writings, photographs, clippings, oral history interviews, and other material. Part I, Series I. Correspondence, 1942-1946, contains correspondence with William Benton, Styles Bridges, James F. Byrnes, James Forrestal, Freedom House, Herbert Hoover, National Association of Manufacturers, Wright Patman, and Dorothy Thompson. Part II, Series I. General Correspondence, 1946-1951, contains correspondence with William Benton, Thomas J. Dodd, Milton S. Eisenhower, Dwight David Eisenhower, Freedom House, Hamilton Holt, Isadore Lipschutz (Society for the Prevention of World War III), Henry Luce, Clare Boothe Luce, Leverett Saltonstall, John J. Sparkman, Peter Viereck, Francis E. Walter, and James P. Warburg. Part III, Series I. U.S. and International Correspondence, 1951-1953, contains correspondence with William Benton, Charles Brannan, Owen Brewster, Grenville Clark, Thomas J. Dodd, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Ralph E. Flanders, Foreign Policy Association, Archibald Henderson, Thomas C. Hennings, Jr., Bourke Hickenlooper, Walter H. Judd, John D. Lodge, Henry Cabot Lodge, Henry R. Luce, Clare Boothe (Mrs. Henry R.) Luce, Margaret Sanger, H. Alexander Smith, John J. Sparkman, Francis Cardinal Spellman, The Ford Foundation (United States), and Alexander Wiley. Part IV, Series I. Correspondence, 1953-1958, contains correspondence with Frank Altschul; American Institute of Pacific Relations; Asia Society (Committee for Free Asia); William Benton; Committee for Free Asia; Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.; Council Against Communist Aggression; Crusade for Free Democratic China, Inc.; Thomas J. Dodd; Milton Eisenhower; Dwight D. Eisenhower; Ralph E. Flanders; Ford Foundation; Foreign Policy Association; Fund for the Republic; Institute of Pacific Relations; C. D. Jackson; Walter Judd; Alfred Kohlberg; Irving Kristol; Henry Cabot Lodge; Clare Boothe & Henry Luce; Douglas MacArthur (also 2 memoranda of conversations); John McManus; Moral Re-Armament; National Committee for an Effective Congress; Richard M. Nixon; Wright Patman; Norman Podhoretz; Reader's Digest; Richard Russell; H. Alexander Smith; John Sparkman; DeWitt Wallace; and James P. Warburg. Part V, Series I. Correspondence, 1959-1960, contains correspondence with Frank Altschul, William Benton, Frank T. Bow, Charles F. Brannan, Homer Capehart, Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., Thomas J. Dodd, William J.B. Dorn, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Sam Engelhardt, Philip Hart, F. Edward Hébert, Tom Hennings, John Edgar Hoover, Donald L. Jackson, Walter Judd, Henry A. Kissinger, Jay Lovestone, National Committee for an Effective Congress, Wright Patman, Leverett Saltonstall, James H. Sheldon, H. Alexander Smith, John Sparkman, Herman E. Talmadge, Strom Thurmond, Francis E. Walter, James P. Warburg, and John Bell Williams. Part VI, Series I. Correspondence, 1961-1963, contains correspondence with Assembly of Captive European Nations, William Benton, Council on Foreign Relations, Thomas J. Dodd, Milton Eisenhower, Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Louis Fischer, Foreign Policy Association, Philip A. Hart, Eric Hoffer, Henry Luce, Research Institute of America, Inc., John Sparkman, and James P. Warburg. Part VII, Series I. Correspondence, 1963-1969, contains correspondence with William Benton, Council